Hoes mad 😡😡😡😡

1  2019-12-26 by Llamayoda


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Hoes mad 😡😡😡😡 - archive.org, archive.today

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She'd be more experienced

God forbid the first sex you have with your spouse fails to live up to your fetishistic porn.

I remember discussing with a guy that most women dont like getting blasted in the face and jackhammered in the ass and he was completely flabbergasted.

Most women dont want to get anal fisted and cock slapped????

Most women don't know what they want until it's probing around their colon like you're hunting for spare change

I had a girlfriend cry because I cockslapped her on a whim.


Based and chadpilled

Another reason to go gay, tbqh.

Although something like 80-90% of women enjoy being choked almost to the point of passing out


I'd assume the fact that I used a range shows it's simply my ass/personal experience over 61 years on this planet. Regardless, I've seen it confirmed quite a few times by NON JANNIES on this subreddit, so I assume it's legit because outside of the jannies here I think arrrh slash drama users fuck.

Wait you're an unironic boomer? 😍 Have you ever wanted to hate fuck a bernie voting drama bussy?

P. Sure he's Grandpa Tick Tock. With Ed gone he's got free range here on arrdrama again.

i signed a message with my known pgp certificate

you didnt answer my question gramps

tick tock

Wait hold on, so you are grandpa tick tock afterall?

I knew it! Too coincidental for us to have 2 very conservative always online Iowa boomers

when did I say I wasn't


It's just that you used to be more interesting I guess

What happened to make you mellow out like this, you on that medicinal herb stuff now or something?

non ironic: turns out prolonged drama use is bad for your mental health and breaks are good

ironic: dude bussy, lmao

That's good, I'm actually glad you're still around. Fewer and fewer oldfags post here these days

It took awhile, the jannies here banned me for 177 days

Tell us about all the Lady boys you chocked in 'Nam Boomer.

Just because she hasn't pushed you off doesn't mean she was ok with it. If it was actually 90% in your experience, you're probably just a rapist and you don't know it.
You should do some reading on coerced consent before you actually hurt someone rather than just traumatizing her.

i havent choked a woman since the 80s but thanks for the suggestions keep on being an awesome woke male feminist 👍👍

I’d rather choke a woman I’m fucking to death by accident than read those lame links lmao

I'd rather choke myself to death than listen to the drivel of another male feminist

Get out of here old fag, enjoy ur retirement or something


Have sex

Percentage is from his asshole, but he ain't wrong in general.

Made me seriously wtf the first time I was asked to choke, I dont like feeling like a rapist.

Well I mean dogs just kinda do what they're trained to

God forbid a person might want to share something exciting and special and be vulnerable together experiencing something new with someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.

This is only someone of limited sexual experience would say lmao.

You have a very old concept of reality. That thinking was on its way out in the 50's. SMH I have never desired money or power. What I want is a man who believes I am equal, and treats me that way

For every broad who claims she just wants equality, there are a million broads who want money and power. How can they be so deluded they think they are the majority??

Like this foid wouldn't be all over a rich misogynist if given the opportunity.

Loud people always think they're the only ones that exist

Well considering "Equality" is just a comparative measurement of power (and money) they aren't contradicting OP at all.


Wanting equality is technically wanting more power. So she's proving the inceposters point

Why is it that when ever anyone ever calls out thots online, literally their only defense is "Lol poor sweetie, you can make a girl orgasm" or some other dumb shit about not getting laid. These broads can't even comprehend that shit like this is literally why he calls them out or the irony of it. Hilarious.

It’s easier to accuse a dissenter of being a virgin than to make an actual counterargument to their points.

Have you ever noticed that all arguments with women eventually go there?

Maybe because they're right?

Men desire innocence and commitment

He sounds like a pedophile who just wants a weak child-like woman to pleasure his dick while he whines about how all women are evil. The only way this guy could ever get laid is if he happened to find a woman who actually hates herself. I searched through his twitter history and he's never mentioned having sex or even having a gf, the rest of his tweets looks like a typical incel who would shit his pants if a woman gave him a hug.

What sort of autist starts tweeting about the sex they're having? Do you go outside and talk to people?

If he'd talked about any sort of relationship on there I'd reconsider my position, but he's an incel and he's posted nothing to suggest otherwise. He hasn't even tried denying it because he knows how pathetic he is.
His only redeeming quality is that he's not trying to lie about it.

You're probably right, but you still said "he hasn't tweeted about sex" like that was a thing normal people do.

