Another *checks at notes* BLACK man? attacks God's chosen people

1  2019-12-29 by The_Live_Ghost


Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Another checks at notes BLACK man... -,

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Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.



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I'm almost tired of him getting away with it


All of the victims were said to be Hasidic Jews

And instantly I lost all empathy.

Hasidics are the Westboro baptists of judaism

The Wahhabists of the Jews


Some rando on Twitter was saying that Hasids don't pay property taxes on their homes because they register them as synagogues. Not sure how true that is but I believe it

That's sounds as dumb as "don't punch a black in the head, their skulls too thick, go for their knees, they got weak knees".

Ordinary jews aren't like this. The Hasidic ones are a special breed of weird

Actually it’s “don’t hit a black mans BMW,” and don’t though, he worked really hard for it!

Not a New York-cel but I guess things have been tense for a while.

Tax evasion? That’s not a crime, seems pretty based to me

They are notorious for figuring out every possible legal loophole to not pay taxes and exploit every existing welfare service.

So they are really good at financial management?

Sounds based to me

It's a common problem with people from ex-Soviet states. They lived in a society where hard work gets you nothing. The only way to get ahead in life is through white collar crime, forging documents, that kind of thing.

Yeah thats why

Why are Hasidic Jews the target of the most basic attacks?

Their communities tend be poor and situated among black people plus they openly treat all non-hasids like garbage.

Can you blame them when they're surrounded by black people who won't stop trying to kill them?

I have two hasid family members and they're unironically the worst human beings I know. Ill give the blacks the benefit of the doubt.

Of course they're terrible; they're related to you.


I'll let you wallow in your ignorance goy, but if you've never dealt with sids, you frankly don't know what you're talking about.

I don't know if this goes for all Hasidics, but the only ones I've ever met reeked. Is showering not allowed or something?

No deodorant + constantly wearing clothes designed for Ukrainian winters

Wow. Hello friend. I hope you aren't trying to make people feel bad with your comments here but that's just not how we roll at r/drama.

5 stabbed

The dailymail just said 15. Next we'll probably find out that it was just Rabbi Schlomo with a bad hangnail.

lol the news thread is trying so hard not to make it about race now they know hes black

this will be memory holed in 3... 2... 1...

When will the Nazis stop?!


I'm not convinced yet that this was a hate crime because who knows when some rabbi is going to have a big party at his house if they don't know him? Also, using a knife to do a massacre is kind of weird if you're not in Britain or Japan. Putting myself in the supposed terrorist's shoes this one doesn't make a lot of sense, but maybe they were just really insane.

Why are they rebelling against their slumlords, it just doesnt make sense