The black vs jew turf war is heating up and r/news is confused and angry.

1  2019-12-30 by unrulyfarmhand


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That is interesting, because did you know It's always been a fantasy of mine to be a sex slave for 2 bears, male and female, pleasing the male when she's tired, and vice versa. Slowly sliding my lips up and down his thick shaft, tasting his pre-cum on my tongue. Once he's had enough of that, he rolls over onto his back, lifting me up as though I weighed nothing. Gently placing me on his cock, I guide him in, feeling him stretch me wide open. I moan with pleasure, feeling him fill me up. He growls softly, I feel it rumble deep in his chest, vibrating all the way down his body and through mine. He continues to lift me up and then pull me down. He's doing all the work for me, it feels so good, the warmth of the fur, his paws either side of my waist. He is in total control, I'm just nothing compared to his vast size and strength, but I have total trust in him, I know he won't hurt me. I feel the pace quicken, almost imperceptibly. I slowly stroke myself, feeling myself nearing the point of no return coming closer with every stroke. I can hear the growl getting louder now; he speeds up even more, forcing me further and further down onto his thick cock. If it wasn't for the fact I my body is releasing so many endorphines, I would probably be screaming in agony. Except I am panting and whining, just like a bitch, begging her mate to fill her up. His claws dig in deeper, the pain, its excsquisite. It sends me over the edge. My head goes back, I let out a short grunt, I feel my cock explode, covering his chest fur in my seed. I keep stroking, it looks as though I'm trying to rip my cock out. I let out another grunt, another torrent flows forth, then another and another. A drop lands on the beasts muzzle. He seems confused for a moment. That's what I think. He digs his paws in even harder now and slams me onto his cock, I feel his grumble turn into a roar. He's cumming, oh my god. I can feel in, filling me up. It's undescribable. He's mating with me, he's claimed me. I feel him slow, his cock still throbbing within me, it seems as though there's no more room for his cum. It's dripping out of me, onto his fur. I reach down, and then bring my hand up, tasting him. It's more than I ever expected. It's heaven.


  1. The black vs jew turf war is heatin... -,

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I thought only white Americans stood outside of the solidarity bubble.

This shit has been heating up for a long time and it’s only gonna get worse once they start handing out insane sentences to black people for crimes against jewmanity

It's time the black's learn that actions have consequences.

handing out insane sentences to black people for crimes against jewmanity

Trump has planned this masterstroke of racism from the start. Think about it, he knew blacks and Jews have a certain rivalry in New York, so once Qanon got Trump elected he went full ZOG and hammed it up for the Jews, really went all on on the Ziocon agenda. By enshrining Jews in their rightful place at the top of the victim hierarchy, Trump has deftly manoeuvered the blacks he despises so much into a no-win situation. Either the blacks let the Jews walk all over them or they fight back against the literal ideal minority against whom they would stand little hope of success. Knowing full well the tensions that this would stir, Trump has clearly set up the conditions for an escalating racial conflict between the blacks and the Jews. Once some strong black bodies get mandatory minimum life imprisonment for crossing a Jews shadow then the flames of black nationalism rise again! Now we get to the really clever bit: once the black nationalists and Jews are in open armed conflict, Trump will have "no choice" but to enlist the right wing death squads he has secretly been creating deep in the Alaskan wilderness, and as his coup de grace, taking out both the blacks and the Jews in one bold stroke and finally ushering in the thousand year Trumpian Reich.

This is why it is imperative that you vote for literally any Democrat who gets nominated, except Bernie who is literally Jewish scum, fuck that guy.

These black vs. Jewish tensions are so unique to me-----it really is an odd regional NYC thing.

Apparently it's got nothing to do with the whole "Jewish Global Elite" conspiracies because they're not the typical American Ashkenazi Jews (wealthy, educated, irreligious, progressive)-----they're actually Hasidic/hyper-religious Jews, many of which are on welfare.

Apparently this specific group of Jews has been turning parts of NYC into their own personal enclaves, controlling school districts, etc. which has made them clash with the NYC black population.

