Humanatees RISE UP

1  2019-12-25 by SkrrtSkrrtMyDickHurt


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Humanatees RISE UP -,

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Lmao what do they want obese replaced with.

Humanatee, you bigot.

So sorry mr. dick.

Where is czar-romulus, you imposter?

He’s my brother you nig

What about CZAR-REMULUS?

Idk who that is. He’s a fake

Whatever it is they would call it a slur 6 months later


Sure, your doctor is supposed to let you know when you're killing yourself, but when they blame all of your issues on your weight, that's hardly helpful. Many doctors don't bother to look past weight and don't diagnose things properly because "you would feel better if you lost weight"

sure, I may be addicted to heroin, but that's not the reason I don't feel well

Bigotry 😡

/r/fatpeoplehate dindu nuffin!

i cant believe that racist slope bitch Ellen Pao banned that before she got to r/CoonTown.

Ellen Pao is proof forced integration is terrible.

Asians after just as racist as colonizers.

Top comment is almost an "mmgh"

What could've been

No, it's good to be fat. Really.