Chapo 😨 Gamer 🤢 melts down in MinstrelShowTwitter about Asian Daddy

1  2019-12-27 by Lolbertians


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Damn Girl Are You Wearing a Diapy Cause That Booty Poopy


  1. Chapo 😨 Gamer 🤢 melts down in Minst... -,

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zero knowledge of economics outside of progressive=good regressive=bad

Who could have predicted this

But honestly, someone needs to sit him down, and explain it the way they would to a five year old, because an adult being this retarded is embarrassing

I understand that he probably read an article on /r/Politics about how giving everyone free money will double the cost of everything, but to stand behind "ackshuly, giving poor people 1000usd will make them poorer" with such conviction just shows him to be a child

hes both not wrong AND retarded

Pretending you know what would happen good or bad is retarded.

"hey want $1000 a month?"



That tweet is so retarded, who the fuck gets tested for minimum wage jobs? I worked minimum wage jobs in highschool and literally never got drug tested. It's not even worth it for the company, plus if you're a druggie, just go work at some other minimum wage job.

has reddit always hidden comments with positive karma when they reach a certain number of downvotes? I feel like this is a new phenomena.

They hide comments from people not subbed to the subreddit. Its supposed to stop brigades or something

They really be drug testing for minimum wage jobs

Uh, yea, of course they're gonna drug test for the only kind of job that consistently hires people with no training or relevant experience. A.k.a. the only jobs drug addicts can get.