Crazy bitch can't watch TV with her husband because there might be women more attractive than her in them.

1  2019-12-28 by TeeEssDoubleU


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  1. Crazy bitch can't watch TV with her... -,

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Imagine letting your foid tell you what you are allowed to watch

Your husband sounds like he and I could be friends. I just quit watching The Witcher yesterday for that very reason. I watched the first few episodes, fast forwarding the nudity scenes, but yesterday I stepped away from the TV for a moment and came back to an orgy in progress. Decided enough was enough. I also haven’t watched GoT for this very reason, even though it’s right up my alley and I would love to watch it...



I bet that if her husband listens to that advice her next post will be "My husband's friends are influencing him with toxic masculinity".

if my husband goes out of the house alone he might see other women and end up thinking about sex

Commenting in a five day old thread? Have you no restraint?


I actually carry around a point-and-shoot film camera, and regularly take pictures of people in public to add to my own cringe compilation. I make sure the flash is on and say "SNAP" when I do it. The following is a list of situations in which I've added people to my cringe compilation:

  1. A man I was secretly watching at the gym was unable to complete a full set during his workout (I was counting) and at an unimpressive weight no less.
  2. An elderly woman on the bus dropped her change while attempting to pay for a ticket.
  3. The gentleman making my sandwiches at subway had to ask for clarification no less than 3 times during the sandwich creation process.
  4. You making this post
  5. My waitress became visibly upset after I refused to tip her for providing merely adequate service. I should not be forced to provide additional compensation regardless of the amount of food she served me and the time I spent dining. 6.I regularly pretend to add women to my cringe compilation when in actuality I am taking pictures of their feet.

How can one man be this based?

I regularly pretend to add women to my cringe compilation when in actuality I am taking pictures of their feet.

Everything was good until this. You're a degenerate.

It's almost 2020 and you still haven't taken the foot pill.


Lol, he's a 40k fan and has a action figure collection

I hope his foid doesn't realize 40k is pretty facist

The only reason why foids haven't glomped onto 40k like every other boardgame is that its so hilariously over the top fascist, racist, xenophobic, and operates on irony levels too deep for normies.

I hope his foid doesn't realize 40k is pretty facist

based and heresy Pilliatused

Actually it's likely because taking part in that hobby requires tens of hours of autism and hundreds of dollars, more than any wrecker is willing to expend.

Yes, and the being-told-by-his-wife-to-not-watch-porn part is pretty bad, too.

I can tolerate very little nudity in movies. Like a short scene. But when it's drawn out or multiple scenes it starts pissing me off. He knows how much I dislike it so he looks away.

This is some penultimate cuckholdry, I can't fathom being threatened by a fictional TV show, let alone listening to a foid lmao

this shit from foids over there honestly sounds like their version of male cucks

cucks give up because they are weak and pathetic and let their wives fuck other people. these foids know they are weak and pathetic and respond instead by impotently attempting to control the reality that they and their sad husbands observe

You shouldn’t be a fantasycel in the first place

Swords and dragons are not good.

What about neon and dystopiam noir?

Stop watching cloakshit

You gotta make compromises, I've seen every episode of the US Office and way too many episodes of Friends.

Moids in 2020. Not even once.

Imagine keeping a moid around.

If she ever does "dont watch this or we break up" dump her instantly and show her who is boss. Assuming you pay for everything, she will have to find a new place and start over. She don't know good she has it until it's gone.

Dont play hardball if you arent willing to take a walk.


The Ashkenzai are literally a dog whistle. They throw a bone to certain minorities in the hereditary intelligence grift so that they get permission elsewhere to go to their true desired route - black people are inherently stupid and can never possibly succeed at anything. “What you disagree with that? But we’re unbiased and non-antisemitic too because we think Ashkenzai are hi iq! Are you saying J00s aren’t hi iq?!”

Note that there is a curious thing that often goes on here. Because naturally, they want their cake and to eat it too. All of these hereditarians constantly poo poo multiple intelligence theories and claim that there is a single universal intelligence factor, and that’s all that matters. But when talking about Jewish IQ specifically, you will see the curious claim among these G factor enthusiasts that Jews merely have high “verbal intelligence”. Very odd, because literally for no other group do they specify any subtype of intelligence, because, again, they supposedly don’t believe in it.

