Black girl lustin for pink panther, cocoabutter hoes mad x30k

1  2019-12-27 by unrulyfarmhand


The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. Black girl lustin for pink panther,... -,

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In the end, that hoe was mad jealous.

Who woulda thunk that some bitch who looks like a bean with a horse hair wig would be be jelly of anyone

Maybe she’s born with it.

Maybe she’s just a hatin’ ass ho

She just wants a mayo of her very own

Hoes mad a tale as old as time

He ain't even have any face tattoos.


Dude is collecting them at this point

Wow it’s like that dude that does nba commentary that used to be a 90s rapper

Max should really stick to boxing.

He literally has the biggest herpes scar I’ve ever seen it’s like half the side of his mouth wtf

I always wondered what it's from, but it doesn't look like herpes.

It looks like he dated black girls


Just say jigger.

Jay-z is already jigga


This is so messed up in so many layers, i'm on nobodys side after this

Lmfao I only like being called “sis” by Black girls especially since it was created to symbolize Black sisterhood

Sissies mad.

It’s truly bizarre. I don’t know if it’s middle class black people Reyna act “street” or twitter has rotted their brains to the IQ of a poor

Lmao, most hotep mockery comes from blacks.

I didn’t say it didn’t. I’m talking about why the hoteps act this way

Niggahs mad wakanda don’t play that

Wakanda is a white ethnostate

Black women tearing down another black woman,somewhat surprising.

Year or so back I dated a black chick for a few months. Military family, conservative, Stacey Dash attractive.

She got so much shit from other black women about dating a white guy. It was unbelievable.

When if you go by statistics, that is the best pairing for having a stable family.

That's a lie. The best pairing for a white male is an asian female. source.

I've seen both. I wonder the results were so wildly different in the second study compared to the first.

Post the second study you fag.

Uh, they're the results you posted, moron. Did you even read the Wikipedia page you posted?

One study in 2008 and the other study in 2009.

Well that's easy to explain.

1) white male black female marriages basically don't exist, their sample size is very very small. The page says they are 0.3% of the population as of 2010.

2) the first paper had a smaller sample size.

3) the second paper had an Asian co-author it, so probably ethnocentric bias there.

Oh I see. Makes sense

If you do look into the papers and find something else, please do report back.

I'm surprised she didn't get more shit from black men. They're the maddest hoes.

Black men want the white women. They wouldn’t care.

They want white or light women. A Walmart Stacy dash dating a white guy would probably make them butthurt.

Did you post on pol about this? Someone posted a while back who was in your exact position.

I might have commented in someone else’s thread, I don’t even bother making OP threads myself on /pol/

The perfect broad

i had a friend get cussed out for going to a chicken place with a "white girl" he wasn't dating. The white girl was mixed

Women gonna woman, regardless of race. News at 11.

I like your name bro.

There’s not enough white men to go around

That's why I donate my dick to all the PABGs

Too many mutts around where the real white men at

Jokes on you mayocide just makes them worth even more like a diamond in the belly of an african mind

70% German 25% Dutch 5% American Indian 1% sub Saharan African (lol)

That extra 1% is statistical noise that the ancestry companies add in to "own le racists xd"

I'm not even joking either.

I know that’s why I put lol in parentheses, still tho, WHERE MY REPARATIONS WHITEY

Mine came 100% european so...

Did the results come in late 2019? I heard that's when they changed it.

Yes, November 2019. Did they remove the fake 1% to "own le racists"?

There was a big update on Oct 11 (if i remember right) that updated a lot of people's ancestries. It seemed to be more of an accuracy update than anything else. I remember a few rightoids mentioning that there results went from 98% or 99% European to 100%.

No "statistical noise" for me, just 100% Euro

Do you plan on passing on those pure Euro genes with another pure euro female, or is the yellow menace too much for you to handle?

Never been into anything except whites. Not even mixed.

I do support the BWC trend though. I'm not going to rail any non-whites but it's very positive that other white dudes do it.

That's pretty epic bro. Best of luck then.

Sounds like a problem for white people

A response so based that it leaves no room to argue

Black Americans women are wasted on Americans amazingly based

Please educate yourself sweetie. Racism is prejudice PLUS power. If there’s no systemic institutional structure to enforce harm on a group of folk it’s plain old xenophobia. Power is the ‘sticks & stones’ that does the damage.

