Some retard adopts a stray pit

1  2019-12-26 by MasterLawlzFan


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Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Some retard adopts a stray pit -,

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Who wants to make bets that the dog either non-fataly attacks someone and gets sent to the pound to get adopted again or kills a kid.

This dog is a beautiful baby, we don't deserve dogs, there are no bad dogs only shitty owners, dog haters can rot in hell uwu

Not like any other dog. This type of dog has one of the highest probabilities of injuring or killing.

I'm glad you can shout facts without having the entire context as to why they are known this way. "This type of dog" as you so ignorantly put it is in no way genetically predisposed to be violent. Nurture is everything to a dog and a good owner would know that, ergo I assume you don't have an animal or are a bad pet owner. Thank you for your humorously stupid comment though, you silly little karma whore :)

Ah yes, the socioeconomic situations and systematic oppressions are the reason for all the kissy wissy times


Why do pointers have a much stronger instinct to point than other dogs?

Because they were bred to point of course!

Why do herding dogs have a much stronger instinct to herd than other dogs?

Because they were bred to herd of course!

Why do retrievers have a much stronger instinct to retrieve than other dogs?

Because they were bred to retrieve of course!

Why do fighting dogs have a much stronger instinct to fight than other dogs?


The whole breed was designed for bull baiting and pit fighting because of its aggression. It's in their fucking name

If you don't appreciate the tender mouth caress of a pibble wibble, you are a bigot, FULL STOP.

Also, it's 2019. Can we just stop with the rasict "Owner" bullshit? A dog has a parent.