Biofoid gets terfpilled and can’t unsee it

1  2019-12-27 by Llamayoda


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I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Biofoid gets terfpilled and can’t u... -,

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I still can't for the life of me how anyone even half entertains this troid nonsense. I feel like deep down, despite all the memorized reponse excuses they make, everyone knows trannies are nothing more than disgusting mentally ill filth

watching people like that foid take the redpill will never get old

Donald trump is a pedophile who raped 13 year old girls on the lolita express with Epstein




Imagine being this retarded to believe this.




Imagine ignoring all the clear evidince that trump is clearly a pedo and a pervert(more evidince than on clinton tbh).

are you memeing as a retard, or is this an actual mental issue with you?

Trump was on the lolita logs, he had accusations of raping a 13 year old with epstien before epstdin wad imprisoned, and has literally said in a quote epstien and him like "very young" girls when he was like 50

Guys I'm getting super insecure that my pedo daddy is being questioned I have to calm my insecurities by pretending I'm irony postimg even tho I'm clearly a lol cow retard

So you're legit retarded, got it. I thought maybe you were actually memeing (replacing the name Trump in all the PROVEN Clinton accusations, which would be about a 6/10 on the funny meter)


Trump has more evidince of pedophila against him than clinton

More of that replacing "Clinton" with "Trump" in proven accusations.

Stale and old.


Trump is a pedophile and you know it a 100%

More of that replacing "Clinton" with "Trump" in proven accusations.

Stale and old.


Nobody was on Epstein’s plane even half as many times as Bills 26 logged flights while he was president. Imagine going to an underage orgy island 26 times while you have the most important job in the world. Most people don’t take 26 plane flights their whole life

Nobody doubts bill clinton is a pedophile you faggot

That’s funny cause I didn’t see him metoo’d

That's because anyone who tries, tends to form suicidal tendencies pretty quickly. Just look at Kevin Spacey and all the of mental issues his accusers have gone through 😥😥😥

trump rapes kids tho

God the both of you are retarded.

I know, i just know he gets triggered in every daddy thread so i thought it would be fun to set him off

He can't help himself. I think he's a DDF sleeper agent.


He's shit at it. "Sleeper" implies keeping a low profile.


You mean how I post in the_donald ?

Do you know what sleeper means?

I'm proud that I elected Donald J Trump and will do it again in 2020. And I'll gloat on reddit and harvest the salty, salty tears.

Get off the internet you old faggot. I'm right wing but even I know trump is a mentally retarded P E D O P H I L E. And believing that trump is anything but a retard is cope, have fun supporting Israel nigger.

But entertaining, send upvotes

a match made in heaven



What did he mean by this?


Yes. Stated below. Read up magacel


read up

Ashkilully he's a hebaphile

You and I know damn well that if even a tenth of the circumstantial evidence of Daddy's degeneracy were directed at Joe Biden, you retards would take it and never stop running.

All politicians are pedophiles its like the law

Well he does suck israel's dick so not that surprising

Yeah, what doe sthst have to do with troids?

he's also an incel

With bad spermies too - now he’s just producing autistic kids, poor Melanie

I bet Barron will grow up to be a dramaposter

He better get mod position

Epstein killed himself fellas

What's wrong with that?

Big if true

Funny way to spell "Bill Clinton".


Just because someone has a mental illness, it doesn't mean that we need to hurt them, mentally ill people are angels, and you dramatards are demons.

Dude imagine thinking that playing into mentally ill people’s delusions is helping them. You think we should let the schizo homeless man who thinks he’s president actually be president?

Donald Trump is America's saviour, he beat the establishment and finally governs the country how the working class Americans want it, and not those racist out-of-touch elites, who try to import lazy immigrants into the country to steal our jobs. He's is also the best for the trans community, who just want to live their life without being attacked.

Rent free rent free

What do you mean, I actually like Trump, the fact that he is mentally ill doesn't bother me. I'm a centipede. Make America Great Again. But commies like you are just fake magacels.

Lol nice try homie

Just cope more commie.

Put in more effort next time your facade is dwindling

Imagine thinking that I care enough to put any effort into my replies to collectijism and his defense force.


You are just another rightoid like collectijism and I played with you rightoids like the cat plays with the mouse, and you walked into every single one of my baits, all I did is write nonsense, and you got so mad, it was fun watching.

Play with my balls instead

Don’t fuck with my army

Ok, I'll go soft on them next time.

Go soft like on em like your femenis

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Jokes on you, I'm merely pretending

No you weren’t tho

Because they are an improvement over both foids and manlets

I'm pretty new to Gender Critical ideology and all of my "woke" friends LOVE this show so I guess this is just me rethinking how I've been told to feel versus identifying how I actually feel.

Isn’t being a TERF just a different way of being “woke”?

No terfs are based in every way and don’t you dare say anything bad about them 😡😡😡

In a war against wokies terfs are your greatest ally for once they too were wokies and know the deep dark secrets of the enemy

But after the woke menace is defeated they just revert back to typical TrollX users, just like the Russians

No, once the war is won we'll send the radfems to a nice farm upstate.

They're more like smelly terrorists that you ally with in order to take down the current bigger threat, but once that is over you discover they have less in common with you than your original enemy.

it is woke2

TERFs are socially conservative feminists. Anti-sex and hyper-protective of women like you see in typical conservatism.


