[TOTAL SHIT SHOW] "Imagine paying and raising a child that is not yours" on r/gaming wife's son post; -7700 downvotes and literally thousands of chapoids shrieking 'incel'

1  2019-12-27 by Phil_Leotardo_


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Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. [TOTAL SHIT SHOW] "Imagine paying a... - archive.org, archive.today

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Thread keeps on delivering

Is it weird if downvotes on my comments sexually excite me? šŸ¤­šŸ˜³šŸ˜

Ok incel

Hodor why are you raising other people's kids? šŸ¤” šŸ˜‚

Only an incel would mock a man doing his duty to help raise a boy no matter who the biological father may or may not be


Lmao some mad incel reported you.

I noticed you user-chan. UwU

Based and masopilled.

Sounds like you're into cuckolding.

Same, hope this comment will go negative.

Dramatards are transphobic racists, who are really just rightoids, and the radical centrism meme is just a coping strategy, because they can't accept that they aren't any better than magatards.

Iā€™m glad someone gets it šŸ¤—


I thought being a rightoid was illegal here due to the immigration policy?

There are plenty of rightoids, MDEfugees are checked at the border

What's the difference between a transphobic racist and an MDEfugee?

It's ok to be a transphobic racist

This but unirinically

Dude I live Hitler and blasting Trussy.

I would argue reality is far more racist, "transphobic" than any political affiliation that holds power today. You got to be truly be a retard if you give benefit of doubt to troons, who are by definition, mentally deranged in some way that expects 99% of the people to just believe in their delusions because they are deviants of the norm.

But yeah, radical centrism is kind of a meme because you got to be previleged to even consider this your main political affiliation. Being radically centrist means you already have your basic needs of survival (food, water, shelter, smartphone, internet connection) taken care of.

Nigger what?

Having any political affiliation AND doing so for free means you're privileged.

I'd bet on center left and center right people annoyed at PC culture

Is it transphobic if I like saying tranny but I also suck girlcock

This is actually true though. Drama is chock full of idiots seriousposting about their deeply held political opinions, but hiding it behind "irony" and "memes" because they are cowards and losers.

Isn't radical centrism just ridiculing anyone who holds a genuine opinion about anything?

No you imbecile, radical centrism is about ridiculing people who try to scrap together retarded ideologies that fail spectacularly at eing even a little consistent. Libertarian tards who want to get rid of the state but also have property rights guaranteed, authoritarian tards who want a strong state and wrongly think they'll have any say in how it's run. Anarcho tards who think they can abolish the state and another one won't spring up to fill the vacuum. Neoliberals who just fetishize the status quo.

Radical centrism is the important end of ideological dogma, it's where we're free to see that all the ideologies pushed today are failed 20th century ideas that we should move beyond.

This was beautiful man.

What's funny is that your only posts here lately are seriousposts about the sad state of are drama, like a clockwork whenever there's a hugely popular post like the above.

Guilty as charged. It's the only time I can be motivated to post. I come to drama to be outraged at people who come to drama to be outraged.

Tbh drama is a great place to go to just be in aww of the utter retardation of mankind and current year. It's kinda like the disgusting freak show corner of reddit


It's true, we have a leftoid jannie problem

I'm downvoting as hard as I can.

Ok that's a new fetish.

Downvoted just to jack u off bb

You are too good to me šŸ˜©šŸ’¦

imagine lacking empathy and putting your own pride above a childā€™s wellbeing

Lmao this lil fag is implying you have some moral imperative to raise another dude's kid.

Ok incel


I've got a sex offender file that says otherwise bucko šŸ˜Ž

Sure incel

Incel pride worldwide!

The last time someone said that it ended in cultural appropriation of ISIS by a leaf.


talk to the hand incel

Imagine having your butthole stapled shut with about 250 staples. It's basically a solid plate of metal by the end of it.

Imagine me caring what an incel has to say


Whatever sea legs incel

Sure fatty

A male feminist rightoid.

It doesnā€™t count as a lay if she was unconscious, buddy.

Tell that to the judge buddy

Not my problem, Iā€™m not the male feminist here.


They really are seething recently. I think they have CSAD. Cuffing Season Affectiveness Disorder. Maybe we should install a vitamin D light in /r/drama?

Everyone has to be raised by someone. Might as well be you.

I don't see them shovelling out money or volunteering.