What does high “verbal intelligence” mean? They are slick talking lawyers who spout sophistry in order to confuse the poor gentiles into giving into white genocide. While they don’t have true intelligence, or “spatial intelligence”, required to actually have LogicTM and ReasonTM, that is the domain of hi iq whites of course.

Again, Jews are the only group in which this form of multiple intelligence is implicitly posited among hereditarians. They spend a great deal of time mocking multiple intelligence elsewhere, mostly because they fear it gives people an out, people can say that blacks might have hereditary deficiencies in certain types of intelligence but hereditary advantages in other types. Like I don’t necessarily agree with that, but it’s a powerful argument against the hereditarians position, and of course they want to squash it, so they act like there’s zero merit at all to any multiple intelligence theories. And then, with no discussion, no dissent, suddenly they are talking about Jewish “high verbal IQ”. Makes you think.

They never seem to be called on this, because their opponents largely find merit in multiple intelligence theories, and I think their opponents implicitly are glad to see a reference to multiple intelligence in their work. No - call them on the hypocrisy and selective application of their theory. If there is a contradiction in their arguments, that is always a sign of their inherent prejudices that should be explored and attacked ruthlessly once you realize its psychological foundations.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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Absolutely based droid


another crazy bitch having "panic attacks" over her bf watching the witcher lol.

Omg I literally got into a fight with my bf about this show tonight!!! I said you’re not watching it, sorry but it grosses me out and makes me uncomfortable.

this bitch lmao, men need to grow a pair

If your woman says that and you’re not single by the end of the day, you don’t deserve to have testicles

it makes me want to literally puke thinking about you watching it

ffs these people

Read the sidebar?

under the skin is excellent and great taste

i’d still slap the bitch even if we weren’t together anymore

Walking simulator

Imagine letting your woman tell you you aren’t allowed to watch something.

I’m not sure what would actually happen. I think I’d be in shock and just ignore her completely.

Imagine doing all this for a crumb of gussy, the worst orifice

Gussy is my drug :(

he isnt bussypilled

Try herione you'll be sucking dick in no time

Hmm but I like my teeth and have weak veins

Losing your teeth will just make you better at sucking nice cock.

Can't tell if it's larp or not

just ignore her completely

Honestly took me over 10 years of dating/relationships before I figured this out to be the best solution 90% of the time.

When it comes to stupid shit, just ignore them and do whatever you want.

I still joke with my old man about why he didn’t teach that to me.

A large part of all relationships is learning when to just ignore shit. Arguing is pointless when people are being irrational.

To all young dramautists, one of the best skills to learn for your career is when to say ok to an utterly retarded request and then just not do it so that everyone else forgets about it

when to say ok to an utterly retarded request and then just not do it so that everyone else forgets about it

Sounds like the army


Just don't get married

To all young dramautists, one of the best skills to learn for your career is when to say ok to an utterly retarded request and then just not do

This is accurate as fuck. People two or three levels above you usually don't even understand what you do or what they're asking for, just play along until they go away.

It’s a hard but vital lesson. My dad told me early on: “Just dummy up, son. It’s not worth it. You are stupid, you forgot, you didn’t mean to be right about that thing. Dummy up”.

That plan works for about 40years until your old and your wife starts throwing shit in front of the grandkids about how their Grandpa is too dumb to figure out a grocery store until their smart grandma

For the record Grandpa was right, the grocery store really only had free range organic eggs, I went in their one time didn't even have milk can you believe it.

literal cuck mentality

Imagine thinking Ghost World is not the best film Scarjo has ever been in


Needs to be in "quotes"

most of them are whales but this bitch looks like this

what the fuck

You can immediately tell she is insane in that picture.

tbh i'd happily lie to her about not cooming for a while if i got to hit that. sounds like her mong of a bf just doesn't know how to do it in a way that a retarded foid like that can easily find.

that said, still probably not worth. as much as people say crazy or repressed girls are fucking awesome in bed, that's almost entirely virgin bullshit. have fun when they feel like killing themselves over guilt or something halfway through so they stop before you finish and then start sobbing.