On welfare and controlling school districts 🤔

The Neo liberal rationale for hating Jews is conflicted and super interesting

Doesn't realize Hasidic was started by Ashkenazi Jews. 600 updoots not surprising.

I envy rightoids, who do not need an elaborate reason to hate people beyond "lol look at what colour they are"

Leftoids hate for the same reasons but need to do mental gymnastics to justify their hate

That explains their memes.

That's the worst thing about them, easily.

When you kill the [Insert random minority] . . .


Nigs. The meme says Nigs.

imagine being that reductive and then complaining that you dont understand motive lol

I grew up watching Jews treat my mother like a 3rd Class person because she was a women.

They wouldn't hand money directly to her they'd put it on the desk and swiftly pull their hands back so she wouldn't contaminate them.

I don't know why leftists give Amish so much shit but have to bend over sucking off Palestine, instead of how anti-Women they are.

Women aren't even allowed at the Wall King Herod built lmao

If she was your mother, they were probably just scared she'd give them leprosy from eating road kill.

I'm Episcopalian stereotype , her family worked with Paul Revere

Rub your brain cells together and figure out why a Hasidic Business would hire a WASP Secretary pal

Oh. Her deformities were entirely due to mercury poisoning, not disease. My mistake.

Episcopalians aren't Catholic retard, eating Fish because you think you can cheat god is heresy, did you like never learn about the Underground Railroad or anything?

The literal first American bishop was consecrated in Scotland can you guess what faith he was? They formed in Philadelphia in 1789, you might of heard of something else that was written that year?

Again, my mistake. Her deformities were apparently due to fetal alcohol syndrome, which, based on you, is inheritable.

Again, you complete fucking ignoramous, Episcopalian, you know spawned Methodists?

both science and human experience unite with Holy Scripture in condemning all alcoholic beverages as being neither useful nor safe

You drink at Communion and the Father finishes off what's left over.

Again, I am corrected. You're mother's unfortunate features must come from inbreeding then.


How do you still not go this, you literally go to church and get your families history as they spread west across america.

God there's nothing more whitetrash than not being able to trace your lineage back to Moses I bet you don't even have an ancestral shield with your coat of arms on it used in the Crusades.

Like I said, inbreeding. You're like a showdog.

You're literally so dumb you don't know how rare Episcopalians are compared to other religions pursuing manifest destiny.

There literally weren't enough to go around, everybody knows that

You're like a showdog.

I was sorting out some books and I found out 3 of my ancestors were kicked out of Church and had to move to a new settlement. PreColonization

One of them for beating a man in church over a headed Bible Verse argument


Imagine getting baited this hard.

Me and Troofer go way back, we're both out and about Republican Trumptards since the Primaries where we rooted for him over Ted Cruz

He's the Costello to my Abbott in this bit, I'm the Gracie Allen to his conspiracy George Burns.

Watermark is another person forced in the political closet who you're encouraged to play along with to let vent.

When I was watching the Watchmen with my GF there's a big reveal that one of the characters owns a ancestral KKK suit and it's supposed to be a big reveal because Liberals don't believe the sins of your fathers aren't yours to bear; she gave me the look and I told her how my way back granny found a mask as a child hidden behind a brick behind the furnace and how they burned it.

Does your granny have any grandchildren that aren't retarded?


uh· pi· skuh· pei· lee· uhn

The Generational Black Sheep of the Religion no matter the family always decides to slum it and marry a Jew, Irish Catholic/New Jersey Wop 2nd Gen Military man or Plantation owner, or they turn out gay how do you not get this?

PBS literally did a entire TV show with this premise because us and us and PBS are like 2 crossed fingers.

Rub your brain cells together and figure out why a Hasidic Business would hire a WASP Secretary pal

Her religion mandates that she not steal from them, whereas their religion mandates that they must steal?

Lots of Ews there claiming it’s all a “conspiracy.” Figures! Ews can’t do no wrong of course.... cheah right

This is looking interesting lol, so many different conflicting interests. It is crazy the population growth of those towns though. The median age is literally 12 because they have so many kids, and the kids have disproportionate rates of genetic disease due to inbreeding.

