Consumeproduct larps it up

1  2019-12-25 by MasterLawlzFan


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Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Consumeproduct larps it up -,

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Only consumes media that requires substantial mental engagement

all they do is post screenshots on reddit and complain about the jooz, they wouldn't know substantial mental engagement if it bit them on the arse

Someone should let the poor souls know social media is still media.

Actually social media is the lowest form of media, and also socializing.

that is engagement nerd

Rightoids have always been anti intellectual, all professors are suspected commies.

Well nobody’s complaining about actual STEM professors, just the fake science ones.

implying rightoids dont think every single STEM professor isnt a fake science one

they will seriouspost about how they are all communists every single time

i see no contridiction here

Goes to movies every once in awhile but only because his wife or her kids want to see them.


Yeah us cool guys only like real movies like Joker, small indie stuff.

Why no, I haven't seen or heard of Climax. Why do you ask?

Watched joker a couple of weeks back with huge expectations especially watching a reaction of gif of him killing a talk show host. Found it to he utter garbage and boring but kept watching and hoping it gets better lol. By the end of the movie, I had realized that the one and only good bit of the movie was spoiled for me. 2/10 trash movie 🤢

t. foid

Only a true rightoid would have joker cheapened for them by spoilers. Come over for dinner any time.

There's a dude whose post history is all LateStageCapitalism in there defending consumerism lol

It's a very interesting sub; the resident tankies of Reddit don't know whether to stick up for megacorps or risk being affiliating with 'The Far Right™'.

the fact that the sub praises “joker” shows how retarded they are

falling down did it first and was an actual good watch

King of Comedy did it nearly a decade before Falling Down did, lol