So it is racism if I get called a cracker in a park then?

No, it's justice

is it a gay rape park?

Ger this on snappy or bussyshill

Eh they’re still basketball americans. Any type of humour is ruined by them not being smart

That racist shit had 58k likes?

Yeah. But it's the 17 glowies Russians. It would have been embarrassing to explain to congressman boomers that the past time of a sizeable portion of the American population is to secretly race bait each others in a hot way on internet since at least 10 years.

91 and rising

Twitter is unironically a platform for hate.

IDK I like shit like this on twitter because its quality drama

Haha this is an amazing find.

It has so many layers.

the racial tensions but also the fact that the guy in the pic had a chick already with him and got outed by twitter and the girl in the photo still wanting to meet up with him.

I hope the original black girl knew and is just intentionally homewreckin

You could open a juice bar with those cheeks

Females talking about he got a nice butt... Ummm ok that wouldn't satisfy me an any way. Does he have a fun size like most? Or a yard stick

Black Kang Cope

Haha “that wouldn’t satisfy me in any way” that’s some funny gay shit

daily reminder that literally everything black americans use as an insult is a hilarious projection of their deepest insecurities

Is this a rare type of COPE that i'm reading

just an interesting bit of negro psychology i thought ppl might enjoy

Lol i bet You belived when your mom told you stuff like "people bully you because they envy You"

Lol. "They're just jealous of you. That's why they're calling an incel, honey"

Mm sweety they are bullying You because You are better than them , it's got nothing to do with you being funny looking

You’re right, they mad

I mean he’s right but they’re still better than mayos

Jew/Asian masterace

your username is a projection of your little dick insecurity

Lol I’ve met people like this, in real life. They truly never measure up in anything they do. They can’t maintain eye contact, they don’t ever really accomplish anything, this is his only outlet because he’s too spineless, weak, and awkward to do anything else. He goes from sub to sub crying about some kind of criminal high fantasy as if anyone would ever notice him in real life. Someone’s probably bullying him as we speak lmao.

Half breed cope

A what?!?! 😂

uh do you need to get something off your chest

Oh this is actual seethe right here, this is absolutely delicious. Gimme more baby.

Hmm yes I see the problem here.

The person who posted this is extremely gay.

New snappy quote plz

lol dude how did u find this sub did i get linked somewhere


The monkey one is the best example


They also commit a fuckton of crime and ruin every city they move into

Why’d we legalize interracial marriage for black people to then turn around and do this? Like has anyone seen Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?

your are assuming that black people wanted interracial marrage at the time either, Malcom X and the Nation of islam would be agaisnt it.

My nigga blood boiling. Ain’t no one more racist than a fellow brotha or sista. I’m two threads from turning to Uncle Ruckus

You do know the 1% sub Saharan african on the dna rest is fake right. There’s a nyt best seller called sapiens right now that explains blacks are different set of humans than Europeans

Based Uncle

No! Pay attention what people is trying educate you on. For a race to be considered racist. They must have the power to used your race against you. As example..... Preventing loans, dictating where you lived, controlling your resources, stop you from getting jobs etc...

Im going to eventually make a flowchart so people can understand that institutional racism (racism from a place of power) is just a specific type of racism. Hell even then though you can be a minority and implement it like South Africa

If they define racism as that then tell them anti-Semitism can't be a thing then either. Since jews have more institutional power.

Good point, I’m going to make some jewish Redditors very upset with this angle.

It’s amazing how stupid they are and they want to use academic shit

foids in a bucket

Wait, this is recent? Pretty sure there was another similar incident on Twitter before.

Black twitter does this literally every time they see a picture of an interracial couple. Contrary to popular belief black people have more of a problem with interracial relationships than white people.

The w in woke stands for white.

Wait until these people find r/blackchickswhitedicks. PABGs are fuelling the mutual mayocide with their lust for BWC and it’s beautiful

Apparently having your picture taken with someone commits you to a lifelong relationship now? BRB gotta go marry half of Disneyland.

He looks like my racist neighbor.

''I'm a fuckin' sex symbol." Who saw that tweet before the girl who said that was suspended?

Black girl: Finds white dude attractive, wants to meet him again

Black moron: no touch white man no no