Foid gets triggered over usage of "Let's go boys", writes essay about it

1  2019-12-26 by Lulwy


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People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. Foid gets triggered over usage of "... -,

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We need longpostbot in every sub


I’ve met more coherent downies.

That was a mistake. You’re about to find out why.

Ok, boomer…

The post history implies more moid than foid

Shut up bully

Go cry, lawlz alt

CMV: M*ids aren't people.

Nah its true

They aren't you're right.

Are foids people


there are girls reading this topic too and girls that like Final Fantasy VII.

Lmao no there isn't. FF fans are like 99% male.

Uhhh every horny catgirl is actually a super hot girl irl don't you know?

Doesn't FFXIV have a fair few attention whore foids, like every mmo?

Oh no.



aaaand dropped

I can't prove it but my troid sensor is lighting up like a Christmas tree.

It checks out, getting this upset over pronouns is classic troid

It's the getting upset over pronouns and XX in the name. Nobody fetishizes being a foid this much except for troids.

every other reply is "seek help" or some variant

post has -116 karma

didn't know people could get ratio'd on reddit lmao