Incoming ban in 3...2...1...

1  2019-12-25 by escargott


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Jews did this


  1. Incoming ban in 3...2...1... -,

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Snappy you're gonna get us shoahed too.

insta allah

You know just what to say snappy.

I hope this kills doge once and for all

After this one dies were getting baby yoda aren't we

Disney panicking because their beloved marketing toy got turned into a "hate symbol" would be amazing.

All Disney would have to do is send the ADL a nice fat check for them to say. "Baby Yoda isnt a hate symbol, it was just a bunch of trolls that tried to pretend that it was. Totally unlike milk or the OK symbol".

But then all dramanauts have to do is double down with false flag operations to make fake hate posts along with fake outrage to kill the little green fuck once and for all

Man if Lefties had half the balls those retards do we'd be getting some funny content.

Is that meme talking about the mde subs

110 subreddits



Rightoids only I guess my bad

When you get tired of dog whistles and start using doge whistles

That's actually quite good

Thanks much appreciated

but officer how can it be a hate crime if I loved doing it