The chick isnā€™t even his wife, sheā€™s his girlfriend (not even fiancĆ©e).

Also I guarantee you the creep told the poor kid to wear his capeshit shirt while he played the game so he could get extra upfucks on Reddit.


So in your opinion, if a kid's parents separate he just shouldn't get another father figure in his life? Or the woman should remain single for the rest of her life?


lol ok incel

i might be an incel but i still fucked your mom

Whatever incel

You do understand what sub you're in? Why get this mad..

Ok incel

Do you even know what fucking sub your on though? You fucking moron. On this sub we don't get mad! FUCKING HELL you fucking FUCK stupid FUCKER. WE DON'T GET MAD HERE YOU FUCKING FUCK FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK YOU FUCK.AAHHHHHAHAAHHawjfajfaWJFAWFHAWGFhAUWGIOA:PWGOUHAWGaWgAWGAWSGjaKWg

He hasn't responded yet but I think you're an incel?


That's really effective for such low effort trolling.

Shut up outcel.

This is my post. My opinion. I have the right to express my opinion on any subject anywhere I go without it being QUESTIONED by a mere incel. If you knew me irl you would quickly reconsider snarky questioning over my SIMPLE opinion


This is art.

what fucking sub your on

Apparently you don't, grammartard.

Ok, incel

I like Hodor more than you, INCEL

The primitive slav lashes out at you, as he realizes he needs to lurk more.

Ok beaner

Slavs aren't white. Lurk more subhuman

Ok spic

Literally responding to the wrong person.

The low IQ of the slav subhuman is proven yet again.

Literally responding to the wrong person.

The low IQ of the spic subhuman is proven yet again.

Whatā€™s it like being a poor manā€™s Finn?

Aww, you went back and did your research? Pretty alright, tbh, maybe our late start will let us learn some lessons from them and prevent us from cucking up our country.

By the by, if you could suggest any cookbooks from your country that would be awesome. Nothing in your primitive language mind you; but I enjoy learning and cooking food form different cultures.

About that.. We don't really have a cuisine.

Rye bread, boiled potatoes and unseasoned oven baked pork is pretty much it.

We just eat "western food" now, besides rye bread which is the only staple left. Burgers, Fries, Pizza, Steak, Hot Dogs, Kebab, Sushi, etc.

Do you fucking idiots not realize that Hodor is an ancient shitposter on this sub?

Such a incel thing to do

Just because im celibate involuntarily doesn't mean Im an incel

Ok incel

My stepdad always told me that I'm not his son. And once he beat me up for bringing home "some faggot stuff" because I stole an anime from a random nerd at school.

How does it feel to know that your mom's pussy wasn't good enough to calm down your step dad's temperment?


Even Jesus wouldn't want to hit that pussy.

We should ban you and mod your step dad honestly

he sounds based

Your mother has terrible taste in men.

My mother is worse.

Based stepdad

They could also just get some fucking loser whose genes aren't worth shit anyway. I'm a Chad, my kids are going to have my genes because I don't want to raise a kid that's going to have to grow up to be ugly and dumb just because some foid got pumped and dumped by some hick with a 4" dick.

Anyone who had to declare himself a Chad isn't.

Incels should be required by law to marry single moms. Solves two birds with one stone.

NO! I don't want to marry a single mom!

Ok incel.

Wife won't fuck him and he has to share his NEETbux. You want more killing sprees? Because that's how you get more killing sprees.

I mean a child still have its dad so idk what they are getting at

Imagine rejecting a fertile female just because she has a child. Are you a gorilla?

This is like the 3rd post about the same thread.

Lol heā€™s also an opiate and cocaine addict - brilliant

opiates and coke are great meds againt depression

The number one solution for rural wh*tes to end their depression.

Meth would like to have a word with you.

Opiates are good against cooming but the booger sugar isn't

A good friend of mine went through a really rough time, turned to coke, then turned to me with a million dollar business idea to invest in.

especially fentanyl it ends depression for good.

opioids are the depression meds of the future (and past)

Sounds like he was adopted.

