Which one of you generates is dating this GC broad?

1  2019-12-30 by TeeEssDoubleU


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Which one of you generates is datin... - archive.org, archive.today

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Ain’t nothing wrong with shitting your pants


If peeing your pants is cool, then consider me Miles Davis.

She's barely 19 lolol

implying this isnt LARP

He likes wearing diapers, and being treated like a fucking 1 year old baby girl. Instead of dealing with the problems he makes for himself he’s always turned to terribly drawn, borderline pedophile cartoon porn and revolting stories about minors being sexually abused.

I'm shocked but also impressed that our very own Darqwolff managed to attract a woman. Just shows there's still hope for y'all yet! òvó

The utter-state of coomers lmao, this is just beyond sad.

I was so naive and convinced I can’t do better. But I can definitely do better than someone who puts on and soils a fucking diaper to make himself “feel better” while ignoring real life.

Cope all you want, honey, but you've peaked. Good luck getting a man now that you're an old spinster.