Someone made a compilation of the best users on this website

1  2019-12-28 by ChipChippersonAMA


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It’s a good compilation!

And a good sub!

Not as good as r/familyman

Nothing can ever be!

Exactly, love ya chip bb!

Please consider donating $1. I only need $15 a month to keep this bot running:

People pay money to have these bots show up in comment sections?

Counterpoint, there may literally be no place in the world that has that many n words archived

I actually donated because this was so well argued tbh.



n words archived


Imagine not knowing that you can run a bot on Heroku and it will


nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

hope that helps

You were actually already on there... As a matter of fact, if this gets picked up by the bot, which it probably won't because the bot apparently has a spam filter, then you will be the /r/drama regular with the highest n-word count.

nice! i want to thank the little people, who made this possible. the jannies, who clean it up for free.

Jannies aren’t people tho

Might be a little premature tbh. It seems that the archive only goes back three days at the moment.

people that can't be bothered to run the bot on a computer so they pay a server to run it for them

I only need $15 a month to keep this bot running:


Just get a Raspberry Pi you grifting fucks lmak

not having $15 a month to burn for your pet project

Poors need to leave the internet.

Who the fuck can't afford $15 a month?

Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!


  1. Someone made a compilation of the b... -,

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What word historically had had as much power as nigger right now? Why do some people see that as a good thing?


Yahweh maybe but most religious names are just when they are taken in vane.

People think its a good thing because racism

Literally none. But in the future (as I've seen it) the next "nword" will be a new slur for consoomers.

Nigger lol

Dude nigger lmao

I want this bot to record every time that I say that just saying "nigger" isn't funny. 😒 I'll beat your count.

I think we can both agree that he overuses it but in this case it's definitely appropriate

I'm pretty offended that I'm not on the list

Only one way to change that my friend!

I've said nigger a few times recently. Called Canadians a bunch of Syrup Niggers. Nothing.

I mean that seems justified though.

CockNBallEnthusiast used the n-word (hard-R) >on /r/mylittlepony!

User: /u/ CockNBallEnthusiast

Comment: nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger >nigger nigger

Subreddit: mylittlepony


Comment Created by User at: 1577426032

This sub has some seriously good potential

I agree.

I wonder what would happen if we called nwordcountbot on that bot

I don't think it would work, the creator of the bot made it so if you have it spammed you're blacklisted from the bot as to not encourage a high score

Sounds like I’ll have to do it myself

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Please create it, I have an idea where people can purify themselves of their Chapo score by having the n word count match it

Chapo score?

Someone created a bot to track users post in chapotraphouse, along with their comment score. My idea is if someone can balance it with just the right amount of gamer terms they are now pure

chapo check

0 of ChipChippersonAMA's last 979 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

Niggers lmao

This is actually a really good find. I bet you could use this sub to mine dramacoin at an unprecedented rate.


Hahahahaha people give this faggot money for this, incredible

why the fuck is the word “nigger” such a big deal

This is why I made /r/the_nword , a safe space to say the nigger-word safe from racism and contextual errors

Checks for own username: 'Oh, good. That sub only reports reddit uses of the slur, not real world ones.'

Thanks for the list of the best subs on this site full of niggahs

Remember when reddit banned nwordcountbot?

Someone called me the N word in r/chapotraphouse. Hard I at the end.