In case you didn't think r/unpopularopinion was gay enough, here's an alternate sub with a quirky name. Trans drama ensues immediately

1  2019-12-30 by WineDine69stein


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Fuck what's wrong with those people 😒. Having an opinion is harassment now 😞

It’s just so gay and cringe that these retarded nerds are relitigating worthless culture war bullshit from 2014 with the same exact talking points on either side. people are dropping dead in the streets from heroin no one can afford a house and Zoomers have to take school shooting drills starting from the 7th grade; the entire planet is on fire you stupid niggers who gives a FUCK whether one out of every ten thousand dudes is a little too autistic and gets a little too hooked on the sissy hypno bimbo porn meme and whether or not that AKTSHUALLY makes that person a girl or not. What tangible difference in the world does it make however you answer this meaningless question? So what if it’s not a real girl; do you want to make it illegal for people to refer to this person by their preferred pronouns or illegal for them to get their hormone medication?

You sound retarded, do you have a ladybrain?

I have a much higher IQ than you you goddamn mongoloid don’t you dare call me a woman

I already doxed myself specifically to avoid this libel and slander

Men can have ladybrains you fucking bigot.

illegal for them to get their hormone medication

Yes lol it should be illegal for children to get access to chemicals that render them sterile and drop their IQ by a standard deviation.

Jews did this


  1. In case you didn't think r/unpopula... -,

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Based and sentient.

Not an unpopular opinion outside the mainstream western world

It is on reddit though

Fucking nanny top commenting desperately trying to explain how science and logic are both wrong and girl dick is totally a thing.

Trans people deserve as much respect as anyone


despite all of society literally using gender and sex interchangeably and western society not recognizing any form of third gender or ability to change gender, gender and sex are different and this ancient native american tribe in the 1500s proves it