1  2019-12-30 by Corporal-Hicks


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If this is what an Antifa protest looks like sign me up.

make a meme about it

Yikes that's a lot of emotional labour you are giving me rn. 😬

I used to think the "antifa supersoldier" thing was just a meme.

I know better now.

Imagine going to hell and it's just you, standing surrounding by these fucking howler monkeys with whistles for the rest of eternity.

replace the whistles with cow bells and you've got a mississippi state football game.

Yeah man, and every single time they do shit like blast sirens or try to block camera's. Do they think they're doing anything but be incredibly annoying? Do they think it's intimidating?


Whole lotta mayos

all these retards referencing hong kong protestors, as if the circumstances there and the circumstances here are at all similar. Utterly baffling.

Also they will immediately turn around and claim that the Hong Kong protesters are being funded by US imperialism.

Howard Zinn is still shitting up this amazing country from beyond the grave.

i wish the government in america would treat antifa like hong kong protestors and start cutting them in half or throwing them off buildings to fake suicides

Its a neat little trick that shows what they're really after, reference the most 'recent' tragedy to win the argument.

For the retard tankies, antifa hide their identities from the public, hong kong protestors hide their identities from the government.

The virgin antifa, the CHAD HONG KONG PROTESTER

Huh, actual autistic screeching

Was this protest segregated or white-exclusive? Its really messed up seeing nobody but mayos present, i thought we lived in times of acceptance and diversity

Excluding POC peoples and visible minorities to have a white-only protest is backwards as fuck

LMFAO, this motherfucker said “Cointelpro”. These dumb Chapoids have fried their brains on bite-sized leftist political memes on Twitter and unironically think the FBI is falseflagging their little “LARPing Europe in the 1920s”-fests. The federal government is more preoccupied with Mexican drug cartels and literally every military-age male in Pakistan than they are with you, you goddamn mongoloid. No one gives a shit about your College Commie Power Hour except for mentally deranged Boomers on Facebook.

No one gives a shit about your College Commie Power Hour except for mentally deranged Boomers on Facebook.

We do, but for all the wrong reasons

I'd consider donating to some pro antifa fund just to see how quickly things will accelerate next year.

Yeah but then you get hit by the bikelock paid by your own money and then some capeshit will be based on you, so it's probably not worth it.

Lol I'm not brave enough to go anywhere near antifa.

What the fuck is she doing? Is she trying to seduce him? Is this how Chapocels mate?

Is this how Chapocels mate?

Uhm sweaty that would literally be liek rape


imagine if you think that protesting changes anything

It historically has, like, a fuck ton but alright.

I love anti-boot licker calling the jannies to ban someone for using the word retard.

You know how some of you guys joke about having more respect for ISIS than chapocels? Well I don't about respect but I felt far more disgust at this "protest" and the comments comparing it to HK than any ISIS execution videos.

If they weren't all mentally ill and incapable of leaving their homes they'd probably have a higher kill count than ISIS.

Half the fucking thread is retards arguing about the definition of fascism lmao

hah i know what will convince people that fascism exists ill dance and carry around a siren and strobe light to blind them with for no reason

fucking faggots lmao kent state 2.0 when

White people were a massive mistake.

The fuck is up with that “dance“? Is she having a seizure? Is it supposed to be aggressive?

The absolute state of city dwelling women in 2k20, smh