Sounds like an advanced YT.

at least hes not raising someone elses kid lol

Legally he's prob not allowed near children

you can quit drugs with willpower or self improvement but that poor cunt is stuck raising someone elses kid forever with some gross loose women that someone already jizzed in and then rejected

its a sad situation and i wouldnt wish it on anyone, even jews

That last bit made me fuckinā€™ LOL

Ahahahah This trailer trash can't quit drug for shit. He has so little willpower that he copy paste rightoid opinion but can't justify them with a rightoid worldview (god and all that). He will die in a gutter soon while the cuck will just have another marvel themed brunch

frog mocking someone for having no will power

I mean honestly, that shits a deal-breaker for me. Iā€™d only want to raise my own blood. My genes are homo superio compared to others so itā€™d be the right thing to do for society.

Plus imagine the costs - youā€™re on the hook for that kids college, etc. I wouldnā€™t invest in anything not genetically related to me. What if they betray you? Blood is thicker than water.

Thereā€™s no such thing as soul-mates either so youā€™ll just meet any other hot single foid .

yeah p much dude

to me its like if some guy painted a picture 80% complete and then you picked up where he left off, itd be unsatisfying and ultimately pointless because its not a reflection of yourself

Blood is thicker than water

Imagine being such a retard you dont know the full phrase and use it wrong lmao


Wait really?

Thatā€™s pretty fucked - donā€™t they listen to our friend automod?

Holy shit some of the comments in the IVā€™d one are awful - those people are legitimately wanting him to die for just writing a shitty comment.

Theyā€™re way way more horrible people than he is, Christ. I hate reddit, those people can kick rocks.


I sometimes get messaged by people from chapotraphouse for my submissions on unpopularopinion which received zero upvotes, weeks after I posted it. I donā€™t even understand how they find it. What amazing lives they must have.

It must be a discord or something they get together on I had like five responses to a three month old post about trump once and they all had that same snarky smug tone

This is why I unironically hate h*mans and hope for a day of r0pe

Giant Meteorite 2020

Aww I love when you guys get all emotional and defensive once in a while. Really prove that the whole "we don't get offended around here" is just an act, and a fragile one.

I just checked your post history and yikes!

You're french

Based and whiteflagpilled

The only thing more predictable than this comment is your likelihood of making it past 65

You know dude, saying you dont want a post-wall roastie literally makes you the worst person on earth. Die you drug addict!

Dude's comment seems to have really touched a nerve with a lot of redditors lmao.

Theyā€™re sperging hard

He hit the cuck nest and they are storming

The anti coomer dudes are fucking insane

He was probably just low-key trolling, high as fuck, and has probably forgotten he even made the comment.

This is what I thought. Hopefully he is alright.

I agree it'd be a shame if the paramedics ruined his best and final heroin trip with Narcan. Godspeed.

Hopefully he's dead. One less inferior inces takin in resources and producing nothing.

says the arrrr drama poster

imagine thinking depression isnā€™t a real thing for someone who literally uses hard drugs to cope

Just stop taking drugs haha, like bro that's what's messing with your brain haha, depression in drug addicts can't be real haha

shit u right

Don't really get how that is funny.

He's also a Steelers fan. The unwanted tack on team

so a typical MDEtard then

If you're on dope coomin aint an option

I gave him an upvote. I stand by any man on this website that doesn't delete there comment.


Or edit.

Or spell like a retard.

It's your duty to sink with the ship!

I upvoted him with all my ban evasion accounts.

Ever since they changed the -5 total karma max per comment, I'm surprised people still delete. You can always just turn off alerts

Related AITA thread (find the everyone's the asshole thread for some delicious drama)



The proper solution here is waiting till she's legal, and then marrying the daughter.

Srd can never laugh at drama they're the type of fools to debate and dissect it like its anything more than dumb folk bring stupid

So that's where the downvotes are coming from. It's pretty much impossible for a comment to get that many downvotes unless it's linked somewhere. After a certain amount of downvotes, it will be so buried at the bottom that it should stop being downvoted because people are seeing it.

I'd like to point out that I've been downvoting in this thread since the afternoon.

Wouldnā€™t the biodad be the cuck since youā€™re the one plowing his ex? How is a step-parent (or boyfriend) the cuckold?

Lol, they literally do not know what fuck means.

Buncha douches in that thread but op deserves it for posting personal pics on reddit for karma.

The downvotes are seriously impressive. Cuck cope

/r/gaming has a high concentration of advertiser bot nets.

Anti-soomer comments will not be tolerated.

i notice this on threads about trussy. Every comment is mass upvoted but like 90% of people in the real world think they are freaks. Very high concentration of Soy and bots.

