Gamers get VERY upset when told that cheating at a video game means they havent really beaten it

1  2019-12-30 by TheColdTurtle


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Gamers get VERY upset when told tha... -,*

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How is it unfair to have to beat the game lol

They're mad because instead of closing the game and starting the game up again to undo losing lives people just rewind to a few seconds earlier. These tards might have the time to spend hours upon the same level but I don't.

Is this the same as reloading a save?

No, you can rewind so when you make minor mistakes you can correct them on the fly, thus allowing retards perfect playthroughs and never having to remember any of the levels or exercise any epic gamer skills. Basically its a built in cheat because kids today are brain damaged by their fent abusing parents.

Don't talk to me about beating super mario brothers 3 you don't understand you stupid zoomer shit.

ohhh, The only games I remember doing a full run without dying were the original mario and contra games, never played platformers again

Isn't that just the same as save state function on ROMs?

Similar but rewind is a bit more of a cheat. These games are singleplayer though and the only thing they are cheating is their own self worth.

Still fun to mock nerds who aren't even good at their 'hobby'.


Old video games were shitty though. They made them hard just to get more hours out of it and milk more money out of arcades.

Difficulty is part of the fun. Why the fuck are you playing a game if its easy.

If I want a hard game I'll play dark souls or something, not the artificially extended bs that is nes era that was designed around getting every last quarter or the whole rental period out of you for a single world because games were 2mb and game dev costs were a joke


difficult game=/=fun game. Sure it can make it more fun, but it's like adding hot sauce to your food, too much and itll ruin the batch. Old NES and SNES games are full of this bullshit. There's no satisfaction in beating a really hard game because in the end you're still a fucking loser for spending that much time trying to beat the game in the first place.

Spoken like a true weak ladyboy who couldn't beat battletoads.

lmao imagine being so pathetic that you take pride in being a (allah forgive me for this utterance) gaymer.

Nah just making fun of gamers who suck so much they cant beat childrens toy.

It’s the same as having infinitive lives, ie a massive cheat

Its better than having infinite lives. You can rewind to the moment before you died and correct your mistake.

infinitive lives

If you make a new save every 5 seconds

Lmao do you cheat at solitaire too

This is ableist.

Gatekeeping gayming

Lmao Queen Anita was right, gamers should be put in camps

Anita was always right. During Goobergait, when the eyes of the world were watching them, gamers couldn't help but chimp out.

I can only hope that an epic spergouts like GamerGate happens again

when the eye of the world we’re watching them

Outside of the extremely online does anyone even know or care about gamergate?

There was a Law and Order episode about it, which is pretty much the most valuable piece of art ever created

I read on Kotaku that it was better than Civ V with the Brave New World expansion

Priceless line, thank you Ice T

gamers couldn't help but chimp out.

Lets not mix chimp outs with sperg outs, you non of them could bust a grape in a fruit fight


Whenever I open gamer Twitter I want to eat lead

I open gamer Twitter

I want to eat lead


All video games are too sanitised to represent any real challenge worthy of discussion unless you rig a shotgun to blast the lower half of your body off when you run out of lives and you die twitching as it returns to the Sonic 2 title screen

i also wonder how healthy it is to use the fast-forward feature for older games. like yeah no brainer i'd fast forward through predictable battles, but do the hours of archaic bullshit somehow help the game build character that I'm now missing out on? does the grind create a kind of appreciation in retrospect? i toss and turn at night over this.

It isnt fast forward, it is rewind so people who cry when they lose can win for free

Archaic game design to lengthen game time.

Yeah it's probably as simple as that. I just question it sometimes.

Tbf, for some games like Pokemon it's to foster that bond between you and your pokemons. Then there's JRPGs where it's basically a hallmark of the genre to arbitrarily extend the game by grinding and drawn out boss fights.

When we take power and enact "The Final Solution" on gamers, Pokemoncels will be the first ones in the ovens followed by anyone who has ever played an mmo.

Why bother with Zyklon B when u have WoWcel stank 🤮

This is the fax. I have 3 days played and am only lvl 30 out of 60 on wow

video games are for children.


"gatekeeping" is the next toxic

it's basically just slang for rules and criteria you don't like

Gatekeeping is a good thing


you can be about 90% certain that anyone who accuses someone of gatekeeping is being a whiny asshole

There would be literally zero standards or quality to anything, ever, without "gatekeeping."

Gatekeeping is a conspiracy pushed by non passing troons who are told that they don't meet the basic prerequisites to look remotely female

Shut up incel

stop gaslighting gatekeeping

This was my favorite tweet in recent memory (bar the trump telling the little sperg to chill). It brought out the most weak muscled little shits who were insanely entertaining to laugh at.

