Michael Jackson defenders and truthers battle it out on r/documentaries. Is it bad to sleep with underage boys? Is it normal to have caches of child porn strewn about the house? Was Russia involved? Was he a Smooth Criminal, or is it just Human Nature to molest children? I think I need a shower now.

1  2019-12-25 by AdvancedDiscount

Let's dive right in. Pizza, I believe you might has some input on this case?

Pedo or not, famous or not. As a father of three, i can tell you there is no way i would let any of my kids sleep over, alone, with a strange behaving grown man. ESPECIALLY if he requested that my wife and i stayed in a seperate building. I am not saying he is guilty, neither innocent - but there is no denying he was weird as fuck.

This goes without saying, sweety, for anyone who's not a genuine Moloch-worshiper.

Take the time. Do the research from verifiable and reputable sources of information. I have literally spent years researching Michael Jackson’s life, art, and allegations and I can honestly say that if you peel back the layers of his accusations you will see that his innocence has always been there.

Reputable sources like shitty Youtube spergouts documentaries?

It seems to me like you imply MJ was such a powerful figure that having the FBI raid your house and them monitoring you for over decade and finding nothing to even indict you when they had a very vested interest in doing so, means nothing because of Epstein and Saville? The fuck?

What about all the other families who were contacted by the prosecution during the trial, where they tried to find just ONE other family from the hundreds he knew around the world to come forward and say he did something bad but they found nothing? Wouldn't it have been prime opportunity for others to come forward during the trial to make their case?

Parents don't want to implicate themselves as accessories to diddling, more news at 11.

The porn accusation is wrong. He never had any porn near any of the childre [sic] the beat [sic] thing the fbi could find thats [sic] similar is a new york times best seller art book.

  1. Learn to spell you fucking cretin. 2. How many "tasteful" drawn nudes of adolescents would we find in this guy's home?

He displayed typical grooming and paedophile like behaviour. This grown man had "sleepovers" with young boys for decades. Just boys, no girls. Even the "exonerating testimony" say he only shared a bed with them, which is still a huge red flag. Would you suggest that a grown man exchanging gifts and money for sleeping in the same bed as a child is not incredibly worrying, and on it's own highly suggestive of a sexual motive?

(Emphasis mine). Spotted the Britbong. Don't think we need them to lecture us on kiddie-diddling.

Why would you not think that the human whose childhood was ripped and beaten out of him would turn to children to feel not so alone? Why are you so obstinately against someone like that being stuck emotionally as a "child" for their entire lives?

If you want children for love and companionship, father them yourself. Then, importantly, don't fuck them.

What utter shite. Read the titles of the other videos by this user on YouTube:

“Who gave ease-e aids?” Spoiler alert FBI? “FBI Reveals Biggies killer was an LAPD officer”

I’m betting this is a Russian troll account that was setup to spread disinformation about the FBI in the African American community.

I have some Russia-hysteria liberals in my family. I think I should write Protocols of the Elders of Moscow and give it to them next Christmas.

I'm confused. Is this legit or not? If it's legit, why is nearly every comment still calling Michael guilty?

Pedophile propaganda is often ineffective, I wonder why?

Fuck Michael Jackson and his dead pedo ass

The only correct response.


Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


  1. Michael Jackson defenders and truth... - archive.org, archive.today

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What did the priest say at Michael Jackson's funeral?

There went the competition.

"Game loves game, and I loved MJ"


You might fit right into that crowd if you forget to post a link, but I love you regardless because you are extra special 😘 ❤️

I’m retarded

You know you can listen to artists who did questionable things right? Most of the best artists were fucked up to some degree. The more fucked up the better the music

Yea idc if he fucked kids his music is rad as hell

Micheal Jackson literally dindu nuffin. Well, he was weird in the sense that he was a manchild, but he didn't do anything perverted. Why do you think the families sued him instead of pressing criminal charges? You'd want someone who molested your child to go to prison, right?

The 2 families who sued him were super scammy. The first lawsuit was by a drug dealing dentist who used the money to make Robin Hood Men in Tights. The second lawsuit was by a crazy woman who sued various celebrities for various things.