Holy Prophet in Islam is slandered. Guess who shows up with bombs?

1  2019-12-27 by MG87



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Your post has rendered me completely and utterly impotent. Nowhere in that cesspool of faggotry did I encounter anything even resembling intelligent thought. I physically cannot open reddit with these chodes inhabiting it. My quality of life is now quantitatively worse that it was before I was exposed to what is essentially the intellectual equivalent of a tranny offing themselves.


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extreme centrists?

Hey they didn't even manage to kill anyone this time. Christian terrorists just aren't as competent as muslim ones.

Nah, it’s cuz this “attack” is a false flag perpetrated by Jussie Smollett.

Christian terrorism is a thing. Evangelicals export it to developing countries all the time particularly Africa.

Ummm, I think you need a lesson in intersectionality.

You, on the other hand, are a true fag.

the door was glass and nothing even got cracked or damaged lol

You unironically believe this don’t you

Rightoids be like this.

its true lmao white people and christians do so little terrorism they have to fake it

You probably wish we’d forgotten what you did to get suspended, but we haven’t.

Let me guess, hes a pedo?

Possibly, but that’s not what did him in, it was posting the unedited Christchurch massacre footage.

~clutches pearls~

oh no!

lol i tell everyone it was because i posted the video what u talkin bout nerd

also not even terrorism he wasnt representing a group or trying to force political change

also not even terrorism he wasnt representing a group or trying to force political change

Oh no it’s retarded

if its terrorism every black gang shooting is also terrorism

terrorism is threatening civilians unless something you want happens

in the case of something like 9/11 the threat was that itd keep happening, whereas with this one guy he got arrested and thats clearly not the case

also that mosque sent people to fight for isis in syria so the idea that theyre all civilians is doubtful in the first place


so very retarded

he was just a bloke having an old fashioned brown people shootin you wouldnt understand because youre not australian

Christshitter cope

That or i wanted to say fag. Sorry if i offended the Corps.

This. All of the Muslim "attacks" were also false flags.

Imagine being mad because of your favorite fairy-tale character is shown to be a faggot.

When is it okay to be offended?

I would make a similar video about gay Muhammad, but I'd get hit with something a bit stronger than Molotov cocktails because Muslims aren't pussies.

Do it anyway, be the change you wish to see

because Muslims aren't pussies.

Good. Muslims are based

Iconoclast were right.

The company's Rio de Janeiro headquarters was "hit by a Molotov cocktail attack"

Lamest possible thing.. All the heroes with their 72 virgins laughing their asses off in heaven

I'll say it again: Black Jesus" is probably the best portrayal of Jesus for a modern audience. Biblical Jesus was a guy chilling with whores, lepers, and taxmen. He was looked down upon during his life. If he was alive today, he'd more likely be a black dude in Compton than Steve Carrell in *Evan Almighty.

Tbf Molotov cocktails are not an extremely deadly form of explosive. Like Molotov cocktails are just a riot that got a tiny bit rowdy.

This goes to show that Christianity is not intrinsically "better" or more "tolerant" than Islam. It appears so because in the West, we have caged it and restrained it by separating church and state. But uncaged and unrestrained by secularism, Christianity is just as medieval, superstitious and intolerant. What we are seeing in Poland and Brazil is just a tiny sample of what unrestrained Christianity looks like.