Horseshoe law

1  2019-12-30 by CapeshitterCOPE


Says something about your personality when you lose all your friends in under a year

I’d still fuck all of them tho

Black booty 😜🤤👌

You know I’m all about those PABGs

It's funny because there is a suspicious lack of ass in both photos

Black gym chicks they must be, my favourite

Segregation is good actually

- Black Lady Twitter

Shame, but if it’s woke it’s woke.

Black broads are in no position to shrink the dating pool even more. Then again maybe it’s just bitterness at PAWGs stealing the spotlight

The black woman would be the most undesirable dating partner, were it not for asian men having tiny cocks and being generally a pain to look at. The asian men make up for their lack of dating prowess by being good at intellectual pursuits, which in turn makes them rich and attractive in another way than their physical limits

Black women make none of these attempts. And are perpetually angry because they are too lazy or dumb to do anything other than attempt to chain a man down by accidental impregnation (which has a low success rate). A shame, really

I still fuck them

segregation actually makes perfect sense from a woke point of view, because how else are indigenous marginalised communittiiees going to protect themselves from oppressors other than segregation?

and what about educated people leaving poor countries and depriving their communities of an educated workforce? think about the communities, close the borders, its for their own good

This says a lot about our society

Imagine how loud it is in the second photo.

Lets be honest. Its too fucking loud in both photos. Thats why I have developed the ability to selectively hear when I am hanging out with multiple foids.

I can tune out their harpy frequencies easily.


Don't compare the best instrument to screeches.

Anything played on a harpsichord turns into an elevator music, CMV

Ok, give this a listen. This is Royer basically inventing thrash metal in 1754.

Or this percussion heavy piece by Rameau.

If you still don't believe me, check out Les Cyclopes by Rameau, the contemporary Summer Nursrey Rhyme no 17. by Tiersen, or Royer's magnum opus La Marche de Scythes.

It turns out that I confused harpsichord with vibraphone, so OK, that's not elevator music. I'm still judging it harshly!

Harpicord is usually the piano type instrument you hear with stereotypical classical music.

Man I thought they was the same girl I was like you that some real tanning ahah

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


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It’s kinda upsetting not that they she found friends her own race but because it she’s in this position where she feels like she can only be friends with people of her own race. Is there really that much of a racial divide in burgerland?

Yes and it fucking sucks.

It's not really racial as much as cultural and class separation.

And, since most people have no time for proper analysis and nuance, there's only one clear attribute on the surface, that being skin colour.

And then, instead of focusing on what it takes to change the culture or what it takes to change class, people enforce diversity as a way to achieve what ever the fuck they want to achieve.

And then, in order for diverse group to even operate you need to reduce or completely change habits, customs and beliefs.... diversity becomes an enemy.

Thats not just US, that's West in 21st century.

saying it again, Singapore has it figured out - racially and religiously, they are relatively diverse, so to combat bullshit societal divisions along these lines and the conflict that comes from it, they just mandate that people cannot segregate and they go hard against agenda religious people who want to organise with anti-extremist laws, no matter the religion

its the type of centrism I like: recognise diversity is not strength, its a weakness, so the solution is just to annihilate it is mandatory race mixing and going after agendaposters

Sounds like a leftist wet dream... no, thanks

thinking Singapore is leftist lol

leftists nowadays are generally a bunch of insufferable communitarians who want to have idpol and diversity forever and see it as the end-point, this is more like imperialism that denies people the right to self-determination and makes sure the end point is a consumerist society

It's normal to prefer your own kind and it's not exclusive to the US. Plenty of similar interactions in Europe

Depends on the area tbh.

America is big as fuck.

Black people love to do this segregation shit all by themselves.

I can just imagine all the boomer white supremacists bitching about how the new younger white supremacists have it so easy now.

Back in my day, they didn't segregate themselves! We actually had to put in work to get them to leave us alone. You kids have it so easy nowadays.

Black fragility.

Bet she dropped the white friends because all the dark roast men she met wanted to fuck them instead of her.

Seems to me like a natural progression... in the beginning, everyone's told "ah, we all same" and then as the years go by you realize "noope, not really" - lmao

However, it is interesting that public glee is one-sided... like, no holds barred when kweens do it... imagine if it was the other way around... twitter would be doing its thang so hard, it'd be on fire lol

Twitter kweens are privileged enough to ruin anyone's life with an @, really makes u think

Hahahah these comments are great.

Apparently this guy was called the n word almost constantly by his friends hahahaha

Nigga imagine dating a black girl and all she can talk about is her skin color. Now imagine any other race, what do foids talks about again?

Worth it for that brown and pink pussy tho

I don't get it. Is it about her started only hanging out with other Black girls?
