Gamers are normal people

1  2019-12-25 by MasterLawlzFan


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Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Gamers are normal people -,

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Bullying gamers is a good thing

Thank you for supporting the cause.

Holy shit I think this is a joke and I just bursted out laughing.

I will never understand essay posting

That's because you cannot read

Your point, faggot?


Honestly if it's longer than 140 characters it's probably not worth reading anyway.

Yeah no. Literally all fake. My daughter had an app called "play games" and she was later shot by a gamer (the police told me the killer had played video games after I asked them). 😂😂😂😂

One answer

First off, I'm sorry for your loss. I know losing a child is a very hard thing to go through. However, you're saying that because the shooter played video games, the games caused it? Correlation does not mean Causation. My aunt beat cancer, dos that mean that only females can beat cancer? No, it doesn't. Does it mean that only bakers can beat cancer? No, it doesn't. So if somebody plays a video game, and then go out and shoot someone, it does not mean the game caused the thoughts to shoot someone. Again, I'm sorry for your loss, but you can not blame your daughter's death on a video game. You can, and should, blame her death on the person who shot her.

How dumb can a person be?

*a gamer

It’s naive 11 year old gaymer that doesn’t understand people on the internet lie. Or a shit troll. I refuse to believe otherwise

gamergate strikes again

I smell a boomer

Nah, that's a deliberate troll

“Sir, it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that your child passed away as a result of her injuries she sustained in the shooting”

“Was he a gamer?”

“W-what sir? I misheard you.”

“Did he play video games?”

“I- I’m not sure sir, I would presume so.”

“Knew it”

Daily reminder that gamers are not people

jesus fucking christ. someone needs to lock you gamers up in mental ward. idk why you think it’s okay to come to a subreddit literally against you as an individual andnsay “you guys shouldn’t be against gaming it’s ok” you ARE THE ROBOLEM jesus christ i Know All your data is skewed because i’ve seen the real graphs that say very plainly “video games cause violent autism” and “video gamers are violently autistic” so nice try kiddo but maybe get woke befor eyou try to play with the big dogs. stop gaming for a few weeks, and see how much better and more positive you become. the change is distinct and noticeable, there will be no going back.

Best comment I've ever seen on the issue of gaming. Particularly, because it belongs on r/copypasta 😂😂😂

Snappy pleeease

I can honestly say that I've been asked a million times why I play games. And I normally just shrug and say "It's a hobby.", but that's a lie. Because when I'm in game, I'm at home. From the flames of cataclysm to the icy mountains of Tamriel, anywhere I venture, is a place I love and know. My entire life people preach that I could be anything that I wanted to be. But when I told them I wanted to be the captain of a ship, a spaceship, THE spaceship that saves humanity. That I wanted to be Commander Shepard they told me I need to get a grip on reality. And to them to them a grip on a reality means the American dream, working nine to five crammed up in a tiny cubicle having two-point-five kids, a two story suburban house and a white picket fence. I divorce once, and I'd have debt into my early thirties because I took some bullshit university degree that's supposed to help me in the end. Óvò

This isn't reality, this is just a dull outlook on it. Now I understand it's human nature to achieve greatness, but I can do this as Commander Shepard, I don't need a degree. And if I want to go on an adventure I don't ever have to leave the comfort of my home. Yet, people spend an entire salary to travel and I can't help but laugh. I've single-handedly stopped a reign of ancient wyverns from destroying a nation, but before I could do that do I had to:

Learn their language. Become a master in Swordsmanship, Smithing, Archery, Defense, Magic, Speech, Hunting and Thieving! ÔvÔ

Not to mention I had to take down an entire fleet of assassins along with a brigade of smugglers before I could even START my lessons in Dragon's Speak. I've always enjoyed an adventure, but I hated pawning my limbs to afford an eighteen-hour car ride. And aside from being told that I can enjoy a white-picket fence at the end of my career, all my years as a student was balance between Fractal Formulas and believing I never be able to love which is literal INSANITY. I've saved Princess Peach. I wanted to be the guy, and I became the guy. I saved Bandage Girl. And I've been Link for generations just to save Princess Zelda. But yet, I'm the eternal virgin, I'm the bird that's never going to love. ;v;

And sometimes this shit doesn't make sense to me, why people assume that I need to be out doing something and away from home to have fun when I have my own reality grasped between my hands. I have my own world at my fingertips, if I screw something up I can rewind time. I can't do that in real life, but when I'm in game I'm free to what I please, WHEN I please, I'm free to enjoy things the way I want to. I can build my own Kingdom and lead my people to freedom because I'm the mind behind the game. I'm the one who enjoys these games. >v<

I am a gamer. And I always will be. :v

This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

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Sentient AF

I prefer committing genocide epic gamer style 😎

do you want to fuck falco from star fox

I'm not really a fan of him having wings for arms but art where he's plowing Fox is always cute :>

falco is p hawt 😳

I main him in Smash!

Lmao same

Imagine being a gamer to the point where you have to type an essay defending your addiction and hobby.

only 419 mass shootings


That is a premium lolcow

That sub cannot be real. It feels like a LARP.

A dramatard is a mod there so yea

Porn is the true cause, not games.


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From the person who posted that, thank you for all the kind responses and upvotes, also thank you for.... THE DANK MEEEEMMMMEEEEEESSSS