Switch homebrew dev puts hidden messages in his software to piss off troids, succeeds

1  2019-12-29 by XylTheGryphon


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I hate it when leftist NPCs force their "LOL IMPEACH DRUMPF" shit in to software and I hate this too

No one gives a shit about your spergouts over trannies + gays? Why not try putting hidden messages in your unrelated software

Libtards: Owned 😎😎😎

Remember the last time someone stuck a bumper sticker into your software and it made you rethink your worldview?

A true centrist.

Not impeaching trumf is literal hate speech tho


MDEfugees out this is a BLACKED subreddit.





Except for pizzashill. Always downvote that cow.

Pizzashill isn't a lolcow, he's a resident pedo retard.

Always downvote the pedos.

He definitely diddles kids and he’s definitely a retard and he’s definitely got FAS, but his autistic ranting also makes him a cow.





109 subreddits

Most people I met in different hacking scenes are fine individuals. Scum like this guy needs to get out of the scene. I prefer to make my own tools than use tools from people like this.

Lol what? That's not only inefficient, but just plain idiotic.

What do these people do? Send emails asking people whose tools they use to fill out a "moral compass" evaluation before they use the tool?

At the same time these are the people pretending to be morally superior.

I use programming to spread the message of anarcho-fascism.

Man I wish the Nintendo homebrew scene wasn't such goddamn drama-filled garbage. Why can't a tool just be a tool ?

Reverse the messages and it's not a tool but a tool with a "positive" message. and then they all go, why are you alt right dudes just triggered over a message lololol

Unironically true. Didn't this happen not too long ago with some troid CoC shit on Linux about "trans rights are human rights" in some shit-tier tool that probably needs Docker to run?

Is he a soyboy for using switch or based for making lgbtards mad?

Horseshoe theory incarnate tbh

He uses a Switch.

Anyone who is anti-bussy cannot be based by definition.

He's based as fuck

the maturity level required to play

These fucking man children think some video games require “maturity”. They are all for kids.

lmao based and trollpilled

Lol the top upset commenters are all trannys. Who woulda guessed

But why? Is he a fellow dramatard?

SMH shit like this is trolling fish in a barrel its just too easy

Also all those statements besides gay adoption and its ok to be straight are true, a little abuse builds character and foster homes are shit

How did they find the hidden messages? And in what way were they hidden?


Based Dev.

"Hate speech" lol

Contributing factors are how easy it is the hack the Switch and the maturity level requires to play the games. A Nintendo console isn’t an adults console and it’s fairly easy to hack. I hope that with the lack of RCM capable Switch’s and the Mariko and Light requiring soldering we can cut down on the “idiot” factor to some extent. Most of these people you are conversing with are probably not even old enough to vote or buy tobacco (something to remember before you go too harsh on them).

These posts brought to you by people who are mad that people smarter than them hate troids.


Good, nice piece of text to print and wipe my ass with it later on. I believe dedicated people can write a shitton like those/make fake researches, put up 2+2 and make it seem like legit stuff, yeah?

But... there's just one thing which all those piece of trash papers always fail to answer. Can you guess what it is? Btw that relies in the original purpose of having sex, let me point it out for you so you won't be able to get off the hook :) Original and intended use of sex is actually to actually produce an offspring :)

Which is NOT achievable in any way when you goddamn cum into an fags ass, not a single chance for this to happen bruh :) I understand that some people like to bend nature/break it's laws for the sake of wealth gain or w/e, but that doesn't mean that this is how it should be.

Yeah, I'm very aware that you actually can artificially grow a human being in the fucking tube w/o a mother host for it, but that territory comes way to close to playing a god and I believe should be honestly banned like human gene modification for a lots of reasons and SJW screeches about racism or w/e and fat and ugly fembos which not a single man in the world cares about screeches about men **is thankfully not a reason in this case*.

Snappy pls

Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Switch homebrew dev puts hidden mes... - archive.org, archive.today

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Good find, fellow bird person

It's pretty funny, but it's a good way of ensuring everyone in that crowd will never use his software. Óvò

The only alternative has a crippled feature-set because that one's dev moralfags about piracy. The whole scene is a fucking shitshow of retarded drama.

All they have to do is not steal Nintendo games.

Their wife's bf got them a Switch, but he won't pitch in for the games

If Nintendo offered a subscription service to emulate all of their old games in the switch, the piracy wouldn't be an issue.

But Nintendo is retardo.

Paying for shit.


Only an incel would see that word as an insult

smh my head. Not being an incel is the true cuckoldry.

Imagine being a cuck who cripples your own software on the off chance that some 12 year old uses it to pirate Doom because his parents won’t buy it for him, when you know full well Nintendo is gonna permaban your console regardless. That’s the real travesty.

Who wants troids using their software?

It's people who reprogram their Nintendo switches, my man. They probably make up the entirety of that community.

People who make software. Troids make amazing programmers.

Is it because they're all autistic?

as a wise drama user once said (can't remember who):

not all autismos are trannies but all trannies are autismos

No, it's because they wear programming socks.

False. Robots do.

Troids are just one step away from becoming robots. Give it 30 years and we'll be having this same discussion about androids.

I argue they are doing the opposite. They are more concerned with flesh than unflesh.


Isn't Tinfoil a pretty core software in the switch hacking scene?

switch hacking scene

I... wouldn’t know

I hope so.

I thought they liked politics in games

Double rent free, switch hb devs and redditors

Is this the same person behind npm Homebrew? Because I’m not gonna stand this blatant transphobia 👏🏻

Check the archives for the best drama.

Ah yes, fragile white male syndrome.


Cope check.


Chapo check

0 of Strypsex's last 978 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

Solid argument.

did the bad man post in the no no sub



Ah yes,

yikes cringe reddit