This guy and his potential school shooter brother

1  2019-12-30 by Standard12


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People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. This guy and his potential school s... -,

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14 year old has an emergency contact list and gets arrested for it, lol.

30 emergency contacts

Yeah ok

So having a hardcopy of a contact list is suspicious now. Especially since he has shit for family

Aye nae bother. Just an innocent contact list to go with his high powered rifle.

A 14 year old boy fascinated with firearms? I have never heard of such a thing! Never mind the other dude that bought and owns a bunch of guns in his dirt poor broken home.

yeah unfortunately the whole story sounds like just that, a story. was for sure i was reading something in r/nosleep for a second.

The kid also faked a break-in and only took the one rifle and nothing else so I'm thinking it's not the brightest 14-year-old.

Faked a break in / open window in shitty house. Could have also just burnt toast

And then put the high powered rifle, his "contact" list, a ballistic chart and 4 boxes of the wrong ammo under some sheets like you normally do after burning toast?

Judging by the quality of the family, the window could have been open for a week without anyone noticing. Just a lot of conclusions being made for some shitty fan fiction

Pah can't you just suspend your disbelief for a little bit and be happy with the fact some dude in a shitty wooden house just sent his brother to get reamed out in kiddy prison.

Alright. You win.

I mean I'm sure it's utter pish but I'm just taking it as it being true because that's the retard reddit way.

Yeah, you're right it is more fun that way. I hope we find out that the sister framed his ass this when time.

Are you actually retarded?

Retarded would be believing any of this tbqh

be american

This guy 100 percent molested his brother, I'm nearly sure of it

There really isn't room for any doubt.

molested his brother

Is that pizzashill?

I swear to god if I hear “pizza diddles kids” one more time your going on that kids hit list

pizza diddles kids

But pizza literally fucks kids

What is your obsession with that neoliberal weirdo

What do you gain



Imagine snitching on your own brother


Why do redditors love making this stuff up

So made up lmaooo

They took my brother, I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again

he gave me a look of pure hatred as the police led him out

Shut the fuck up lmao this is retardedly fake

That police officer name? Albert einstein

Get the fuck out with your filthy normie /r/askreddit tier response.

Keep yourself safe and go back to where you came from

You'll get banned for the three words in your second sentence.

When you try to insult someone for not being original and use normie

He handed me a crisp 100 dollar bill as he read my brother his miranda rights

and then Mario jumped out of the screen covered in hyper realistic blood

Reads like the fuckin jeff the killer creepy pasta lulw


Because the best drama is fictional.


This story is made up.

The rifle he stole is a 6.5 creedmoor precision rifle and is nearly 4 feet in length and weighs 15 lbs. He also managed to copy the ballistics chart that I made for that rifle. That rifle is capable of shooting a maximum effective range of 1500 yards (~0.85 miles). The only reasons I can think of of why he would want to steal this rifle horrify me. There must be a specific reason he stole this rifle over others.

No this is a completely legit 💯 fam

His 14 year old brother accounted for the ballistics of the rifle, clearly was a master plan

Real life school shooters may be retards, but at least they're smart enough to shoot from 15 yards, not 1500.

This guy made up an entire story just to flex his 6.5 rifle on us

i almost believed it since the kid acquired .223 for a 6.5 creedmore rifle. Sounds plausible.


I know, imagine thinking that max range on 6.5 Creedmoor is 1500 yards. Yeah maybe the max if you're a pussy who can't shoot.

So their poor af which means the kid probably doesnt have his own phone which is a pretty easy fucking explanation for the contact list.

Pretty good chance kid wants to show off the gun to seem cool and he didn't even have the right fucking ammo. Sounds like its a fucking bolt action as well.

Can't wait for the hospitalized mom to find out her oldest son probably just ruined her youngest life.

This guy is just karmawhoring, and I am constantly doubting the validity.

I don't know if I'll ever see my brother again.

Calm the fuck down. The judge isn't going to throw a book at a fucking 14 year old. They are surprisingly lenient on these kinds of things, you just never hear about it.

Imagine asking reddit what to do when you have problems 😹😹


he rlly snitching on his own brother



UPDATE FINAL: They took my brother. I don't know if I will ever see him again. But the look he gave me as he was being lead out was a look a betrayal and pure hatred. It hurts so bad, it makes me want to die.

What is this, a fucking creepypasta?


Jeff the Killer 2: The ReJeffening

OP literally fucked up his brothers life forever. He didn't try to solve it at all. Just basically thought what if, let his mind run wild and said I don't care enough about my brother to help him let's call the cops because I've got a dog I've been Meaning to euthanize.

UPDATE FINAL: They took my brother. I don't know if I will ever see him again. But the look he gave me as he was being lead out was a look a betrayal and pure hatred. It hurts so bad, it makes me want to die.

UPDATE: My sister thinks she may have found a hit list of some kind. It has about 30 names, addresses, and phone numbers on it including me and my sister's names.

I can't help but think that I just jumped to a conclusion based off of what these comments said and what the situation looked like... Even if I saved ~30 lives or more, I still feel like a failure.

Everything will be ok I've heard that phrase my entire life and I can tell you that its nothing but feel-good-words. My life has been going to shit since our dad died. After his death his side of the family blamed me for his death and cut all ties with me, my brother, my sister, and our mother. And now our mother is in a coma that I'm sure she will never wake up from. I only ever had two friends and I didn't mind that because I had my extended family, but now I have no extended family that wants anything to do with me and my parents are both basically dead at this point. I am alone and there is no fixing it! It's only a matter of time before I lose her too.

What real human being actually speaks like this? Especially that vague as shit last update, sounds like something a high schooler would write for a creative writing class. If this thing is real, then OP has the most unfortunate life on planet earth. What about that last paragraph, it's like he made that shit up on the fly. I'll blow my brains out if this garbage is true. Sorry about the formatting

I've known more coherent downies.

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Beto “Gun Grabber” O’Rourke astroturfing his 2024 campaign early.

“Don’t talk to your parents. Call the cops immediately and not only fuck up your relationship with your brother, but screw up your entire family!”

Take the gun back. Go get a safe now. Let the parents know. Then talk to your brother.

Funny how reddit suddenly LOVES cops when it comes to gun confiscation.