I can't speak for the other guy, but you just know what kind of guy you're dealing with when they start talking about shit like "innocence" and "purity". They're so viscerally opposed to women having sex outside of marriage because their ideas of sex come from porn. Of course someone would start associating abstinence with purity if their idea of sex in normal relationships came from hardcore porn sites and hentai.

He also has a lot of alt-right dogwhistles in his tweets, lots of stuff about wypipo problems, how amazing jews are, whining about legal immigration, etc. He's anti-porn and super catholic too, which explains the purity talk. Still 100% an incel though.


how amazing Jews are

You retarded?

He's already a loser if your only insult to him is "you no sex haha" you're confirming sex is the only thing you can offer

I think that comeback is stupid, for the reasons already elaborated in this thread. I'm just saying that the amount of sex he does or does not tweet about is immaterial to the fact that it's clear what kind of person he is.

Chapo check

0 of xXKinkShamerXx's last 14 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.


Clearly an alt

Yikes sweaty you take reddit a little too seriously

press that upwards facing arrow for the jannies to never ban the precious lolcows that fem/incels are. one like = one message to them

"I searched through his history". Absolutely pathetic, do you also post on AHS or LateStageCapitalism?

Just latestagecapitalism, I think communists are pretty cool. Also you should lay off the videogames, that stuff is a huge waste of time.

Being a retarded faggot seems like a waste of time to me, but yet you persist.

I think communists are pretty cool.

If you can get past the smell, smugness, laziness, and general insufferableness, sure.

Why would you like communism? Are you trying to go on a diet?

You think unironic western commie fags would toil the fields under communism? They think they'd be party politicians.

Executive Poster Designer

posts on reddit.com

tries to talk about what is a waste of time and what isnt


I searched through his twitter history and he's never mentioned having sex

You expecting to find this if they weren’t an incel shows you have had as much action this weeb.




But if he talked about sex he'd just be an incel

Lol REAL MEN only date girls that have been pumped and dumped Atleast 100 times BIGOT

Real men date 14 year olds

"women have more value than their bodies!"


"You said something bad? You must be a small dock virgin who can't get sex lmao"

women are socially minded and the worst thing they can think of as a punishment is to be a pariah or socially ostracized from the local group

its so ingrained in womens brains that they try to do it on the internet even though theres no group to speak of

humans are socially minded in a plethora of cultures being socially ostricized from your band tribe or social circle is considered a punishment. And though the internet is not as tight knit of a community in some regards it still is a community non the less, i.e. the use of community guidelines on platforms such as reddit. So women in particular being upset with a clearly absurd attack of their character should and are allowed to present evidence to disprove that theory.

men have always been the outspoken ones and lone wolves and visionaries that ended up fucked over for not conforming

but also the ones that ended up starting great things

women pretty much always conform and follow

And though the internet is not as tight knit of a community in some regards it still is a community non the less

lol no i couldnt give a fuck what anyone on the internet thinks says or tries to do about me

i dont have to live with anyone here or even interact with them if i dont want

im free to say black people are chimp level retarded and the holocaust didnt happen and all anyone can do is whinge about it

clearly absurd attack of their character

clearly absurd to point out the obvious reason women all resort to the same shit almost instantly and pretty much every single time

how many ppl have u called an incel lol

Actually innovation would not be possible without societal and environmental pressure's. Without the support of a community the visionaries you speak of would most likely never have the time to create. If our species were made up of lone wolf males we most likely would never would have survived. Furthermore women and men of all ethnicitys are fully capable of invention. Ever eaten peanut butter? Created by in a lab by Marcellus Gilmore Edson... A black man. Stephanie Kwolek, a woman invented kevlar. The list of people who have defyed your assertions go on and on. You have every right to say what you say, but you are involved in a society that let's you speak and not killed for it. Not everyone now and throughout history have had that luxury. And nobody has refered to me as an incel before

Without the support of a community the visionaries you speak of would most likely never have the time to create.

nearly every great visionary was persecuted and was going against the establishment, but didnt care because they were right and fuck everyone else out of spite

women literally dont do that, theyll conform and then resent the system instead of taking action

look at feminists that pretend to be activists but just cry about the pretend patriarchy on reddit instead

Furthermore women and men of all ethnicitys are fully capable of invention. Ever eaten peanut butter? Created by in a lab by Marcellus Gilmore Edson... A black man.

lol are you black because only black people bring that shit up

gz on mushing up some peanuts though thats clearly equivalent to harnessing electricity or nuclear power

Stephanie Kwolek, a woman invented kevlar.

anomalies exist but nearly always theyre circumstantial and build off what a man already laid out

The list of people who have defyed your assertions go on and on.

on and on from 2

You have every right to say what you say, but you are involved in a society that let's you speak and not killed for it.

yeah by the good graces of men that created it and get shit on for it every day

And nobody has refered to me as an incel before

no i mean how many people have you called an incel

men have always been the outspoken ones and lone wolves and visionaries that ended up fucked over for not conforming

Oh man I can smell this post.

