Wh*te w*man posts polyamorous Christmas photo with her two partners.

1  2019-12-25 by TigerKelley


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The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Whte wman posts polyamorous Chris... - archive.org, archive.today

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41k upvotes and countless lame comments. Stereotypical of reddit, though

Lol, she deleted the post

Lol she deleted her account


Thot: Patrolled


I missed it, am I missing anything?

Just a mayo and her animals

I’m guessing she was hot, based on updoots?

She wasn’t hot. I’m not just saying that to sound like a redditor, she was an older lady but still kinda attractive.

OwO a lady u say.

But also lame.

The pic is literally still up you fucking tard


If you say so. I don’t see it and I’m not hunting it down.

no its not you retarded jew boy

She wasn't like super hot, but she was hot enough to get Reddit coomers hard.


Why did the mods nuke that?

She nuked it herself it's not showing up on removeeddit or anything maybe the thought of being Reddit famous caused her to freak out and kill all the social media and stuff

she probably got a lot of pmed dickpicks

Can't stand this damn site. People always deleting there damn comments and shit.

Did anyone save the pic?

Thanks, she looks like Ivanka without her surgeries.

This greatly displeases me

I was about 50/50 based on the title whether this was gonna be an actual poly foid with a soyboy under each arm or a chick with two dogs