Foid gives friendzoned orbiter a crumb of pussy after tinder chad stands her up, Reddit let's her have it

1  2019-12-28 by Oh_hamburgers_


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  1. Foid gives friendzoned orbiter a cr... -,

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Idk half the dudes bashing her sound like they’ve never had a FWB or just hooked up with someone they know then pretend like it didn’t happen later.

I am shocked by this revelation.

you haven't lived until you've had a regrettable drunken shag and then gradually iced the person out of your life without ever addressing what you did

Or keep drunkenly doing it without any sober reflection or conversion on the matter. It's like being an Alzheimer's patient, but with boning people you probably shouldn't bone.

This is why I stopped drinking

I hate people who just quit things because they’re difficult. It’s disgusting.

Shit, that was pretty much my exact situation with a friend's girlfriend back in college.

Even afterwards nothing changed between us whenever we saw each other and hung out sober.

The one time I slept with a friend's girlfriend it blew up in my face so massively that I've sworn off it for now, and now I feel like I've missed out on a lot.

Your a faggot

yeah that too tbh

You haven't. I've lost so many incredible friends because I was a fucking degenerate coomer that slept with everyone's gf and destroyed beautiful relationships that had been cultivated over years.

If I could take it all back, I would.


Imagine being an emotional faggot.

It's hard work, fam.

They’re better off without you tho

Oh for sure. I'm well aware of that.

That's called squirting and it's just piss.

Or keep drunkenly doing it without any sober reflection or conversion on the matter

just yeet my life fam

Can I put this on my LinkedIn?

Ugly: not even once

Seriously sometimes shit just happens. You get drunk, fuck a friend, and then the next day everything's back to normal and it's like it never even happened.

I've also had friends give me lap dances and I almost never saw it as anything more than them being just drunk and having fun. The only one who tried to take it too far was this gay black friend I had who was into me at the time.

Unfortunately Allah cursed me with a distaste for bussy and so it was never meant to be.

I removed this comment. Being straight is not okay, and if I could I would ban you for it.


Please forgive me for my sins, if you can; I'll say seven Hail Bussy's tonight before I go to sleep as atonement for my degeneracy.

I will reapprove your post then, as you have shown the right contrition for your failures.

Allah doesn't approve of this, you know.

crumb of pussy

You really have a way with words

Ty, except autocorrect put a fucking "let's" in there.

I think it comes from 4ch, saw it a lot on pol lately

Best mod

I know, right!?

Virgil, God Emperor of the Friendzone, first of his name, holder of the bluest balls in all the realm...


Virgil, God Emperor of the Friendzone, first of his name, keeper of the bluest balls in all the realm...

Hell hath no fury like a redditor that can't get a casual lap dance from a friend

Doesn't even sound casual, I beat they'll smash later this week

chade from tinder knew she was coo coo

Last edit since you guys are a lovely bunch; would it make you all feel better if I flat out said I would've gone all the way if it wasn't for the unfortunate situation? Because I would have.

She basically says she would have banged him. But because reddit is full of sex-starved losers they think there's no way a moid could ever be responsible for not having sex with someone so she must have friendzoned him.

mfs fuming saying he’s clearly in love wit her for having a drunk hookup lol

She brought him back to his place, put on lingerie, and gave him a lap dance, then he went home? And these losers seriously think she friendzoned him? If anything he friendzoned her, but im sure they'll hook up later.

Guys, guys, guys just because I didn't fuck him doesn't mean that he's a heartbroken, petrified kid who's stuck in a friendzone.

%100 Long Conning it, or the rare actual just a friend who didn't think of her sexually until now and is trying to process it and readjust

Unironically have sex incel

How is that your take away from me saying when women throw themselves at you all the time sometimes you don't act on it.

Like it's a horrible thing for them because Foids can't cope with being turned down

Or he's just alpha negging her.

They're white knighting for other guys dicks.

May Allah forgive me but I side with the foid on this one.. He didn't make any moves!

You say that but what of he did and then she claims rape??

Yeah but she wasnt blackout drunk m8, just tipsy I think she could have decided whether to or not to

<<article link>>

<<<endless bickering>>>

It be like that.

One drop of alcohol and the foid loses any sense of responsibility

Didn't the one drop rule use to mean something different?

Sorry I'm not a MDEgenerate

Ok incel

Go raise other peoples kids hodor 😏

Only an incel would see your comment as an offense

Mods, please ban RaisingAnotherMansKidsForLove. Seriously, really fuckin tawk

Ban anyone giving advice

A Korean incel? Sounds like an oxymoran to me.

Loving this new bit, Hodor. Keep it up 😍👌

It's a burger foid, he'd be in jail

Isn't he the one that said "show me?" If that isn't an invitation to fuck I don't know what is


Yeah, I side with the foid

It sounds like all he did the whole night was laugh and tease

That’s fine but at some point you have to grab her hip hard and pull her into you and make it serious, not this goofy laughing teasing shit. That’s cute when you’re in class together but after dinner and drinks, you gotta be a man.


Every reddit foid that talks about being a foid and her experiences as a foid ALWAYS posts actual pictures of themselves on reddit, as if it’s Facebook or Instagram. The only one who doesn’t is HardIsLife because she’s too based for that

So because she didn't actually fuck him she's a bitch now?

Welcome to the mind of the Reddit coomer

pretty obvious that girl wanted to fucked him, dramacels living up to the name

Just the retarded op, everyone else is siding with the foid

I'm going to the strip club right now to yell at all the ungrateful whores for friend zoning me.

Lap dance means anal!!

>Why are all of you people's insults "haha, you can't have sex"?

because it makes coping dramacels like you furious with how much seething you're doing rn

have sex bro
