Comrade Terry Crews BTFOs rightoids by visiting the glorious People's Republic of China

1  2019-12-30 by SuperSkullBro


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Comrade Terry Crews BTFOs rightoids... -,

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Okay to counter some of this negativity I'm just gonna drop the historic support of the black power movement and Mao sooo ooh look it's revolutionary Robert F Williams with Mao (Author of Negroes with Guns, outlining self defense in the manner the Black Panthers would follow)

Ask minorities in China what life is like lol

Are prisoners in China allowed to receive mail?

No but they can get free organ removals so it's a win for socialized medicine

Americans are really believing the "muslim concentration camps" """"news"""" without evidence and pretending blindness over their own concentration camps full of immigrants, I wonder where the real propaganda's at

rly makes u think

we dont do x and even if we do so do you


Remember everything bad tankies have ever done is actually facist capitalist muslim propaganda!

Brazilians are consistently the most retarded people on the internet.

They knowingly deposed their last president to put in a guy who actively goes around the Amazon with a flamethrower setting indigenous people on fire.

Based and pyropilled

The People's Republic of China is a one party state of systematic oppression on ethnic and ideological grounds.

The USA is a state of systematic oppression on ethnic and ideological grounds.

It's sad these people will never understand how they good they have it.

America bad

Don’t copy me!!