Leftist hysteria has made the alt-right more powerful than anything they themselves has done. Wokies gave them the ability to claim anything they touch.
I thought /r/stupidpol was already neck deep into the unavoidable consumption by chapo-alts that happens to every leftist sub on the site? Of course they all secretly love to consoom, but only marvel movies and funkoPOP!s.
I think that there's an unhealthy non-Free-Market situation where monopolistic media franchises are exempt from natural selection and get worse and worse as a result. Also, other related shit.
I don't contribute to that in any way because the last movie I paid to see, in a cinema or otherwise, was "Avatar" IIRC.
Someone really ought to make a left version of r/consumeproduct. Like this is a sub to critique identity politics from the left, an equivalent sub to critique consumerism from the left would be good.
What, they already have /r/latestagecapitalism and /r/hailcorporate, but realized it's too much seriousposting because the left can't meme so they decide to copy right wing memes for the anotherth time?
1 AutoModerator 2019-12-28
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-12-28
Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.
Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.
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1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-12-28
Those imbeciles, those fucking morons. Are they gonna let le nazis claim anti-consumerism too? Might as well declare Marvel praxis I guess.
1 Msmit71 2019-12-28
Leftist hysteria has made the alt-right more powerful than anything they themselves has done. Wokies gave them the ability to claim anything they touch.
1 MasterLawlzFan 2019-12-28
You guys like my flair in that sub? 😏
1 Tzar-Romulus 2019-12-28
Shit I thought you were actually Masterlawz for a second.
1 Vanocthaes 2019-12-28
Well, he is
1 StingAuer 2019-12-28
1 Intravenousmemefluid 2019-12-28
I thought /r/stupidpol was already neck deep into the unavoidable consumption by chapo-alts that happens to every leftist sub on the site? Of course they all secretly love to consoom, but only marvel movies and funkoPOP!s.
1 George__soyros 2019-12-28
Do you not consume entertainment?
1 zergling_Lester 2019-12-28
I consoom are drama and free games from Epic store.
1 George__soyros 2019-12-28
Why is that better than the people you mock?
1 zergling_Lester 2019-12-28
My money doesn't subsidize the ill-behaving market.
1 George__soyros 2019-12-28
Do you think marvel and Star Wars are subsidised
1 zergling_Lester 2019-12-28
I think that there's an unhealthy non-Free-Market situation where monopolistic media franchises are exempt from natural selection and get worse and worse as a result. Also, other related shit.
I don't contribute to that in any way because the last movie I paid to see, in a cinema or otherwise, was "Avatar" IIRC.
1 megafaggotron1986 2019-12-28
he means subsidized by paying customers
1 foureyednickfury 2019-12-28
What, they already have /r/latestagecapitalism and /r/hailcorporate, but realized it's too much seriousposting because the left can't meme so they decide to copy right wing memes for the anotherth time?
1 MikeHuntIsAnAsshole2 2019-12-28
The irony is glorious to behold
1 [deleted] 2019-12-28
1 RBLXTalk 2019-12-28
perfect amount of retarded r/drama unawareness for today, thank you
1 AltRitardando 2019-12-28
They both have the exact same ideology lol
1 Fortunes_Arc 2019-12-28
Is this new wave of anti consumerism just a really elaborate way for poor people to bitch that they can't afford anything