r/Consumeproduct & r/coomer be like breed white children bruh it's your duty to your ancestors 😂😏

1  2019-12-30 by MasterLawlzFan



The good thing about this community, is it’s still based on consent, as no one is fattened against their will. In a way it’s admirable seeing these women do this to themselves, as it shows a real dedication to work against the grain of society and become the sizes they do.


  1. r/Consumeproduct & r/coomer be like... - archive.org, archive.today

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Amerimayos really are the lowest breed of whites.

The worst part is that these people are 10/10 in Appalachia in actuality.

They're under an overpass. This was probably taken in Seattle where the poor don't have tans.

She’s definitely a 10 in my bookq

Bro appalachian hillbillies are in the hills. And have way more guns and kids. This is some cheap west coast rip off.

Idk the British and Slavs are up there...

Amerimayos are discount Brits

Less consistent inbreeding. Brits have weaker jawlines.



Br*ts aren't even human

Slavs aren't white sweaty. 😬 😬 😬

Unironically subhuman. Inshallah their kind will be wiped out by the holy fire of fentanyl and meth


appalachia begone

His guns cost more than his family " Bus Home"




That's like saying they're the worst Marvel movie, the distinction doesn't matter when they're all shit.

This looks like a really well done piece of staged photography.

I think you mean posed lmao

🤷🏿‍♂️. Either way the pic has an old dust bowl era feel to it but with guns. Very Cool!

What's the difference

One is staged, one is posed.

Why would the deep state do this 🤔🤔🤔


Yeah, the guy is definitely wearing a wig.

Ah yes, the """master race""" Óvò

They are nothing our future corvid overlords. Ovo


Mom a bit weathered but kinda fine too

She's gots some Linda Hamilton arms.

She got that post apocalyptic vibe

You know I’m into that 1992 terminator titty

You laugh, but these people’s blood line will continue. Will yours?

implying they’re not already dead from an OD

It has so far, and I doubt anyone is clamoring to fuck a simp reddit edgelord such as yourself.

Did you feel badass typing that out?

Nope. I felt bored before, and I feel slighty entertained afterward.



K for real, I see this as a core argument for rightoid nonsense everywhere, but I never see a justification for why I should care

I mean, if all you care about is your genetics, donate to a sperm bank?

Otherwise, work harder on leaving a legacy that's more than just filling some dumb conservathot's snatch with baby batter tbh

Big brain time: Posting memes about consooomers and watching cute twinks like Nick Fuentes isn't contributing anything any more than soyboys creaming themselves over Star Wars

99.99% of humanity are useless and lead meaningless lives. This includes everyone from libtards to rightoids

The only real producers are the middle-class intelligentsia. Everyone else is just part of the machine keeping everything going while we work towards ascendancy

Middle class intelligentsia

It’s the bureaucrats who do the real work!

Not the bureaucrats, no. Scientists, engineers, researchers, etc.

They're the only ones pushing us forward as a species. Everyone else is just maintaining the system long enough to keep us going until the singularity

the future belongs to those that show up.

So you shouldn't worry about the future, because you can't escape death anyways?

Lot easier to show up when you're not raising a litter of long pig.

It's "We Wuz KANGS" for low IQ honkeys who think having 100% Aryan children will earn them bonus points with God or nature.

More like it’s for people that don’t want to see the white race not exist in 50 years.

Sorry that bothers you

Yes, as a honkey, it bothers me greatly.

if the white race is that easily replaced by ethnics it deserves to be wiped out.

I won't be satisfied until all of humanity is a uniform shade of brown

Because all that bloodline stuff is for idiots who know that they will not achieve anything.

It is actually the ultimate admission of that. They know full well they don't have original ideas or anything of merit intellectually.

These people leech on the achievements of the "white people", as if they themselves were a part of scientific community that ultimately created most of the stuff we have. Of course they ignore that many of the scientists weren't white.

Then they go "white people made the society", "hey look I made a white people".

Being a fecal tissue grad student at Bakersfield state doesn’t make you any better then anyone else labcoat.

The real tragedy here is that I'm one of those phds that are fairly critical towards modern academia.

But I have to wonder if greater than average intelligence, creativity and the ability to do consistent work doesn't mean that someone is better, I wonder what does.

having a big dick does


Congrats on the meme degree ,you are now on the same intellectual level as Dr. Shaquille O’Neill

You probably didn't notice, but you failed to answer the question.

And yeah, they were worth it. Because now I'm in a great industry job that requires those qualifications. It's not really my fault or a problem if people don't understand how careers work.

What you’re not getting is that with everyone getting bachelors now, advanced degrees are required when there aren’t objective ways to screen candidates in interviews. As a result basically anyone who didn’t go to Harvard and doesn’t want to work in tech or sales has to get a PhD to get a decent job.

As you aptly pointed out, if you get your PhD from a diploma mill it isn't worth as much.

My advice is to get it from a good university. And actually do a good job. Shocking, I know.

Funnily enough, I don't really have problems with screening candidates in interviews.

Your still not getting my point. My point isn’t that phds are worthless, just that they are far less prestigious then they were before bc it is now just another box you have to check. A phds 25 years ago would have understood my point immediately.

If you're from USA then your education is whole another shitshow altogether.

I have no doubt that what you said applies there.

I also zero idea how what you said is in any way relevant to the discussion about idiots and legacies.

Almost all the top universities in the world are in the US(see list below). A PhD from the typical Europoor U is the rough equivalent of a UC Irvine bachelors.


Well, it's good that mine is in the top 100 then.

Not that it really matters, PhD is just a step for a career industry researcher.

