These people’s votes are worth just as much as yours

1  2019-12-29 by Llamayoda


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My vote counts for more actually. Thanks electoral college.

Based representative republic.

Guys, I'm sort of self-conscious about this thing...

Whatever you do, DON'T address it. Learn to accept the things you don't like about yourself.

They don't want to be alone in their bitterness.

Instead I feel embarrassed and subconscious. :/

has the adipose replaced her gray matter or something?


Glad I’m on my phone or I would have chucked my keyboard reading this

thats called Tay-Sachs disease, and she's an absolute unit if she made it all the way to adulthood with that.

omg they named a disease after Tay-Tay 💖💖💖 we stan


It gets discoloured by sweat, friction and the countless ingrown hairs you get from squeezing your gams together 24/7. Merry Christmas.

Edit: Sorry I was wrong. It is Diabetes.

The Day of the Treadmill will come for all of you fat fucking savages.

Dude it's Day of the Jump Rope

day of the literally just stop stuffing your face you fat fucking cow

Meh quality of food matters way more than quantity when it comes to obesity. Lack of any cardio seals the fate tho.

Dude, this might be a good way to sink japan and make California separate from the mainland

I like the whole setup of the thread title - lol

Good job, retard.

dont call ppl here the r-slur dude super toxic, use a more polite term like faggot or nigger

I’m in a swing state so you are wrong 💅🏻 Literally I will be pandered to for most of 2020.


Other than weightloss, what can I do to help my skin look better?


FUCK! I made an effort post on this when it was posted early today and then the cuck deleted it so now you bussies and gussies get to read it

Great find, OP.

Darkening of the skin, particularly in the armpits or nether regions might be Acanthosis nigricans. It can be a sign of hormonal imbalance or diabetes. Lots of boils can be a sign as well. Have you had your hormone levels checked recently?

You have a literal medical condition most likely due to you being 500 pounds. It’s definitely hormones you can’t control, definitely not type 2 diabetes for being 500 pounds.

My doctor actually diagnosed me with pre diabetes about 6 months ago. I didn't even think that the 2 could be related. My hormone levels have not been checked recently.

The truth comes out! I do have type 2 pre diabetes! Never would have thought that my skin looks terrible because I’m 500 pounds, I thought it was just bad luck! Well shucks, mister. Guess I’m going to go get my hormones checked because I’m definitely not going to try to lose weight.

the beauty & diet industry literally manipulates your vulnerabilities so that you spend more money on shit you don't need that is probably harmful to you. The diet and beauty industry's whole goal is to get us create conspiracy theories about our own bodies. your body is so normal and okay the way it is right now. the diet/beauty industry uses the same tactics that an abusive partner would use to keep you in line. These are things I have to tell myself regularly and I believe them a bit more each time. just wanted to share. <3

Literally brain washing yourself to say that your 500 pound body is healthy. Just keep saying it until you believe it or die of type 2 diabetes/heart failure, whichever comes first. Your vulnerabilities are being manipulated by companies to create conspiracy theories about your own body! Not because your health will be objectively better if you get under 200 pounds.

I think this is a great examination of fat mentality.

• ⁠I’m experiencing bad health problems, I’m also 500 pounds

• ⁠it sounds like a disease that could be caused by your weight, but also something else

• ⁠Oh thank you, I’ll get that something else checked out, glad to hear it’s not my weight

• ⁠remember to love your body and don’t listen to anyone who says it’s healthier to not be 500 pounds. You’re a perfectly healthy and beautiful person at any weight.

Now this is quality content

Right? You better not delete this thread like that cuck other OP did and my let my effort post rot in the dark

Lol this bitch so fat she has dark meat and gravy

I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. These people’s votes are worth just... -,*

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it's called shit stains I shit you not. literally her swamp ass stained her skin

anyone have a mirror?