Merry Christmas Dramanauts! :>

1  2019-12-25 by KaaraRaven

Now get the fuck out of this shithole and go spend time with your friends and family, you goddamn pathetic weirdos. Imagine spending Christmas Day on the internet, browsing fucking r/drama. >v<


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Merry Christmas Dramanauts! :> -,

  2. r/drama -,

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Thanks! Merry Christmas to all my fellow shitposters!

I only got on here this morning while I'm dropping a deuce and throwing in a fat dip of Copenhagen while my son terrorizes mom and grandma with the RC car I got him.

lol i had bad taco bell yesterday and am shitting my brains out so plenty of time for dramaposting

this only happens to mayos with their weak genetics

This only happens to mayos because only mayos eat at Taco Bell.

*wife's son

Put the Christ back in Christmas 😑😑😑

put the christ back in my ass

Merry Christmas my fellow autists and shitposters! Happy Hanukkah if you do that thing instead.

Imagine spending Christmas Day on the internet, browsing fucking r/drama. >v<

Better way to spend a holiday compared to all those seethers on AHS reporting everything in sight

Gimme a break, I just work up and am waiting for everyone else to wake up so that we can open gifts and eat pannetone.

Imagine spending Christmas Day on the internet, browsing fucking r/drama. >v<

Hey, some of us cant help it!

Snally did you have your baby yet?

Yeah my family is all out of state so it's just me, my roommate in the same situation, and the pets.

It's relaxing, plus I'm getting PTO.

You’re still a loser, but I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Lol Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! πŸ₯°

Don't you have a husband and kids?

mods are pathetic, lmao

Janitors can take a day off too (without pay ofc)

My sister just had a baby boy.. πŸ‘¦

Remember to buy lots of reddit gold to pay for his college


consume these nuts, bitch

shut the fuck up nogger

posts in LoL subs

consume memes

🚨 incel detected 🚨

G*mers are a mistake

shut the fuck up yt

insinuating i'm mayo

How dare u

I checked I have 100 coins.. He's gonna be bezos when he grows up and inherits them

after the crash reddit gold will be the only only currency that retains any value

$TSLA or Bust FAG!

Why is he in a straightjacket? Libertarian?

patriarchy .. sad

Make sure he never watches anime, then he just might have a chance

Bleach and Naruto are the first things hes gonna watch

So this all the shit youve sadpanda'd over the years?

Hell be shot posting in no time at all.

They gave a post partum book, but I told my sis to browse /r/Drama . She is a normie

Sunrise isn’t for another hour here 😞 then I have to wait for my brother to come over and we read from the Bible before we can get started on presents.

we read from the Bible before we can get started on presents.

Tell him Jesus was born around April...


This was me until I moved the fuck out. Fuck you're giving me flashbacks

I'll be doing it all day, gimme a break bird girl

Of the last 10 days, I've been trashed with friends at parties and their house so today is my quiet "i am gonna be sober" day.

Marry Christmas shitposting friends!

not drinking expensive alcohol at 10am when it's one theses days where it's socially acceptable

What's wrong with you ?

I like to go against conventional norms and drink on days that are NOT xmas this week. :D

This morning is the first morning I woke up without a hangover or that nasty alcohol feeling. I need to switch to weed tbPh.

Enjoy your stale parties on weed, where everyone is silent, listening to music and rushing to KFC at 2am before you get home.

ha, nah I agree. Weed is for being chill, watching movies or be a degenerate gayyymer. Alcohol is a party/social drug. I just hate alcohol but it's the only legal thing around here so everywhere I go it's shots and drinking too much.

Yeah what the fuck.

This is one of the few days of the year where I can drink unlimited mimosas at 8am around family members and they can't say shit.


Could you be more basic

I could if you really want me to.

I am Jewish I do not celebrate christmas

Happy Hannukah! πŸ¦πŸ•Ž

Thanks goyim

It's goy you can't even jew properly smdh.

Report to the merchant guild shlomo we have a lot to talk about.

I am Jewish and I do celebrate Christmas.

Based Jew

True Jew detected. A free day of not working and collecting free stuff. Your ancestors would be proud.



Merry Christmas you stinky birb >:)

And to everyone else too, of course.

My son got engaged and decided to tell everyone on Christmas Eve, so the party turned into the affair of the season. Spent last night cleaning up booze, butts, and other assorated items. Happy birthday Jesus.


I'm the rare under-40 Boomer. Pre-marital HS pregnancy gang rise up.

An r/drama milf other than Snally?

How young did you have a kid? Tell them high school marriages usually end in divorce so it’s best not to actually get married.

17ish, give or take a year for non-doxx. First time out I was shooting bullseyes lol.

I’m so sorry.

So your son is taking up the family tradition of getting a shotgun marriage at 16?

Fentanyl Americans be like

I'm trying to avoid my family. Stayed up all night wrapping presents and got woken up early.

Menry Christmas preetty birb, I hop you find plenty seed. OwO

Nope, I'm at work.

Merry birdmas!!!

my fam are all taking turns vomiting w/ fevers aches & chills so the get together was cancelled

thankfully i can hang out with you guys here and not worry about giving anyone aids

Currently waiting for the inlaw's calamity cooking extravaganza to produce something edible. Pray for me, r/drama.

Next year I'm demanding Christmas happens at our house so I can control the food supply. No more lukewarm ham x green bean casserole, no sir.

No ... green bean casserole


I'm just automatically skeptical of anything with the word casserole

i can do both bitch

/r/Drama posters are my friends and family.

It's Boxing Day already, which means I'm free to browse here all day!

Brb testing a thing