Why won’t my boyfriend rape me?

1  2019-12-27 by cfbWORKING


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


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Maybe she should hang out with male feminists

The fact that she wants it ruins it for them

Same here

Everybody does that

Foids: looking at me is rape.

Also foids:

2019 and boys like you still can’t understand consent

Looking at me is rape and thats a good thing

this is the radical centrist approach

Foids are asking for it, but just not asking uggos

All she needs to do is try to change his political views to lolbertarian and POOF she got herself a bonafide rapist.

But she's 23

And female

_purplepanda_ 2750 points 18 hours ago*2

I feel very much the same as you OP, and with previous partners, I have had the rule that if I'm not wearing underwear they are good to go

Those poor sheets. Anyone with the name of "purplepanda" weighs > 250 lbs has sharted more than once in bed, I guarantee it.

Any foid with out pics on gone wild that post on reddit probably weigh more than me

more than 135? Still could be hot tho

The smell. You didnt think of the smell you bitch

one more reason for the pile why anyone incapable of bedding a foid should just be sterilised

Its not rape if she asks for it tbh

big yikes

Dis. Only ethical sex is between butch dykes.

The king of spergy fucks who attempts to sound sexy:

One of the hottest things a woman can do for me as a guy is to show her consent, her free and willing sexuality. "Do it. Fuck me" while looking me in the eyes when she saw me hesitate, not sure if she wanted that was so arousing and freeing. At the end of the day you can't and shouldn't force him to do it if he isn't comfortable, but maybe play up that you find it hot. Maybe during an awake sexy session have it be an afterglow comment after he/you cum "this body is yours anytime, day or night". If its something you're into and he's open to it, make it fun! Seduce him! Tell him you hope one day he'll just take you and you dream of waking up to being fucked, waking up with him inside you. If a man can get over being intimidated by it, seeing a woman flex her sexual agency can drive us wild!

chuckles Dirty talk is definitely one of my favorite aspects of the sexual dance. I believe good sex should be mentally and emotionally engaging for both parties. I love encouraging dirty talk in my partner, one of my favorites is, especially if I've already gotten her off, "Please cum in me, Sir". Shit maybe I'm part vampire or something but being invited in, pleaded in like that by a hungry, happy, wanting partner puts me over the edge every time, sometimes I cant cum without that extra dirty talk push.

/r/dirtpenpals regular no doubt

my vagina snapped shut and sealed itself reading this guy's """dirty talk"""

Please cum in me, sir.


Imagine having sex with a Redditor lmao🤢

Imagine a girl saying this mid sex in a deadpan monotone ass voice hahaha it has me dying laughing

when she saw me hesitate

nothing hotter in the throes of passion than hesitation, believe me

sexy session

Why do all redditors talk like this? It’s so fucking gay. “My SO and I were gonna get down for a sexy session”

They’re a bunch of weak willed effeminate losers trying to sound like they fuck.


Girls don't really like this. They think it sounds sexy until it actually happens in real life. When you wake up you're tired, angry, and need to piss. Not really optimal status to start doing it.

Lol you're just a low value male.

I'm what they call a Chad and my gfs have always been wet whether i got verbal consent or not.

my boomer partner would often wake me up with one hand on my dick and the other putting his fingers in my mouth, hot af

uhhh are you gay?

theres nothing gay about appreciating the male boomer form as a male

at least go for the zoomer son, not the crusty boomer dick


Ugh “sexy times.” These vile creatures. Hopefully some venture capitalist comes up with a way to transport these mouth breathing mini van sized fucks directly to a death camp whenever reddit speak is detected.

You can't say "don't get excited" and then describe saucy whatnot.

peak redditor 🤢🤢🤢

I literally never had a GF who said no when I asked her about it.

It's hot af cmv

I feel like these people are fat and it disgusts me.

Literally what’s the issue. You ask them about it, talk about boundaries beforehand, and then once you get the go ahead, you get to slip into bed at 2 am, push the underwear aside, and set your cock on course for nighty night pussy

If he thinks it’s creepy then you don’t need to change his mind. You already let him know you’re okay with it but he let you know he isn’t. If he suggested a new kink but you didn’t want to do it because it seemed creepy then would you want him to try to persuade and convince you to change your mind? Just because it’s a kink/fetish of your doesn’t mean he must do it

the tables have turned. she's the male feminist now.