PPD tackles the penis question

1  2019-12-27 by Goes_Down_on_Women


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This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. PPD tackles the penis question - archive.org, archive.today

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I am a size Queen, taking a big dick is my kink. And no, I'm not big and fat, I'm 5'2", 110lbs, which funnily enough is part of the kink.

Taking daddy dick is not a kink lmao foids.

Watch some BLACKED videos and you'll be amazed at how much dick a skinny white girl can take.

Yikes sweaty, that is next level pornsickness

I think most men of PPD should take a dildo or dick up the ass. For education's sake.

Radically centrist poster fighting the good fight; proselytizing for bussy

This thread is a goldmine. Cheers faggots

As a bi moid who's taken dick/dildo up the ass, the only thing it's educated me on is that foids on PPD completely overblow how difficult it is. The way they talk about it you'd think anal is some Herculean task that moids are unreasonable and depraved for asking for.

While this find and everything you’ve posted is a gem.

Your username 🤢🤮

Yikes I find your misogyny very problematic

Okay sweaty

If your penis is smaller than 6 inches then you're not a real man

In some cultures, Men with small penis are considered a blessing.

Lmao cultures with small penises tryna cope😂

Yeah the ones that fuck boys bums.

Yeah well I'm a bottom so I wish.


A lot of cultures say a lot of things

yeah asian cultures

It's was in the rape culture.

📯 sad trombone playing 🎺


Any "man" smaller than 5 inches should just go ahead and start HRT.

5 inches

dicklet detected. Anyone with less than 7 has a clit

Wew I'm riding the edge

And I'm riding your pathetic 6 and a half incher

Let's go the centrist route and say that anyone shorter than 6 inches should be forcefed hormones and sent to Japanese trap porn industry.


I dont bang indians and asians so its really never been a problem. currycels and ricecels BTFO!

Hmmm I thought it was dota2 pro PPD




PPD: where you too can ask bait questions to a wonderful mix of incels, femcels, redpillers, bluepillers, angry divorced men, pump and dumped women, and all around intelligent definitely not insane people.

Drama comprises all of these people save the foids.

Even they are here, but only the non attention whoring kind.

I was shocked when I Iearned about the existence of those.

not having sex by clonking a woman on the head with your club and fondling her unga bungas

Absolutely pathetic

and I always look at holiday pics on instagram, that's a dead giveaway lol

imagine being able to tell a dudes dick size because hes in a family photo by the christmas 🌲

This can't be stressed enough: mental illness is the norm for purplepilldebate. You can zoom the profiles of any random commenter in the thread and find nuggets of crazy person gold.

expand that to all of reddit and you will have my upsnoodle

PDD is special. It's like honey to a very particular type of redditor. I'd describe the place as sort of a bizarro nu-redpill, one that is expanded to include angry and crazy women instead of just angry and crazy men.

These femcels don't even know what an erection is.

And they never will

Are these redditors still LARPing as sexual kingpins? Pretty bold to assume anything at face value


:( aw

Contrary to popular belief, dick size isn't as important as being a dog.


Because of the very thin shorts and trousers men wear in the sun, the bulge is often more noticeable. Maybe I should also explain that I live in a place where men have to go abroad to wear these kinds of clothes because we rarely get the weather here lol.

Has a huge moral problem with pornography, yet leers at strangers bulges hoping for huge packages. My sides.

Quick question because I am a virgin but dating a girl right now. I measured it at 7.5 inches long and 6.1 inches of girth, or dollar bill. I didn’t know it was considered big until my coworkers made comments about it while I was drunk at a party.