Redditors are too smart for social media

1  2019-12-27 by clubby789


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There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


  1. Redditors are too smart for social ... -,

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Imma virgin thats true. But because i rejected 2 bitches. I still have my religion. You can say that it's an excuse for not fcking a hoe but that part does not concern me.

Absolute CHAD over here

How is making up stories chad shit?

Inshallah, you faggot

The way you used that makes clear you do t understand what it means

Mashallah, alhamdulilah habibi

Believing any story where a redditor is a chad makes you a retard.


Imagine being bound to reality 🤣🤣🤣

You must be at least THIS chadly to post in PewdiepieSubmissions

Why are redditors so fucking gross

We just don't think we are smarter. We truly are too smart for social media.

Can someone stone this kid

You got got

Lol what do they think reddit is?

A niche tech news website

A place for retards like a special person home but on the internet

Dunning Kreuger effect in action.

The truth is that reddit is so fucking stupid and easy to manipulate, that every interest group in the world uses it to push political agendas and viral marketing.




Bum ba dum bum bum bum bum

We just don't think, that we are smarter. We truly are too smart for social media. We care for our privacy and are not sex objects for horny 13y/o like on other Platforms (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, etc.). We are Redditors. We are anonymous, but we still understand and care for each other.

New Snappy quote tbqh

"And also, you come to r/dankmemes (and/or r/pewdiepiesubmissions) to judge us that we are NOT changing the world? Rly? No one changes the world, someone can only change a part of the world. See Memers, we changed the pop culture and even made it to politics. See Elon Musk, he changed space-travel and AI. See Pewdiepie (he actually changed the whole world). See many other ppl, as you browse the internet and do nothing than just accuse ppl of not changing the world (or say that they THINK they would change the world). I'm sure you are a student or already studied and now are "changing the world" with working for a company (or organization or whatever). I am also studying and do this with the goal to try to change some part of the world. And about a fourth of my free time i'm on media looking for memes and so on (probably just LIKE you)"


Is the better snappy quote imo

And also, you come to r/dankmemes (and/or r/pewdiepiesubmissions) to judge us that we are NOT changing the world? Rly? No one changes the world, someone can only change a part of the world. See Memers, we changed the pop culture and even made it to politics. See Elon Musk, he changed space-travel and AI. See Pewdiepie (he actually changed the whole world). See many other ppl, as you browse the internet and do nothing than just accuse ppl of not changing the world (or say that they THINK they would change the world). I'm sure you are a student or already studied and now are "changing the world" with working for a company (or organization or whatever). I am also studying and do this with the goal to try to change some part of the world. And about a fourth of my free time i'm on media looking for memes and so on (probably just LIKE you)

Let's tear this down hard

We just don't think, that we are smarter.

Have you ever met a dumb redditor? They are fucking everywhere, including you.

We truly are too smart for social media.

What a fucking brave hipster you are. Also, you shouldbt speak for all redditors. Not all of them are smart in the slightest.

We care for our privacy and are not sex objects for horny 13y/o like on other Platforms (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, etc.).

I can already tell you don't browse NSFW Subreddits which actually make up half of reddit's traffic. You can get horny on this platform, you naïeve fuck.

We are Redditors. We are anonymous, but we still understand and care for each other.

You don't speak for the nihlist edgelords who couldn't give a flying fuck about the guy on the other side of the screen. Those guys are actually really fun to talk with and are way more realistic that you'll ever be

We are Redditors. We are anonymous, but we still understand and care for each other as long as shares the same political beliefs as me*


Ok that kid is a fag, but you're a even bigger fag for "tearing this down hard"

We just don't think, that we are smarter. We truly are too smart for social media.

Absolutely abhorrent comma and a sentence fragment right out of the gate. Pottery.

This kid right here is changing the world, and leaving people like you in a cloud of dust

Pewdiepie’s fanbase is 90% middle schoolers, what did you expect.

Z 🤮 O 🤮 O 🤮 M 🤮 E 🤮 R 🤮 S


absolute reddit moment