Sir, can you link the trump tweet?

lmaoooo thank mr trump!

Presidential harassment


so much red hot seethe radiating from the replies holy shit

@eugenegu Replying to @realDonaldTrump "Greta must work on her anger management problem? Are you serious? I can’t believe Trump is this petty, dumb, and blackhearted to bully a 16-year-old kid out of pure jealousy that she made the cover of Time Magazine for Person of the Year over him. Trump needs to deal with it."

orange man is being bad again 😤

@eugenegu Replying to @realDonaldTrump "Greta Thunberg is dedicating her life fighting climate change because her generation has to deal with the rising seas, wildfires, hurricanes, food shortages, and hell on Earth because of all the rich old people like Trump sucking this planet dry for oil like vampires. Be best."

so brave to tweet this

Holy shit wtf ahahahahaha how can so many people disagree with this? Even jontron's fans that should be a little more "edgy" disagree with his tweet. The only time blue checkmarks, pronoun bios, and nazi anime profile pics is when you attack their only non-achievements in vidya.

Like literally how fucking sheltered do you have to be to not even be able to handle not getting a participation medal on a VIDEO GAME. Gamers are 100%, unironically worst than even white women.

I want everything and I want it nowwww 😡

Go off, king

The only time blue checkmarks, pronoun bios, and nazi anime profile pics is when you attack their only non-achievements in vidya.


"agree" or something along those lines. you'd be able to figure it out if you weren't completely fucking retarded.

gxmer elitism


Mike Mattei is a goldmine of drama. Aside from his horsecock that was leaked, he was also sperging out because everyone made fun of his horrible Inspector Gaget Minecraft video. Brown Bricks will forever be one of my favorite memes.

Aside from his horsecock that was leaked,


He posted his ten-inch cock on Twitter.

He posted it on Reddit too

Imagine putting your name on something as downright unfunny as that.

i mean he's not wrong but then

If you want to see the next thing, you are supposed to earn it. Not have it given to you on a silver platter.

christ i hate this "earn it" mentality gamers have. nigga i paid for this shit i already "earned" it.

If you're playing on the original system I can understand, but Nigga this a Switch, dont pretend there's some sort of sense of integrity to playing ported games on newer systems.

nigga i paid for this shit i already "earned" it.

Same, but with torrents

christ i hate this "earn it" mentality gamers have

Funniest part is to see them getting mad when they get half-assed-endings and credits for that, like it was with Mass Effect.

This guy will never have sex

You can shut up now

I suspect that you have never seen another human naked.

Brown bricks

Imagine feeling a sense of accomplishment because you played some console weebshit from the '80s designed to waste your time with fake difficulty over and over again until you get lucky enough to win. Congratulations. You've really proved something to the world.

Anyone who thinks beating a videogame is an accomplishment hasn't accomplished a single meaningful thing in their entire lives

A friend of mine is still convinced x3 lives should still be gaming standard. He knows they were to eat your quarters, but he doesn't care.

This reminds me of the meltdown r/books had when someone said you're not a reader if you listen to the audio books.

I finally beat Contra using this technique. Took me 30 years. Feeling pretty good about it. Now just need to do the same thing for Ninja Gaiden and R-Type.

Nigga you could have beat it by cheating 30 years ago. Contra already had the konami code to start with 30 lives.

30 lives isnt enough bish when you’re 8 and mashing the buttons. Up up down down left right fork off.

Brown bricks

In minecrap

I agree with the gamer boy, you didn’t beat the game if you used cheats. But if you wanna cheat for fun go ahead but it doesn’t mean you beat the game.

Guess these people never played Soulsborne-esque games lol

Too bad these kids can't rewind in real life and maybe get rid at an actually useful skill

Cheating at a video game doesn't mean you beat it buying sex still makes you an incel

gamers, see this hobby takes the place of any acomplishment. they need it to mean something, or else all the time is wasted doing something other than sport, arts, or jannying

The more I see the phrase "OK boomer" the more I think that the people who say it should be culled.


I beat all sorts of games when I used game genie. I'm the best gamer around.


Unfollow me, thanks!


Yeah I mean of course. But also who cares?

Why the fuck are you even here if you type comments like that

What do you mean? He's right in saying you haven't really beaten the game but it's funny that people think the idea of not "truly" beating it is intolerable

Because you wrote "who cares" when that can apply to litterally every post on this sub

I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, that's the last thing I'd want to do!

Thank you :)