"panic attacks"

I wonder have any of these overprivileged pieces of shit on the internet actually had a panic attack in their life? If you are having panic attacks this casually, you are almost certainly mentally ill to the point that you can't leave the house out of fear. I seriously don't believe it even knowing how pathetic the average redditor is.

I've literally never heard of panic attack IRL, it doesn't happen here to the point there isn't even a word for it.

there was a guy at our work who had one that led into a seizure. he bit off a good chunk of his tongue during the episode (because he was twitching and bobbing around and then collapsed and his head slammed on his desk)

i will never forget it because the sheer amount of blood. it was intense.

Seizures are a completely diffirent thing tho


but have you seen a panic attack..... on weed

I had a panic attack once...when I had a major exam coming up, my housing plans for the next year had just fallen through, I had to schedule an event in Panama City for my entire fraternity on my own with my own money because they were all lazy fucks who didn’t pay their dues on time, oh, and I was 60mgs deep in adderall. No chance it happens without the adderall.

Some women will say they have panic attacks all the time over comparatively minor things. I don’t doubt that they think they do, but if you’re not a neurotic mess you’re not going to be experiencing them very much.

You sound annoying.

😔 that’s not very nice

Nah, you just sound a bit much, I could be a bit more.

I absolutely was being a bit much. If you’re at the point where you’re having panic attacks, you’re either mentally ill or you’re putting way too much pressure on yourself.

Say you're again

But nah take it easy mate, you'll have a heart attack, unless you offset the uppers with Downers.

Yeah this was a couple years ago. Haven’t touched the stuff since

I used to get them rarely when I was younger.

Like once every two years or so. Not sure why, I've never been an anxious person, and they weren't ever triggered by anything specific- they just happened.

Also had a few when I quit drinking cold turkey a while back.

Panic attacks and migraines are two things lots of people claim to have when they really just mean "being irrationally upset" and "headache". Both are rare and highly overstated. Nobody feels bad for you if you just have a headache but they do if you have a migraine.

My panic attack came from a lack of sleep and popping triple my prescription of vyvanse (another amphetamine)

Pretty sure I would have been fine if I hadn't inhaled a whole shitload of uppers.

I’ve tried vyvanse, adderall, and concerta, and vyvanse was by far the shittiest. Adderall makes you want to work because working is fun, vyvanse makes you want to work because if you don’t distract yourself with work you’ll want to kill yourself

I got them from time to time before fixing it and although I wasn’t scared of them once I learned what the fuck was happening, actually having one is almost indescribable. Basically you get overwhelmed with fear to an insane degree. Imagine literally everything around you feeling threatening, thinking your going to die or the world is coming to an end thinking everything around you is going wrong within the bounds of what you can reasonably observe (you won’t be hallucinating disasters or anything but you might think one is imminent or a threat is just around the corner).

Sounds like a bad trip, maybe you should have stopped smoking so much drugs.

The users of that sub are mentally ill though. And fat.


“Panic attack” means “kinda scared but not for very long”, you didn’t know?

If you are having panic attacks this casually, you are almost certainly mentally ill to the point that you can't leave the house out of fear.

Anyone who's having anything close to a genuine panic attack because of some titties on the TV is 100% killing themselves before 30. I cannot fathom how much you must hate your own body to see some random hot woman on TV and immediately start to think you are literally dying, you know, an actual panic .

Sound like they want an burger caliphate.

. I have serious body issues, and I cant help but compare myself to the perfect bodys in Hollywood when hes watching them jump around with their perky breasts.


I mean, if they were anything more than hideous, fat, and saggy they wouldn't be on that subreddit.

Behind every post on that sub is a man learning why we have the don't put your dick in crazy rule.

Wtf I love putting my dick in crazy, there’s nothing better than unhinged sluts. You just have to not marry one and let them decide what you can and can’t watch. See the difference?

It’s pretty easy if you aren’t some desperate recluse.

These unhinged sluts pry lay there in the missionary position because they think that's it.

He's talking about a different kind of crazy.

So it’s less about “don’t put your dick in crazy” but more: don’t be a desperate loser who gets baited into impregnating insecure foids.

It’s all about sticking your dick in crazy I promise.

its fine to put your dick in crazy, just do it while traveling on business after having given them a fake name and using your burner sim to text them

I have a feeling this gal is the wrong type of crazy. Like no sex until date 12 kind of crazy.

