Here’s another fake headline I made in /r/mgtow to promote boomer divorce stories. It worked again.

1  2019-12-26 by Llamayoda


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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Here’s another fake headline I made... -,

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Didn’t you post this here a couple of days ago?

Lol that guy basically blurted out his fantasy for his future wife. HOW EMBARRASING 😂😂😂

That is a lot of buzzwords man, is there one of those subreddit bots written in GPT2 yet?

Yeah but it was still getting hits, so I realized I should let it cool of.a bit and let it age like a fine vintage.

You do God's work...

Yeah honestly I’d usually say this is pretty gay, but the fact OP keeps getting away with it.. based 👌


Seems like it's hard not to get away with it with these "people"

even if its fake, this is how women really think about marriage.


Dude moids lmao

Women matter so little that I've devoted my life to complaining about them on the Internet.

If there is a lesson to be learned from the entries of /r/drama, it's that hate consumes you until you're a being less than human

Based and insightful pilled

Dramatards are the last sane human beings on the planet.

You mean like an SRDine?

They’re the male equivalent of the ‘independent women’ in her 20s. Both act like they don’t need the other gender but when given the chance with a average looking person they’ll take it.

If someone ever makes a dictionary of coping mechanisms, "literally false, but metaphorically true" has to be an entry.

It was about starting a conversation

You a real ass baiter

master level even

I know this article is fake and I’m still mad

Have sex incel

theres a cure, it ends in ussy

honey mussy 🥰

Upvoted for visibility 🤭🤭🙄

Just go from coomer to trooner. No one is stopping u

It’s hilarious how they gobble this fake shit up. Over 900 upvotes for this.

Literally this

I too am having fun trolling reddit on my alts. It's pretty funny how angry people get over a larp.

This is the most hillarious thing ive seen all month - Thank you.

You’re welcome ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤪🤪🤪

I bet the avg user there is 12

Or 42.

Used the same author for the last fake article and they fell for it again? A blunder from the ubermensch.

They already have a hate boner for Jessica Valentin for her catcalling articles, so it’s easy pickings.

Make one about how cheating on your husband is the most liberating feminist thing to do

I’ve got a few cooking up in my head, gotta let it cool off so that they don’t catch on to me.

Mix up the feminist boogeywomxn I reckon.

Clementine Ford would be a good option

Or something on how women are the only victims of domestic violence because men have power and privilege or something like that.


That's fucking beautiful. You are the heart and soul of this subreddit.