Men are risk-takers to a fault, and still don't manage to out-retard women.

Have sex incel



Arguing with holes dot jpeg


Vaguely Chad until he turns into a neo-boomer in the comments.

Nope, just another groyper zoomer who's probably a proud virgin christcel

Imagine not loving sluts

Just never make nice with their friends in case you end up having to leave them somewhere without a ride.

youre not marrying them though are you

Why would I marry anyone

May we cleanse filthy kaffirs like you from the earth, inshallah


Anyone remember when Triple H came out and called Stephanie the Grand Canyon? I miss those days.

An excellent point was made about dogs being the acceptable substitute for an old fashioned relationship. I would still prefer a dog-brained young woman.

“I want a man who treats me like an equal”


Why do i not believe that?

The intensity of a foid's feminism is directly proportional to the intensity of her rape fantasies.

No girl wants her boyfriend to treat her like a friend wtf


Girls was high body counts usually have a string of addressed and unaddressed mental issues and very willing to lie about anything thing just to get you like her/marry her

"Yeah, my dad died when I was 3. How did you know?

Most men don’t care about how many dudes you’ve slept with as long as it’s outside of your immediate social circles. Nothing worse than bringing a girl around only to find out everyone of your friends as rimmed her already

It’s the same for women, they don’t want to bring you to a wedding where you fucked half the brides maids and everyone knows you her finger in your butt.

It’s the same for women, they don’t want to bring you to a wedding where you fucked half the brides maids and everyone knows you her finger in your butt.

Imagine hanging outside the reception hall with your post-wedding cigars and open bar drinks and not having some bridemaids finger the buttholes of you and your pals. Why even wake up in the morning?

I care,I don’t want to marry an Arby’s sandwich.

I care. That shit's disgusting.

same for women, they don’t want to bring you to a wedding where you fucked half the brides maids

lol fucking nope

women love thinking the landed the guy their friends were hot for, up to and including if they fucked him but couldn't date/marry him.

social validation and affirmation of men's attractiveness is huge for women and nonexistent for men.

This is why there's no equivalent male version of a Harem in history.

That’s like a sorority level friendship move. The type friend that plan on completely ignoring when they start to seriously date someone

so, literally 90% of women friendships lol

Fair enough

There's a simple solution to this:

-dont tell your partner the truth about your body count if it's too high or too low

-dont be bad at sex but dont be too good or they'll get suspicious

-healthy relationships are based in healthy lies.

Imagine thinking the original tweet isn’t totally retarded nonsense

cope, imagine sticking your dick in the same place dozens if not hundreds of other men have

Only a socially retarded autistic or masochist would ask someone for their "body count". Its not like you can't tell the general amount just by getting to know someone though. Sluts fulfill an important role in society. Just as long as you dont treat them like actual people

lmao look at all the boomers in that thread. Why are boomers so easy to troll?

Unironically, most have a decent sense of morality .

Women are very, very retarded and shouldnt vote.

Islam is right about women

“Women hold up half the slut shaming sky.” - Mao Zedong

based jew btfo'ing thots and male feminists

Unironic Weeb ranting about no one wanting his dick.


Western women are some of whoriest on the planet. Dressing up like a hoe, going to the club to get drunk and have one night stands is a normal thing. Hoes think they are liberated and fucking 500 guys shouldn't be anything to worry about. Inshallah Sharia will be the saviour of the West.

That’s why they need a man to direct them.

You have a very old concept of reality. That thinking was on its way out in the 50's. SMH I have never desired money or power. What I want is a man who believes I am equal, and treats me that way

Which is why the film Fifty Shades of Gray was an abject commercial failure

there are exactly 2 kinds of people who complain about sluts:

those not being able to bang them while theyre hot and those that end up having to marry them when they are 40 and have ridden 500 different cocks, because they failed to attract anyone else

wait thats the same group

What the fuck does this even mean

Both men and women desire power, but women navigate the halls of power through relationships. Just look at women’s power fantasies outside of capeshit (which is really more appealing to nerds, anyway).

The solipsism always blows me away whenever this conversation comes up.

"It shouldn't matter to anyone, because it shouldn't!! I don't see why it matters therefore it shouldn't matter to anyone. Why don't people just align with my preferences!"