Fun fact, hasidic jews are significantly more inbred than the worst parts of the rust belt. Too insular for too long. So what I'm saying is... its an army of potential /r/Drama posters.

Blacks have the power Jews have the wealth who will win


Holy fuck I hope the average default Redditor is just trying to get gilded and posted in bestof, because if not the rigor of the discourse is worse than in any shitposting subs.

There needs to be a term for this, pretending not to know something very basic or asking about something surface level over and over and over again in hopes of getting a tepid summary (or posting it from le alt account). Isn’t a high portion of Reddit people living in coastal cities with interests in race, religion, and politics? Spend some time reading other sites or watching documentaries, I’m not interested in any of this and I know the background and details of this conflict.

If I see one more of these threads with 50 people explaining Crown Heights as if it has that much impact compared to forced demographic shifts and property ownership I am going to poop myself in righteous fury.

Reddit loves this and we need a term for it.

My classic example is the token “European” that shows up to every thread about healthcare and says:

“Is healthcare not just free in America? I’m from Europe so I don’t understand why healthcare isn’t free?”

Prompting 600 comments, lots of gold and platinum being exchanged. I think there’s a name for a character in a movie or show that exists solely to ask stupid questions to allow to protagonist to explain plot points to the audience without having a narrator just explain it

I guess there is Mr. Exposition, but that’s not mean enough.

“Writing Prompt Fallacy”

Mr. Dumdum?

Is seriousposting normal now?

Idk. That’s something an incel would ask 😬

Only an incel would believe I did something an incel would do

I’ve got two words for you sweetie: Yikes. Just yikes.




Why does he never notice me. 😣

We are all incels on this blessed day!

You know how they have “begging the question”?

I feel like that’s “begging the answer”.

Thank you!! Dude Watson lmao

Playing The Watson is also referred to as cabbaging, since this role could be played by a head of cabbage.

"Cabbaging" is a great term for it.

It is. I’ll spearhead the movement

audience surrogate

I live in Crown Heights

Congratulations on the anti-semitism/racism. Which ever applies to you.

If you were to ask a twitter blue check journo it’s probably both

Based and probably-pilled.

Basically the Afro-Caribbean population and the Orthodox jews beef because the local Afro-Carribbeans hate the jews for brining the mayo menace into their neighborhood in an attempt to build williamsburg 2.0

Is it true black people steal everything and the Jews have taken to hoarding bottlecaps because they heard it was going to be the currency in the future?

Wrong. You have these totally backwards. You must live on Long Island. 🙄

I like using the crown heights incident as an example of how they feel about black people, even the wiki article has that silly doublespeak that tells on itself.

In one part it says the light was yellow so he was fine, then there’s a quote about believing he was okay to go thru the red because of the police escort.

Idk, funny story, good for drama

Seems like Hitler should have just let the blacks have at the Jews.

He would have never accepted that blacks are superior at something.

Yeah that's probably true. A for effort and all that.

Hitler had way less problems with blacks than with jews or slavs. Because only in burgerstan is ethnicity equal to skin color.

We end the decade with some basketballs and hook noses warring it out in the streets 👌

Was hoping for a proper race war, but I'll take this

I watched some old burger 70's documentary where it said some big jewish landlords used to burn down cheap buildings where blacks didn't pay their rents in NYC. Stay woke brothas. 🙏

Who could have predicted that Helter Skelter would be between basketballs and merchants?

STOP blaming the victims...the Jews for being attacked.

10 attacks in a week - all by black people in different locations. This has nothing...NOTHING to do with "tensions".

This is "its open season on Jews in NY", i will take out my personal anger and hate out on one of them.

lol look out rabbi badass here

This has nothing...NOTHING to do with "tensions".

Is he implying black people are attack jews for no reason at all? That seems pretty architypicaly racist to me

You’re watching “When Golems Attack”

wow this group, "jews" that I hear so much of must have it really hard! I bet they are underrepresented in all facets of life!

Goycel mad

Which ones stronger, the holocaust card or the slavery card?

Probably still has something to do with mayo master race somehow