Anyone else developed a burning hate for redditors?

1  2019-12-25 by Ultrashitposter

It's mostly the language they use. The terms "wholesome", "wifey" "sexy time", "pupper". The fake niceness and empty platitudes and shitty feel-good advice. The /r/sex threads were really the final drop to show we need a new Sodom and Gomorrah, inshallah.

I hate redditors so goddamn much.


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. Anyone else developed a burning hat... -,

  2. /r/sex -,

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This is basically the only sub I look at, most of reddit is just pure unfiltered soy


So uhh lets see, drama, t_d, a few game subs to keep track of patches, characterrant, the sub for the webnovel worm, smuggies, vegaspro help sub, a few tranny subs and that's pretty much it. The rest of reddit is insufferable.

a few tranny subs

How's your front hole

a few tranny subs

for amusement and bewilderment

Whatever you say, hun. ;>


Yet you didn't include them in the category of "insufferable" for some reason. Hmm...

Fascinating things are not insufferable.

It's OK to like girldick in current year+4, we won't judge you.


big cope pill right here

Unironically being a t_d poster

All of reddit is pretty shit tho. Does it really matter where you are at that point? This is basically facebook now.

t_d not in the insufferable category

Yikes sweaty

the sub for the webnovel worm


Wormfags are literally everywhere at this point. It's hilarious.

It's a pretty decent work, all fanbase autism aside.

a few tranny subs

Imagine that I had cued up Z to that part where the fascist general explains that he only went to the Bolshoi Ballet to look for reds.

Same. It kinda feels not good for my mental health, but so does the front page or r/all.

Overall, I don't get as copey/seethey when I'm here, rather than over there where all the faggots are posting cancer recovery/"my dad just became a citizen!"/shitty leftist meme.

It's better to laugh at the retards rather than sit quietly among them.

you just need to brighten your day with some heckin good chonker puppers 😲🤓

Ugh you just ruined my fucking Xmas. Was going great until your comment

Pure meta

I brighten mine with a smol danger noodle.

we 👏 don't 👏 deserve 👏 pupperinos

Your comment is so wholsesome 100 that you deserve some kissiewissies from a pibble my good sir!

Is there anything worse than

wellthatsucks: I just got a hospital bill for $104,000

I’m a European, and I literally don’t understand why healthcare isn’t free?

because America is worst

I feel sorry for you guys, my vasectomy was free in [shithole europoor country]

save us pls, you or Bernie are our only hope

My favorite is when they later admit they only had to pay $70 out of pocket.

Those threads are bad for me. I usually get downvoted into the triple digits trying to explain why American healthcare is kinda dumb, but not as dumb as retarded leftists try to make it seem. The whole “we’re literally all dying and oppressed, save us, Sweden!” Is my least favorite reddit trope

I agree w you that I've read that exchange way too many fucking times. Like I fucking get it. America is shitty in the healthcare aspect. I haven't had to deal w a shitty deductible and that entire process yet tho. Maybe our tune will change we get crippling scoliosis or some shit when we graduate to Boomer tier age..

Anyways, if your bored go ahead and watch this

Yet every wealthy person in the entire planet comes to the US for health care.

Really activates the almonds.

yeah that's not true, but whatever, if it makes you feel better riding your Walmart scooter into the sunset I'm not gonna tell you what to think


You give me a rub and tug I give you the cope and seethe 😎

I haven't had to deal w a shitty deductible and that entire process yet tho.

So what you're saying is that you're a pussy.

If I was a pussy then I would have to deal w it. But since I'm literally Henry Cavill and impervious to any injury I dont need to go-to hospitals.

Henry Cavill

No, you're just a pussy.

Of course you know his (I mean mine) insta by heart. Post bussy u lil bihBOI

totes by heart you caught me

There are comments about healthcare on every single thread. I hope healthcare in the U.S. is never free and all these people die.

Sad thing is, they won't, because they're all middle-class white teenagers on their parents' insurance.

Let the anger and hate flow through you pilled

let them die

And wait till you see what a neat, new political party can offer you!

...before you rightards get excited I'm talking about the Purge Party, which is mandated to be radically centrist

I really would support a party that prioritizes all well-being save for those that extend lifespan.

The smugness from Europoors talking shit about the US with their being jailed for free speech and having lnives, riots and no-go muslim rape zones is just unreal. "THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT AMERICA WHAT A SHITHOLE" It's ancestors left that fucking garbage pile of a continent for a reason. Based upon the genealogy research my family has done, I most likely have direct ancestors who shot redcoats dead for being smug, authoritarian pieces of shit. Fuck all of you.

