r/ConsumeProduct epically troll the doge subreddit

1  2019-12-29 by TeeEssDoubleU


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This is one of those memes that is only funny due to the sheer levels of COPE and SEETHE it inspires in the targets

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. r/ConsumeProduct epically troll the... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Oh you watch movies? HAHA CONSOOMER! I've never consoomed in my life!!!!!!! Fat retard! Huh? What do you mean my phone is media? What do you memes are media? Bro shutup CONSOOMER sheep!

Cope, from a jannie no less

He's right that /r/consumeproduct makes no real suggestion for an alternative, essentially making them the zoomer version of "I was born in Le wrong generation"

> we must save western civilization!

> ewww, you consume the products of western civilization?

Dude check out r/consoom for the real cope. It’s the “liberal” version.

I'd rather not. Why do leftoids copy every single thing rightoids do, down to the shittiest of shit memes?

u triggered snowflake? lol dumb NPC MAGA cuck lmao

the right can't meme because they're a bunch of degenerates

The problem with communism is that eventually you run out of other people's bits

Yeah you really showed him by appropriating those rightoid memes...

Why the fuck are R*dditors incapable of understanding even the most blatant sarcasm unless the post literally has an /s tag spelling it out for them?

Too many retards not enough bans


Sorry, forgot R*dditors need an /s tag to understand blatantly obvious sarcasm.

Mega cope

I have no idea, but I enjoy consuming their cope.

The entire extent of the left's ability to banter is unironically "no u"

Social media is still media so we're all consoomers really.


The problem with communism is that eventually you run out of other people's bits

They've even been adopting the trad girl Wojack now, making memes of her as a Lesbian mommy GF. Saw a good post about it on the debate altright sub the other day.

It truly is pathetic.

r/consoom is way better then r/consumeproduct for the simple fact that they actually are against mass consumption and not just soy culture.

I don’t want to say cope, but r/consoom is just a bad copy full of soys seething about r/consumeproduct. I’d agree the agenda part of CP is pretty obvious and lame.

How the fuck do lefties copy literally everything the right does and still go on about how the right can't meme and shit

I have no clue, but check my history. I Like posting really good right memes to therightcantmeme and watching the mental gymnastics in the comments.

The problem with thesidecantmeme is that people don't perceive memes from other side as funny because both sides have different ideas of whats allowed or not. Leftist will say that racism is not funny and rightist will say dude nigger lmao and can you tell who is in right? Centrist of course, none of them can meme.

Well of course it’s subjective, but you aren’t being honest if you’re saying the one doesn’t have an edge on the other. The left has a giant rule book of what’s acceptable, and the right pretty well has none. Many more possibilities

The thing about right memes is that even when they're bad or mediocre they have a chance of causeing seethe on the left, which ultimately makes the meme enjoyable. Without ahs zoomerright wouldnt have been as fun.

Yup I agree with that. They truly do need each other. I became a approved submitter on zoomerright and got a bunch of them to read a article about being radicalized to the alt right. An article AHS really wanted them to read, or at least that’s what the comments said. After being in the sub for a bit it’s quite clear that they all post other places, but come to Reddit specifically to troll spergs on the other side. It’s all really quite pathetic and entertaining.

Bold of you to assume that anyone would read an article from reddit, let alone a zoomer

I used reverse psychology and acted like I was ridiculing it. Then I noticed a number of them read it and were commenting. That likely did more good than the entire existence of AHS.

That soylent shit should have a warning label stating this drink will lower your testosterone and you may grow bitch tits. So many solid meal replacement drinks that don't contain soy, why would anyone drink this poison unless your transitioning

Why do rightoids just have literal fucking bricks for brains. Your entire ideology is being scared of fucking retarded wives tales.

Yes plants like soy have estrogen in them but the type of estrogen it uses cannot be used by your body. It's like a square in a circle slot it's not compatible with animals it's a plant estrogen.

Milk on the other hand DOES have bio identical estrogen in it that WILL increase e levels if you drink an absolutely crazy amount. And last I checked big swole dudes are drinking the shit out of milk on the daily to no affect.

Eggs also have bio identical testosterone yet woman don't have eggs for breakfast every morning and go a mustache.

Like you fucking mongoloids here one thing and want to be a scared little bitch so you don't even look if it's true then you just fucking block your ears and deny everything else you hear is actually fucking pitiful.

Just fucking imagine being such a scared little bitch you vote against your class interest you're so scared and so focused on "owning libs" that you piss away your quality of life.

Most of them are too dumb to understand this and try to mask their retardation with le irony

It's fucking pitiful. Everytime I post something their literal only response is "haha let trans" because they are too fucking braindead to engage in a meaningful way


Shut up, soyboy. Go back to jerking off to Hbomberfag

You sound pretty triggered

Show dick pic

some serious soyboy cope

I'm a girl but epic

Looks like you’re a chapo with a penis that had too much soy.

I'm definitely more convincingly a member of my gender than you are of yours.

The hole "soyboy" thing is 99.9% of the time projection of your own cowardice and impotence. Somebody who substitutes their lack of masculinity with picking on people lower on the totem pole than them.

muh punching down

Dilate, soyboy

I'm definitely more convincingly a member of my gender than you are of yours.

Yeah. You definitely do look like a fucking dude.


You really pissed off the MDEtards

It's really not hard to do. For a culture of people decrying societal sensitivity they are pretty fucking sensitive.

They are also too fucking braindead to engage me in a meaningful way and resort to the same three insults every time


Not an MDEtard btw

Sounds like something a MDEtard would say

Okay, paedophile.

I'm definitely more convincingly a member of my gender than you are of yours.


The hole "soyboy" thing

Absolutely Freudian.

Active in r/traa

active in r/moretankiechapo

Yeah sure lmao, a "girl"


girl (male)

I missed you! Are you still a mod here?

I am! Missed you too bb

Wait... dogs don't play video games.

r/ConsumeProduct was good for about a singular day

Rightoids don’t understand that if you consoom product and make memes about other people consooming that product, it’s still consumption.

that's deep