r/stupidpol start hurling insults at r/consumeproduct after realising that a massively up voted post on their sub is from that sub. Drama ensues. Heavy cognitive dissonance ahead

1  2019-12-28 by fmlpk


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. r/stupidpol start hurling insults a... - archive.org, archive.today

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Those imbeciles, those fucking morons. Are they gonna let le nazis claim anti-consumerism too? Might as well declare Marvel praxis I guess.

Leftist hysteria has made the alt-right more powerful than anything they themselves has done. Wokies gave them the ability to claim anything they touch.

You guys like my flair in that sub? 😏

Shit I thought you were actually Masterlawz for a second.

Well, he is

From shit it was created and to shit it shall return.

I thought /r/stupidpol was already neck deep into the unavoidable consumption by chapo-alts that happens to every leftist sub on the site? Of course they all secretly love to consoom, but only marvel movies and funkoPOP!s.

Do you not consume entertainment?

I consoom are drama and free games from Epic store.

Why is that better than the people you mock?

My money doesn't subsidize the ill-behaving market.

Do you think marvel and Star Wars are subsidised


I think that there's an unhealthy non-Free-Market situation where monopolistic media franchises are exempt from natural selection and get worse and worse as a result. Also, other related shit.

I don't contribute to that in any way because the last movie I paid to see, in a cinema or otherwise, was "Avatar" IIRC.

he means subsidized by paying customers

Someone really ought to make a left version of r/consumeproduct. Like this is a sub to critique identity politics from the left, an equivalent sub to critique consumerism from the left would be good.

What, they already have /r/latestagecapitalism and /r/hailcorporate, but realized it's too much seriousposting because the left can't meme so they decide to copy right wing memes for the anotherth time?

The irony is glorious to behold


perfect amount of retarded r/drama unawareness for today, thank you

They both have the exact same ideology lol

Is this new wave of anti consumerism just a really elaborate way for poor people to bitch that they can't afford anything