Step 1 get her rip-roaring drunk

Step 2 ...

Appropriate subreddit for that I suppose. I have a feeling if she doesn't let her hubby look at tits on TV she wouldn't let the devils nectar touch her lips.

sneak it in, or roofies

Always thinking outside the box iowabro

practice makes perfect, friendo.

ps: nice game last night



for the other team

More like the bussy meme, I’ll be gay before I marry/date someone that insecure

This is teenage girl with bpd levels of insecure.

Hes often pushed me to watch these shows with him, like GOT, but I dont enjoy them and I tell him so. I have serious body issues, and I cant help but compare myself to the perfect bodys in Hollywood when hes watching them jump around with their perky breasts.

at least she's somewhat self-aware, the floppy-titted cow

Maybe exercise would solve all those issues

Waaaah stop suggesting I do something healthy to deal with a very common and easily solved problem fatshaming!

Bpd as in borderline?


I thought the same thing

Don't buy it, she's mildly incomfortable but facebook tells her she needs to have ptsd and her SO needs to be an addict.

I'm surprised all the comments weren't "wow OP! Do you have someone you can stay with for a while? Those are some major red flags and your husband might be a narcissist. My ex was toxic like this, and I still have PTSD from it".

Imagine being so insecure that you experience a mind-shattering adverse reaction to the mere image of an attractive body on a TV screen. There is no way to nerf the world enough to accommodate these people. SSRIs were a mistake and interfere with evolution.

as someone who has severe body issues

hmm i wonder if shes...

ah yes

I've gotten to the point where if a show needs nudity and sex scenes for people to watch, it cant be that good, no matter all the hype behind it

OZ wouldn't be the same without Adebisi-Schibetta rape scene 😤

Requiem for a Dream without the double dildo scene 🤮🤮🤮


They could have just portrayed the disparity by having her eat a tub of ice cream and cry over her heroine addiction. That sex was unnecessary.

Jesus.. that entire thread is just an echo chamber of insecurity and people who need some serious therapy.

I can’t imagine this woman going to the beach with this level of insecurity. If you can’t sit down to watch a show with your husband, who it is very evident loves you, YOU, maybe the problem doesn’t lie with him or the show.


Well they are gc subscribers, what do you expect?

What is gc?

you're better off not knowing tbh

If the women in that thread adhere to it... you’re probably right.

Gender critical I assume

Is that a subreddit or just a term used to describe people?

"I am a monument to all your sins"

Annnnnnd that’s a yikes from me!

Hello newfriend!

As a foid myself, I find that whole sub bizarre. I hope I don't know any bitches like this.

Ironically, it's titled about the men having the issues, when in fact it's the women posting that are fucked up.

Unironically, why would you want to fuck someone that can be cucked so easily? Beta af.

Yikes, invalidating the raw and real feelings of women. Very problematic. The pornsickness clouding your judgment fuels the toxic masculinity so prevalent in our society. It saddens me deeply.

These people make the mdegenerates and AHSers seem like well whatever members of society

This really is one of the most mind-numbingly awful subreddits I’ve ever seen

Anti-coomers becoming worse than coomers

Truly no one could have seen this coming

this is why trannies won




The first is a smart bot.

They won a free trip to hell where their souls will be purified, as is Allah's will.

The absolute state of these spineless moids and land whale foids. They deserve each other tbh

Just don't have body issues like lmao

I had body issues when i was fat, so i stopped being fat and they went away


Losing weight is impossible because diets don’t work, you filthy liar.

Just drink nothing but water and reduce to a minimum carb intake.

You can eat pizza like once or twice a month.

EC stacks ephedrine + caffeine and then just don't eat anything.

For the sake of my sanity, I choose to believe that sub is a deep undercover incel op to make women seem as awful as their """philosophy""" requires.

This chicks husband isn't even a porn addict. What a crazy bitch, if I had to guess she's probably pushing 400.

200 on a foid is basically anorexic for a western white woman these days.

Lol, for burgers maybe.

