QAnon's back, baby, thanks to Ice-T!

1  2019-12-31 by ArlenBilldozer


born February 16, 1958

The math checks out, Ice-T is a boomer.

It’s... terminal, I’m afraid.

Holy shit Ice-T is a q supporter? How could this year have gotten more based.

I think he's the type of old, rich, possibly poor eyesight and disconnected from real life to share any motivational quote and completely miss the flaming Q background.

Or, Q did this.

He told the guy that pointed that out to eat a dick lol

Ice-T is Q confirmed

This is cope

Wintergreen cope

Ice Q cope.

Okay now this is epic

I think he's the type of old, rich, possibly poor eyesight and disconnected from real life to share any motivational quote and completely miss the flaming Q background.

Basically spot on, dude has no clue what Q anon even is lol.

Thinking about it, has anyone ever seen ANY black person support Q? I reckon it's exclusively white people nonsense.

probably some real old guys out there tons of conspiracy theory black grampas roaming the world

I went to a Trump rally last year in October. There were a surprising amount of black boomers, but an even more surprising amount of black qanon boomers.

If you go again please post pictures

I still have some pictures but there was lots of waiting before the actual rally (the line basically wrapped around the city block the indoor arena was on) so I only got a few pictures of the cheeto in chief before my phone died.

As for black qanon boomers, I’ll see. Pennsylvania is a swing state so I’m sure he’ll come around again.


Liberal propaganda

He's libertarian IIRC, loves doing whatever the fuck he wants. They skew right and he's basically a boomer so he went Q perhaps?

Lamest cult ever.

All the cool cults limit their members. Notice how boring Scientology is compared to the Chad aum shinrikyo?

Scientology has a payment plan. They are actually somewhat interesting. One of the few organizations to bring the IRS to its knees and "alledgedly" responsible for a few high profile murders/missing persons.

Tom Cruise coked out on Opera was classic.


I don't care what ice t believes. I'm just glad he's telling a """DEPUTY CULTURE EDITOR""" to eat a dick.

I remember when Ice-Cube was in NWA

Hey I posted this first 😠😠😠


It's fine we posted almost the same time anyways