>Bang dude's GF

>She leaves him for me

>She had a kid with him though

>TFW I'm a cuck for having sex with someone else's GF

He smashed and now you get to raise his cum. He's the alpha now

Its called pump and dump for a reason

I haven't seen this level of cope in a long, long time. -16k is nuclear cope.

Should have gone with the theme and bought him a used game


Take a moment and imagine yourself caring about the opinion of some retard on /r/gaming.

This is such a weird thing, since when did the right get so sensitive about stepchildren?

When even a gf became out of reach for the alt-right

Nah, you see, you're a cuck if she's your girlfriend, but the moment you marry her and they become your stepkids, you're a wholesome, god loving family man giving those kids a father figure. - conservatards

Since when? Have you ever heard the term "bastard?" Are you slow?

People have always hated single mothers, bastard children, divorcees, etc. This is not new.

What, are you stupid? Washington had stepchildren. Augustus had stepchildren. Nobody ever cared about people having stepchildren. If anything, single/divorced/widowed women with children have always been expected to find a new daddy as quick as possible.

Oh OK I guess since a few people in history did you original point stands. The hatred of bastard children totally didn't exist and you're not completely retarded.


We're not even talking about bastards? You are an unintelligent man.

It's honestly shocking that you don't see the connection.

We're not talking about the kid, we're talking about the father. And you're somehow assuming every child with a single mother is a bastard, like divorce and death just don't exist. I don't know what argument you think you're making, but it just comes off as nonsense. Not surprising - you are an incel, after all. If you're too stupid to get a woman to sleep with you in 2019 you must be barely sentient.

can you give a nigga some tips

Stepchildren aren't bastards wtf?

Washington also had slaves. What's your point?

The stigma against bastards was created by the property-owning classes as a measure for protecting that property.

Since the wife's son meme don't try and look into rightoid reasoning too deeply, they are told what to think by memes and then retroactively make up some bullshit about how they came to thay conclusion themselves.

in which exotic ancient civilization do we need to travel back to, to find men who take pride in raising another mans cum spawns?


Did they raise another people's children tho? I know they adopted a lot of grown arse adults.

There was a large system of adoption between senatorial families


The only time I remember someone adopting an older person was with Clodius, and that was just a crazy scheme for Clodius to be able to run for a plebian-only position

and look how that turned out for them.

Any interaction sounds awful if you call a person a cum spawn.

"Imagine shaking hands with another man's cum spawn"

fuck trophies?

Pre-1860s Southern US. Any slave society really.

imagine not raising your own child

my girlfriendā€™s son


Imagine being this ghetto.

I know no serious posting but can a non retard explain to me in radical cebtrist fadhion why not wanting to raise another man's child means your an incel, please and thank you.

I know no serious posting and all, but can a non retarded person explain to me how not wanting to raise some other loosers kid makes you an incel?

A lot of imagining going on in that thread, john lennon would be proud.

Ok which one of you retards gilded him?

that whole thread is fantastic

Lmao op used np linking what a retard

hahaha it isn't even a cuck thing he's literally mad about a woman with a kid and an ex

Reddit: single mothers are terrible and raise messed up children with no father figure

Also reddit: getting with any woman who already has a kid makes you a massive cuck

The logic still holds. Those two arenā€™t contradictory at all.

The first sentence has the implication that the children should have a father figure but I guess anyone who steps up is just a moron šŸ¤·

I mean I am glad you understood that person's comment. We are all so very proud of you. What exactly is your point though?

That it's retarded logic and I celebrate the fact that it will accelerate the mayocide as white men cry about the degeneracy of single motherhood while a) not having any kids of their own b) not giving white boys with no father a father figure

Some please help me understand wtf this bitch is going on about

hes retarded

Why do you repeatedly assume I care about the mayocide? Itā€™s like the second time you have mentioned it and I donā€™t have any skin in the game. Fathers should be involved in their kids lives and single moms are trashy. Your logic isnā€™t even retarded just kinda sad. Dinduā€™s havenā€™t been cided yet they have sky high rates of absentee fathers and similar dropping birth rates?

You mean mulatto boys and their white mothers.

step up

YASSSSSS QUEEN these incels need to step up and raise Tyrone's baby! Only a reeeeeel man would step up!

The people whose job it is to clean human shit off of the walls of your hotel bathroom are morons - they are still necessary to society.

Same is true of step-fathers. Some simp idiot has to do it, but by god it won't be me.