And to top it off, you have Syrup Niggers to the north trying to jump in on the action like their PM isn't shucking and jiving, importing savages, and killing their economy. Fuck Australia too.

Holy shit. You're actually sick in the head. Like, this is copypasta material right here. You're not an asshole. You're just really, really fucking sick.

Haha, you're that guy who got mad in another thread when I agreed with you but said you got downvoted for being an asshole. At least I know where to come to get upvoted for being an asshole.

How's my post history look? Any other comments get you hard?

You're like a beautiful spectrum of idiot, supreme gentleman, and pure worthless trash. I'm literally going to use this as copypasta. You'll be famous.

You're like a beautiful spectrum of idiot, supreme gentleman, and pure worthless trash.

I'm not sure what that means, but you probably felt smart when you said it.

Thanks for appreciating my creativity.

Oh no, you're not creative. Sick people aren't "creative."

Sick people aren't "creative."

I mean, the best ones usually are lol.

Like every other famous artist is sick in the head retard


Cope harder.


Cope harder, internet-cels and healthcare-cels. At least my broadband internet will never have a fucking DATA CAP. :D

Neither does mine lmao

Yeah it just has a language cap

I take offense to syrup niggers comment

Good. Day of take soon

"The smugness from Europoors talking shit about the US with their being jailed for speech and having knives, riots and no-go muslim rape zones is just unreal"

Its really only the brits that are banning knive and jailing people for jokes and such. They are fags, i can agree with you on that . But your ghettos are way worse than the ones we have. Our "no go zones" are way safer than detroit, chicago or some other american shithole.

The difference between American ghettos and the "no-go zones" is that our country is almost the size of your entire continent, so having a couple ghettos here and there means almost nothing (aside from majorly driving up our country's crime rate). Your shitty little island, on the other hand, suffers more from having space taken up by ghettos, since you've not got much space to begin with.

well, im not a brittfag, so dont come here whith that !shitty litte island" bullshit. America is a shitt country with terrible standards of living for a huge amount of the population. There is not a single "no go zone" that is nearly as dangerous as you cities. Europe is better

Lmao ok Eurofag.

Dont you have some burgers to eat or a school to shoot up??? Come over here and ill fuck you in the ass. You can have anal recunstruction surgery for free afterwards, its on of the perks of being a eurofag

Don't threaten me with a good time, bitch.

America is a shitt country with terrible standards of living for a huge amount of the population. There is not a single "no go zone" that is nearly as dangerous as you cities. Europe is better

LOL 0/10 pasta.

Cope faggot, you know its the truth

That you're trying to make pasta and it's coming out horribly?




That's right and I'll suck your balls dry if you don't watch it.

Ok frog leg nigger

Ive got a frog leg for you right here

Imagine wanting burgers to live longer.

I don’t. Hence why healthcare should never be free, especially for poors

My favorite is when they later admit they only had to pay $70 out of pocket.

And wait 5 years.

Everytime I browse default subs it really does feel less ke this site is full of whiny stupid faggots


Subreddits that are pure, distilled essence of nerd like r/whowouldwin, r/asksciencefiction, and various small tv/movie subs are good because redditors are good at talking about nerd shit. They are bad at talking about real life, especially politics.

I find r/whowouldwin kind of charming because they're really old school and honest in their nerdery. It's not all posts about Funko Pops and $30 drinks at the Disneyland Star Wars cantina, it's just good old fashioned nerds having a good old fashioned argument about meaningless nerd shit.

It’s one of the most based subreddits, honestly.


Www fucking sucks and is one of the worst debateforums out there, not as bad as factpile or vsbattlewiki but still up there.

WWW: Bobby Hill or an assmad dramatard?

R1) dramatard has Bobby's purse

R2) dramatard uses tard strength

R3) both combatants are bloodlusted

I used to spend like an hour a day dedicated trolling that subreddit. I would have like 3-4 accs i would start fake arguments with and argue retarded shit, was glorious.


OBD was pretty good.

I remember some talking about a dude who learned his kid wasn't even his own and this dip had to put things in respect to fucking game of thrones to understand why it's upsetting for someone. I don't know what went wrong in their lives.

There are two types of average redditors. There are the shitstains who have awful lives and are awful people who use reddit to get approval and cope with their awfulness, and then there are the rich-off-daddy's-money urbancels who've never worked a day in their lives and thus consoooooom to try and fill the void and mask the fact that they have no personality whatsoever.