It's clear that you're just salty because you apparently didn't even manage to get one of those easy phds done.

Sure thing bud.. don’t see why your mad UC Irvine is a fine school

I think it's quite evident which one of us is the mad one.

What I don't understand is why does this thing bother you so much? Doing research in industry isn't all that rare, and many of the top universities are really big.

Some of my colleagues aren't from the top name brand universities, but they do just as good work.

Unsurprisingly, you never told where you got your opinions on higher education. Obviously not participating in it.

Thats great and all, but could you quit blabbering and hurry up on that latté?? Im late for a meeting


Which industry?

Shaq actually seems pretty smart. He's well invested and created a brand for himself long after his career was over.

But you are a retard regardless for equating business PhDs to scientific ones.


I'm a 4 time NBA champion, what do I have to cope about?

you wondered twice, retard

I'm one of those people who do stuff

fent doesn't count

Having children is one of easiest ways to contribute to society

They do more good than average r/childfree user with gender studies degree lmao

It's one of the easiest ways for idiots to feel that they did something useful. I don't really mind, someone has to keep stuff running while I'm alive, and you need wage slaves for that. If the kids do something useful, more power to them.

I see no reason why I personally should do that work, especially for free.

Lmao, yes I am sure your marketing degree is really fucking useful

Lol at least I'm not a retard who can't even get his data off the phone.


Neither do I, so I guess we're even?

Let me tell you something, if someone has an achievement you don't, they don't really care if you say the equivalent of "well I wouldn't want one anyway".

It's one of the easiest ways for idiots to feel that they did something useful.

Bleh, this retarded superiority complex is so repulsive

I don't really mind, someone has to keep stuff running while I'm alive, and you need wage slaves for that.

You are wageslaving as much as they do

If the kids do something useful, more power to them.

Most people don't

I see no reason why I personally should do that work, especially for free.

Maybe because it's fulfilling if done right ?

Either we will ascend, or we will break our backs lifting Moloch to heaven.

what a faggy post tbh

I’m doing my part. I have impregnated every r/drama users mothers

It’s based off of boomer bullshit. The zoomer right is tradcath now for some reason with a little bit of “THE WHITE RACE IS DYING. HAVE WHITE CHILDREN. MARRY WHITE WOMEN.” It’s all because that’s what they think old people actually believed in back in their day.

They care because it’s no secret that the zoomer right is comprised of high schoolers who are pretty much sure that they won’t be dating any time soon. They see someone with a woman that loves them enough to have a kid with them, but chooses not to, and it makes them angry. Well, not angry, but they will call you degenerate. They feel like it’s a missed opportunity, as if ultimately living a wholesome 100 3 white babies with a barefoot housewife life is any different from one where you have interracial sex every day and covered in jizz a quarter of your life span when it comes to how dead your pulse is a century from now. This isn’t an argument for nihilism or hedonism, I’m just explaining why they feel like they’re “missing out”.

Ahhhh, a generation of sexually repressed males who channel their unused semen and angst into autistic political ideology....

Raising next generation of humans is literally the easiest way to actually contribute to society

Your marketing or gender studies degree doesn't qualify as useful tho...

Until the mass extinction event in the next 50 years, they can have it.

Remember the movie 2012?

Me neither

I do remember the world getting a lot more stupider after 2012.

Inbreeding is cheating.

Lol who cares

no they won't lol, most of them are adult virgins who pretend they totally don't fuck women out of choice.

Volcel if you wouldn’t these volpoors



White lives don't matter.

mfw when drama posts my christmas postcard

Didn't know we're related.


Dunno. There is something unexplained attraction cumming from that male.

he's not fat. that's a big deal now

>only three kids

(X) Doubt

These are the ones she didn't drown or who didn't shoot themselves.

With a bit of hair-care and "normal" amounts of fakeup that woman is more attractive than the vast majority of American hambeasts.

They make fun of people for being the slaves of capitalism, when they are the slaves of evolution. There is no benefit to making a copy of your DNA, your DNA isn't you why do you care if there will be more of it in the next generation or it will be lost forever, DNA is already halved in every instance and your great-great-grandchild will only have 6,25% of yours. Just type 100 in the calculator and divide it by 2 a lot of times, and you'll see how pointless it is.

Ancient philosophers who are still remembered to this day have influenced humanity more, than some retard from the same time pediod that had 17 children.

stfu slave.

stfu photocopier, just COPY that DNA.

Lame and uncreative answer tbh 😒

I don't argue with slaves. The notion that they are worthless of love or attention is printed into their very mind. No need to remind them.

It's just an excuse, you got really triggered because of my comment, but you have no arguments. You're just another rightoid that can't do else, just repeat the things you heard other more intelligent rightoids say. No original ideas, or thoughts, just the lines rightoid media feed you.

I got a vasectomy 5 years ago.

Good for you nigga.

Lmao, sorry for respecting people who raise next generations of humans more than selfish and self centered whiners like you

Your whole comment is a big fucking cope

We must fight multiculturalism turning disparate cultures into formless blobs by turning disparate European cultures into a formless blob.

The dude looks like the Golden One if he never got into lifting.

Yaas king and queen omg 😍😍😍

Wife doesn't look that bad

Is that Dax Shepard?

Hello? Seethe department?

I really enjoy that the coombois are genuinely defending these mutts in your other submission.

I'd take that life over a modern soy creature living in zer pod in the city eating bugs while using a VR-enabled jagoff 5000.


Bro this is the dream.

Implying they actually breed, also producing more consumers seems paradoxical 🤔🤔🤔

Rapes of Wrath

haven't seen a single meme calling fentanyl consumption bad

America's Bright Future.