Brother of disgraced music producer/prolific coke addict enters the fan subreddit of said producer's former cash cow to defend his sibling's honor

1  2019-12-30 by snallygaster


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Brother of disgraced music producer... -,

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Whoo Poppy’s finally free!

Are you cheating on taytay?

For poppy? Nah. The only other person that always makes my pop playlists with at least one song is Meg Mac.




I unironically enjoy a lot of Poppy’s music but just thought she was a Billie Eilish type industry plant. Had no idea any of this manipulative youtuber gender enby shit was going on behind the scenes.

She's not a standard industry plant tbf; iirc this guy somehow found her and shilled the fuck out of her on 4chan and other various internet places until she became popular

For someone who has at least heard of both Poppy and Eilish, but is disengaged from the business mechanics of modern pop music, what does industry plant mean?

Eilish is the daughter of extremely wealthy and connected people who already did all the hard work of making money and establishing relationships that would set up an aspiring artist. So similar to Cara Delavigne and the Mara sisters, mom and dad open up their phonebooks and checkbooks and voila, she skips the first 10-15 years of work an artist without those benefits has to do.


When was he ever a coke addict???

has poppy done anything interesting or good since the cancellation of titanic? i was under the impression she was a less-tallented eilish carried to relevance by titanic setting up a mediocre arg and knowing how to get clicks.

Her metal songs are pretty legit imo.

Who are these people and why should anyone under 50 care?