Lol, they compare drag to blackface, the dumb shits

You have a chimp mind

Thanks for the compliment

Tbh I don't see how the turfs are wrong about that one

I don't know how a sub can simultaneously be so retarded, yet so based.

The duality of foidkind

TERFS will never win. They are hateful ill-wisher bigots who bully others with mental ilnesses, normal people can see through their lies, and see how evil they are, but you can't see the truth from your echo-chambers, you just hear the same "haha troon bad" opinions here on r/drama, and you think normal people believe it, you know normal people have a life and don't spend their life in their basement cursing ill people on the internet. I wish you went outside and saw what an imaginary world you built around yourselves. And I really wish you fixed your life instead of blaming the troons for your life failures. I hope a tiny amount of love is still deep inside your heart that I can talk to I really hope. Trans rights are human rights and TRANS POWER.

Is this pasta?

No, I believe it.

Based and trannypilled

Thanks man, let's continue our fight against the TERF scum. Soon dramanauts will be enlightened by the girldick. TRANS POWER!

You’re not very good at this

You think you're better at promoting trans rights than me? I doubt.

If promoting trans rights equals being a faggot you're doing a fantastic job.

You'll see the light, and you'll also suck on that girldick my friend.

Saying nothing would be more persuasive.

I agree, people have the right to cut their dicks off due to a mental illness. Trans power!

Dicks are a useless part of the body anyways, it just makes you consoom porn, and children are stinky we don't need more of them.

I agree friend

Glad, you are another NoFap intellectual.

Thank you friend


>go outside

>people still are disgustsd by troids


So you believed all those anti trans post that was linked on r/drama. Man, you really need some fresh air and sunshine.

fresh air and sunshine

People who get this regularly hate troons even more.

And you guys say the trannies are delusional, when this comment is peak delusion.

Fact: Most troid love is exclusively online, irl they're at best jokes or at worst outcasts.

Oh, sweet summer child your indoctronation to the r/drama cult is very strong. If you have the symptoms of saying cope and seethe at random times and being afraid of pibbles then it will be very hard to bring you back to the light.

/r/drama maymays won't change the automatic disgust and aversion the general populace has towards troonkind.

tfw no qt terf gf

You sure those exist?

They do if you're a woman

they don't, all terfs are disgusting, but we have cutie trannies in MAGA hats 😍

I’m not linking hotties for trump but uhh I don’t see hotties for marx


Being pro-trans is actually pro capitalist, because allowing trannies to do anything with their money that they earned, so spending it on surgeries and to become women. Meanwhile anti-trans is pro communinst, because the hormones and surgeries would cost too much for the state, so a communist society would ban transitioning.

Could you shorten your response I don’t read theory

You're a commie in denial.

Now to me it just looks like a bunch of gay men, acting like women but not actually respecting womanhood.

Imagine a show where a bunch of white males did black face and walked around on stage like monkeys shooting basketballs

I would support that because it's their free speech right to do it also making fun of foids and blacks are very fun. Fortunately we have our saviour Donald Trump giving us back our free speech rights that Demoncrats stole.

Personally I like watching white fathers as cucks and simps and retards like every show or movie on tv over the 40 years

This only started in the 90s, which was 30 years ago ya goof. The 80s sitcoms were all about traditional family values

Its 2030 where I live niggah

I'd watch it

I mean blacks do it all the time like chappelle, but if its funny who gives a fuck.

Yeah they got that in Australia. That is basically Chris Lilley's entire shtick.

Aussies get really triggered if you point out how weird it is they celebrate minstrel shows in the modern era...

It's called not being a pussy, you should try it

Finding Chris Lilley funny is simply impossible.

I agree that every new series he's released has been worse than the previous.

But his first few were classics, but probably too Aussie for foreigners to understand some of the jokes.

Vegemite is not a food and is the only proof needed to invalidate any Aussie opinion.

Do they also eat fried chicken and watermelon? I'd watch the fuck out of that. Sounds like a riot

Getting "dragged" and rape threats with getting fired from jobs are not on the same level. Few angry people criticising Rupaul doesn't equal to countless women losing jobs, lives and their mental health to TRA violence. Rupaul still has a career and is thriving.

What is TRA violence?

Getting canceled on Twitter by an account that has a twelve year old anime girl in front of the trans flag.

Oh ok so swallowing their own ideological medicine.



I genuinely don't understand how foids have all convinced themselves that drag shows are art. It's literally either a parody of pageants or even worse.

When foids do pageants its dehumanizing but when troids do pageants its brave and stunning.

I guess I just don't understand how this isn't more male entitlement creating womens' spaces and then excluding women from them.

Why do you think drag queens are creating women's spaces LMAO the entitlement is insane!

I love troids, they put the eternal foid in their place. Man are better at everything than women, even at being women. And they know them. Since Bruce Jenner was declared woman of the year bio-foids have been on the defensive, they known it’s over for them.

how could I enjoy watching men make a mockery of the prison I am kept in?

TERFs think the female body is a prison, of which they are trapped inside. Getting a lot of Freudian penis envy vibes here, a lot of "if only I was released from this female prison to live a true life as a free man!"

Logic child sized brains

Pick one

Check this out: drag is minstrel shows but with women instead of pocs