Fight the soys.

I just dropped in today! Gonna make this a regular.


It would be nice on reddit if being banned was on the screen before I typed a reply in that sub

r/syriancivilwar and r/syriancirclejerkwar


R*dditors are the lowest breed of man

This dialog has been repeatedly restated in different ways since Reddit’s conception.

I remember 10 years ago, certain subs would vehemently upvote whenever a redditor would say, “When does the narwhal bacon?” and also vehemently upvote whenever anyone responded, “at midnight,” because it referenced a special reddit moment when the site was still small. In other subs, that phrase was cause to be downvoted to oblivion. There's always been users that hate reddit culture.

/r/wholesome used to be a great sub before it got big - among the best if you were to ask me years ago. Just like any sub that gets too big too quick, it became difficult to moderate. The comments, the posts, the users were so fucking great. For real. My little black whole of a heart would positively GLOW with love and affection to these human do-gooders featured in that sub. The culture there was always thoughtful, heartfelt and positive. Anymore, the posts are ironically "wholesome", meme based, or just... Poor quality. Sad, really.

The users control the content (largely). It's sad that it's come to this.

As it relates to the vapid recurring platitudes that resurface in every other post - I say if it makes em happy, let it be. Puppers/doggo/"cringe" talk is just the way some people talk. If this kind of talk makes someone happy, and isn't hurting anyone, then I don't mind it. The site and its culture changes so much and so rapidly that hating something so profound would hardly make a difference. The terms your don't like will likely go away on their own, the way that generational terms come and go, to be replaced with other terms/tropes that other users don't like.

There's even a sub for users that don't like reddit. Several, actually. The older ones are the best.

About four years ago, I found that the demographics attracted to the site changed a lot, and things that were never previously tolerated, or content that would have never made the front page, was suddenly exceedingly popular. Lots of media regarding yiff porn, or even content containing CP as a focus of polite conversation, makes it to the front page every day. It's demoralizing to see. Just detach yourself from the stuff you don't like, and report the stuff that is unacceptable to a sub. Your feed is custom. Unsub - it's as simple as that.

I'm subbed to hundreds of subreddit, all tailored to my likes and interests. With this, I've found the community to be largely enlightenmening


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Bruh I only use reddit for r/drama because everything else gets consumed by nice people crowd who will tell you to move on when you dont like the content. And now reddit has become what it is.

is this pasta?


1: Sub starts

2: Sub grows: tight, focused, great community springs up. Early adopters are the people genuinely interested in the subject, they are high effort posters and quality is equally good. A few people are there just to enjoy the community or content, but aren't really for it.

3: New low-effort people start to join in numbers outweighing the incoming high-effort posters. Mixture of great content and some lower effort stuff thrown in.

3.5: If /askreddit or any other large sub discovers and links to it, skip to step 6

4: The trickle becomes a flood, and the people that join are attracted by the quality posting but aren't for the most part people who produce that content. Old guard starts to be outweighed. Sub in-jokes, shitposts, and wider-reaching but lower-effort content starts to be upvoted more frequently than the good stuff. The sub community starts to dissolve as the culture that grew gets diluted with new people and boiled down to a few minor quirks, too many people for old guard to recognise each other any more.

5: The new people want to join in, but don't have the ability to produce the top tier stuff the old guard did. Things become ever more watered-down and lowest common denominator to harvest upvotes. Remaining older users either fade away or make a splinter sub. Quality drops off dramatically as they go, and now the surface-level interest of the horde in the sub lends to surface-level posts that don't have the depth the older ones did.

6: Sub solidifies as a basic, lowest tier mass of memes clickbait, and low quality posts with shitty moderation and a community that only upvotes the prepackaged, easily digestible and boiled down sub jokes that used to have some meaning. There are no old guard. Early adopter normal redditors decry the decay of the sub, while the rest of the pack either shout them down or don't care. /Funny. /Gaming. /Jokes. Middle tier subs like /Futurology, /Dankmemes and /Subredditdrama etc long since hit that too. <50k or bust, with some allowance to more niche subjects.

For 99% of subs on reddit, this is their lifecycle. The only good subs are niche subs, or specific counterculture subs a la 'hate reddit culture' or newer subreddits. One recent victim is /medizzy - I was a first wave immigrant. I remember what it was like back when it was small, and it's light years away from the watered down subreddit it is now. I enjoy learning about medicine, and the insightful and informative discussion by the actual medical students in the comments, as well as the overview written as to the problem faced by the patient was really engaging to me. Now it's memes and jokes in the comments, on posts that have an eighth of the interesting subject matter than they used to.