Perhaps the mother should be better at keeping the childā€™s father happy.

Only a foid could post something this retarded

And it's not even like OP said he's actually raising the kid as if it were his own

Maybe he just sees the kid once in a while and decided to give a Christmas gift to be nice

He spent $15 on a game so he can rail his mom.



Sexy-times with the wifey? After a hard day of adulting?!?

Came home and the wifey surprised me with this

picture of a new game for Xbox or ps4, two bags of doritos, a two liter bottle of soda, and three movie theater sized packets of candy

So blessed

Wholesome Keanu Reeves 100

Tbh he only bought him a game, he didnā€™t pay all of his needed child support.

I've never seen so many downvotes before, on a comment..it was over 10k.

why does everyone say this is about incels i dont get it lol

Every insult eventually loses its original meaning. Itā€™s happening to ā€œboomerā€ now too.

that happened like 2 days after normie reddit got a hold of that shit lol

It's literally just a spiritual successor to "virgin".

Its how virgins can insult virgins for being virgins

When i looked at that thread yesterday it was the cucks being downvoted not the retards. Big brigade eh, I wonder who. šŸ  šŸ  šŸŸšŸŸšŸ”šŸ”

Day of the Can when?

Imagine being an unemployed drug addict and throwing shade at others.

Reddit: "Marginalizing and demonizing drug addicts is bad. They should be treated like victims to a disease like anyone else,. They deserve our care as a society and it is our responsibility to help cure their disease."

Reddit when a Drug Addict says Wrong Thing: "LOL FUCKIN DRUG ADDICT"

I feel like reddit's ego is on the brink

I feel like if redditors dont get a fucking grip soon, they are going to radicalise everyone.


"Was the game previously owned as well?"

I got a few hundred downvotes for saying a single mother is a red flag. If I were in my mid-to-late 30s I think it would be expected that most available women would have children, but having a child in your 20s and being a single mother is (to me) something that I don't want to get involved in. What if we don't work out and I never see the kid again? Why did she choose to have a kid with someone that early if their relationship wasn't solid enough? What if she didn't choose to have a kid, and she wasn't careful with protection?

I did some really fucking retarded shit in my 20s that I wouldn't dream of doing now.

We all did and somehow we managed to not ā€œaccidentallyā€ have a kid, be incentivized by the federal govt to force the father out of the childā€™s life, and then somehow play the victim when it was 100% our fault the entire time.

bad car fax


Imagine thinking it was a choice and not that she's shit horrible at taking birth control

okay inkwell

Oh, you're not wrong. Reddit loves its red flags but some are more "problematic" than others.

That is to say, all single moms are queens, and they must slay.

It's funny because as much as I see that guy is a total asshole, the best responses Reddit can give are as if dramanauts wrote them to sound as cope as possible. I really can't believe how much this blew up.

If I cant call him my son I ain't paying for shit

They all just watched the new star wars

Regardless of the message that is the funniest possible comment to make there.

Err i'd rather spend my hard earned money on myself than raise a kid that's not from my seed.

People also adopt children. That's paying for a child that is not yours. Would you make fun of people who adopt as well? >Yes


Never expected to see shortcel and mgtow users getting 150+ upvotes on rdrama.

Jesus, I can't believe that I agree with hodor on something, but you all truly are a bunch of pathetic incels.

ur an incel if u don't raise another man's cum


-14600 downvotes lmfao apparently reddit hates being called cucks and EA

bitch got bad car fax

Lol, 15k downvotes. Where was this linked to? Even chapos can't brigade that hard


Dude seems to have a pretty serious drug issue and probably isnt in the best place in his life atm. Not an excuse just an observation.

He spent $15 on a game so he can rail his mom.

70 iq chapo saying you need to pay single mothers to have sex

Imagine being an unemployed drug addict and throwing shade at others.

Leftoid projection and hypocrisy in a nutshell.

Now all the dude has to say that he is black and this tard is going to be cancelled for being a racist.

How is this upvoted?

Edit: it is no longer upvoted. Good job everyone.


šŸ¤” that's why I don't women with children from previous relationships. Pretty simple solution, no?

Lmao he also posts in /r/opiates

Maybe the father died or something

Being a step-dad is like being the guy who cleans the insides of the sewers.

Some poor bastard has to do it, but you still shouldn't view it as a desirable outcome on an individual level.