Western is defined by burgerstan. Baguettecels out.


i hope she's 7 foot tall

I think she 5 5

She's actually losing weight (over 100 lbs) she's just over 200,

So she was so fat that now the best case scenario is looking like human silly putty stretched out to copy the funny papers. No idea why she'd be so terrified of her husband seeing what healthy women look like naked.



She's actually making progress so please don't be negative. I mean making progress on her weight, not her sanity, but still, give her credit where credit is due.

You want to give her credit for not eating?

That’s actually some great progress. Still fat.

she is but you gotta give her credit for working on it at least

Ah. Looks like she also needs therapy along with the weight loss

My husband does not watch porn.

Oh, sweaty... lmao

You haven't seen the CCP levels of spyware and modem level porn blockers these crazy foids are proudly using?

They're the actual real cyberpunks of the 21st Century.

Or Cyber Nancy Reagans. Cyberprudes.

This is actually the plot of Cyberpunk 2077, you play as a desperately insecure futuristic foid using cutting edge tech to police her husband's dick.

Dude has definitely doubled down on porn and is getting pussy on the side for sure. Not to mention they met on OkCupid, so he knows how to get it. These foidos don't understand that attitude is a self-fulfilling prophecy. She's probably driving him to watch porn or look at titties elsewhere.

There probably are dubbed Muslim shows where all foids are tastefully covered. She should watch those with her husband 🤗



It's the left version of r/coomer.

Horseshoe theory strikes again.

That might be because Horseshoe theory is true.


Insecurity is not attractive, you repressed weirdo.

You know she's got saggy titties.

Prognosis: borderline personality disorder or BPD

OMG sweaty! That’s a lot of slut shaming of actresses to unpack!

Don’t stick your dick in crazy.

It brings tears to my eyes that women like this actually exist

The women on that sub are insecure af and batshit crazy.

Shietttttt, they locked comments and I had half a mind to talk about how my wife and I go to the strip club because she acknowledges that as a man who has women literally throwing panties (we started a collection), a woman has to be able to step up and realize she is replaceable, as much as her man knows he is too.

That these sensitive snowflakes can't handle hearing that they are not the most important women on the planet. They are not.

You got that Patrice O'Neal logic going on.

All fish love :D

THANK YOU! Everyone ranted and raved about how amazing GOT was, but from my perspective, if you HAVE to have characters having graphic sex literally multiple times in a single episode, clearly the storyline is shit because they needed to fill it with something that they think people would like, and keep them watching. It’s disgusting.

Yes, you have cracked the code, what made GOT the most watched show in the entire world by storm was tits.

I never actually watched that show. From what I've herd it deffinitly tried to use sex to sell. I remember hearing a lot of people complain how in later seasons some characters no longer did nude scenes, and there were less of them. All I thought was that yup its deffinitly the "story" you care about

And then there's this other genius over here.

Honestly they are pathetic unsecure women telling each other that they are right and that's the entire world that is wrong. It's pitiful really.

I've gotten to the point where if a show needs nudity and sex scenes for people to watch, it cant be that good, no matter all the hype behind it

this is true tho

So if I gave you a copy of Paradise Lost with a page of gratuitous sex stuck in the middle, suddenly it's ruined?

idk what that is but i usually jerk off before i go to bed and after i wake up

I like seeing celebrity titties, especially when my girl is in the room

Crazy bitch doesn't even begin to describe this foid, or the commenters supporting her.

I'd go with: batshit, unstable, and insecure to the point of laughability.

Her husband is a cuck for marrying such a cunt.

Crazy bitch doesn't even begin to describe how neurotic and cuntish this foid is.

Her husband is beyond a cuck for agreeing to not even watch the shows he likes.

Oh my god the hoops these people will jump through to try to justify being fat and unattractive. Massive fatcel cope.

Also the witcher is a perfect example of media pandering to people. I'm never gonna watch it but apparently theyve made some black characters that would probably not be black. Idk ive seen some rightards bitching about it.

People need to realize hollywoods a business. They're gonna use "diversity" to sell to wokies and titties to horny males (and what more perfect candidate then the poor sap who's married to this chick).

spontaneous instantaneous divorce time

we have a very healthy relationship and sex life

Probably means they have sex once every 2 months, based on what she typed.

Legit a bunch of raging narcissists in that thread




Omg I’ve been zozzed!!!

The guy needs to get out