That is all you have to look forward to. Enjoy things while they last.

still unemployed then?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

yes actually :(

I thought you had some specialized STEM training?


this is why I'm taking r/littlesaintjames private as soon as it hits 1k

Long post, but actually a good post.

Pretty sure you just copypasted an OG circlebroke post.

I’m surely not the only person to have noticed that cycle, but that was just 2am brain going on a rant

Nice Snally-tier post.

Drama's at like, state 5,5 I'd say?

This. THIS. thank you for this kind gentlesir! Have one UPDOOT for u! Pupper zoomies over to u and gives u heckin slobber all over ur fuckin face

Wow we got a reddit hipster over here

My little black hole of a heart would positively GLOW with love and affection to these human do-gooders featured in that sub. The culture there was always thoughtful, heartfelt and positive.



Extremely gay all those subs and memes sucked from inception.


I have a burning unadulterated hatred for you.

Well, OP is a redditor

I dont hate. But do disdain

yes i hate you

thanks bby

You shouldn't hate.

You may strongly dislike, but hate will eat you from the inside out.

I can get a free rimjob from hatred itself? Sign me up.

Helpful tip that upsets people: call them redditers. Yeah with two e's

some subs are alright if you dont look at the comments, like r/InfowarriorRides , but this sub and a select view others are the only ones where i dont want to mag dump everyone in the comments

On the contrary, I fucking LOVE redditors and their goofy attempts at humor!

The average redditor is literally a child. Like the other day I saw a comment on a news post with someone asking if a bill had to pass the House, Senate, and get signed by the President to become a law. The people you're interacting with haven't taken middle school social studies.

You underestimate how absolutely retarded the average person is. Those people very well could have been adults.

A bunch of them are adults who haven't taken middle school American civics because they're foreigners, usually Europoors or Leafs

I'm pretty sure other countries have legislative processes

And education systems which actually work

Never watched schoolhouse rock smh

I would never socialize with a Redditor yet here I am posting on the "slightly more autistic" side of this godforsaken place. Feeds my self-loathing nicely, thank god I haven't been here for close to a decade, can you imagine...

I think most of us here are reactionaries at heart. In a parallel opposite universe we'd be SRDnes and Nintendo switch owners

Isn't /r/all only screenshots of social media nowadays?

Average-looking young teacher in some clip. More than half of the comments are thirsting like crazy

That's literally posted and makes the front few pages at least twice a month, too.

Don't end the internet, just only open it up to landed people. If you don't have property in your name then get out of here, poor inferior people.

Because they are all looking for upvotes.


my first post being +1 faith in humanity restored I only hate myself

but tbh finding this sub recently is the only good thing left on reddit other than some underpopulated parody subs

I hate the reddit mentality/culture. I try not to hate the redditors themselves.

Do you hate redditors for the language they use, or do you hate the language they use because they're redditors.

That’s more the I hate Redditors because they’re not lame enough crowd

not hard to be more pathetic than redotors, but you accomplished it in this one post

I see this sub is still stealing from incels except lile 3 years late

This sentiment has been around for as long as /r/circlejerk has. When you start to get into metareddit, the first thing you do is form a deep hatred for reddit and redditors.

1.2 million subs and your example is porn subs


Nope, I just basically hate you alone, on reddit as you type with one hand

/r/sex isnt a porn sub. It's a sub for people to learn how to fuck or cope with not fucking

I only hate SDRines.

I fucking despise them. Half the subs right now have a pathetic pity party as top post.

On /r/pics some shit gets voted to the top because the filthy cunts finally did their dishes and posted a picture of it with a - guess what - mental health back story.

It was worse than the bloke who went to the front of /r/all for tidying his desk after the standard spiraling depression and crippling anxiety. Just a lazy cunt tbh.

I don't think I've seen a thread, no matter how it starts off that doesn't spiral into losers cracking on about their spiraling and crippling bollocks. DAE have mental health problems. Yeah, all of Reddit apparently.

British subs are the absolute worst. r/UnitedKingdom is a seething, coping snake pit of festering leftoids. Their counter sub BadUnitedKingdom is a pompous cringey mess of occasionally funny, self-satisfied boomers. CasualUK is a pitiful circlejerk of the same 5 subjects "hahaha hur de hur hur look at us Britbongs being eccentric - more biscuits anyone and here's a year old crisp packet that I folded in a special way" and BritishProblems just posts about how awful old people are and how superior they are compared to chavs when they're clearly elevated one tiny step "above" - none so fucking snobby as those who just bought their Council house. The top post right now on AskUK is an almost certainly fake post about "Boo hoo mum died karma please and resources please (try a fucking undertaker).

Fucking fake shit people comment like "PM me if you want to talk" (and I will probably never respond) and sickly sweet shit. Don't start me on the cancer of the constant cancer posts. "Cancer is a bitch!" Well, do say!! Who'd a thought of that comment?

The story subreddits. Fuck me, TIFU/AmItheAsshole/anyRelationshipBollocks sub.

So, yeah, I hate Redditors. But I come on here as the incandescent rage inducing shit I read takes my mind off my crippling anxiety and spiraling depression.


I am a bot. Contact for questions

Can I PM you for support?

If there was a way to filter reddit so I literally only saw posts from here, r/titanfolk, r/NFL, and r/truefilm I'd be a happy man

Literally retarded.

Add subs to your url with plus signs.

Imagine using the website when the app takes fifteen seconds to download

Just unsubscribe from all the other subs you absolutely retarded mobile-tier fuckhead

Too much effort

Not hate but I severely dislike the canned jokes redditors throw at everything. I've been on other social sites and none are so I'm original in replies.

Yes. Fuck you.

I'm just so bewildered at their ability to upvote the same shit or such obviously fake videos over and over again. Like how many scripted asian gifs will make it to the front page next month?

tfw no scripted asian gf

I guarantee that any dumb post that I see on r/all will have some sort of faggy gilded smugposting upvote bait.

Also I hate any novelty accounts like the ones that show up and respond in poems. And the shitty watercolour ones. Absolutely rife with smugness.

My political spectrum: I’m white, not a leftist, but do both believe in white extinction and realize that it is a good thing.

White men not so bad, but our women must go.

The fake platitudes are genuine when you spend time working on your life and not your sick comebacks.

I think that's a prequisite for posting here dawg

I hate most redditors, yes. You guys are okay. Usually.

I only read this, deuxrama, and femaledatingstrategy

I hate you too friend and breathlessly await your painful & prolonged doom ♥️

Everyone's like I would do it better while most of those guys are just hypocrite, judgemental and self hating

Whenever the general reddit consensus switched from being lolbertarians to being leftist is when this place really started going downhill. I think a lot just migrated from facebook during the elections

The most offensive part of reddit is the humour. The jokes aren't even 'so bad they're good', they're just completely pointless and unfunny.

The worst thing in my opinion is the hivemind mentality. I posted something on tech support reddit about how internet explorer was unsecure (it is) and throwing random "error call xxxxxxxx" shit on clients screens, so how do I stop people from using internet explorer since it doesn't happen anywhere else.

I got 1 guy saying "Internet explorer is very secure" and he was like a 200000 point tech support guy on that reddit, and he downvoted my post, so i immediately deleted my post because I knew it was not going to get any help. It's happened 4 times.

Posting or commenting on reddit is like walking on eggshells filled with mines. 1 wrong word or wrong opinion and you'll probably get doxxed and your entire family murdered.

Yes. Every last one of them.

But Its like an abusive relationship.

Its all a bunch of lonely virgins too stupid to realize they are a blight on civilization.

I remember when I was an imbecile, and yet even I still had some self-awareness.

Definitely, I’m so glad I’m not one of those jerk offs who hangs out on a sub Reddit all day making meta jokes to a bunch of other loser Redditors. Can you even imagine being that much of a fucking waste of oxygen?

For me its just the fact that redditors are so unoriginal and have zero unique characteristics. Theyre all clone copies of each others shitty personalities that reuse the same terrible joke or phrase over and over again while stroking each other off. Despite all this they’ll act like they are the inventors of comedy and are the smuggest people I’ve ever interacted with. I unironically can’t wait for this website thats turned into facebook v2 to die because of how much I dislike this website. Except drama though you guys are alright

I unironically couldn't care less what people do on reddit. Why do all you fags seethe about people being "soy" or whatever?

The Redditor, those magnificent examples of the subhuman race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: soy.


Yes, I do hate Yanks.

I forgot to take my pills; realized they're all placebos; the average redditor is 99% as smart as the average drama user. That 1%? Bussy. That's all that sets yall apart from the teeming hordes

Yes. Everywhere you go, left wing, right wing, neutral...everywhere on this site is nothing but pure unadulterated faggotry.