Should I nuke r/incealtears? I'm a mod there and it's boring. Upvote for annihilation when I get around to it.

1  2019-12-31 by InCeLdRaMaBoT


What do they even talk about? All the incel subs are dead.

Pretty sure they go on shortcels, aznidentity, and incels without hate and larp on alts to farm karma

Inb4 I'm not an incel faggot I get plenty of tight boy bussy

Repost 3 year old screenshots and write angry comments about them.

There's that one brazilian incel which amounts to like 80% of all posts on that sub.

Imagine what a fucking goblin that person must be to be an incel in fucking Brazil.

Apparently he had a roast dinner in his garage for new years

Yeah lmao. Also, I see you showing up to this thread after it was linked in another particular one. ;)

He's actually in the Philippines.

Doubly so, then.

Brazilian incel in Philippines

God gave him all the chances

Let’s be clear, no matter where you go in the world, a fat NEET who makes about 40 posts a day isn’t ever gonna be attractive to women, no matter how many feminist opinions he spouts out.

My girlfriend is half white and half Filipina, and she lived in Florida with me.

I didn't ask.

Both Brazil and the Philippines are great places to get a girlfriend, you have to be somewhat volcel at this point to come back without one, holy shit dude.

He made 40 posts on Christmas day alone. He's literally peak incel

and 70 on new years

Really? I was too busy celebrating Christmas with family to be doing that. That is AngryDM levels of dedication.


Inceltears incels are like closeted gay republicans who lash out at gays

implying thy aren't an incel sub themselves

Based af.

> What do they even talk about?

Little kids probably, considering their most famous regular tried to fuck them.

wtf? Gimme sauce





Get zozzed

I have been blessed by the Zoz!


his reddit username is the same as his twitter handle

Pizza is an /r/inceltears regular?

Close. Someone by the name of DrPizza. Not actually Pizzashill.

That’s his alt retard.

*all the other incel subs are dead

Hahaha I don’t mind that my girlfriend fucked miles of cock!

Lol me neither!

Those stupid incels! And we have an open relationship! More gaming time for me!

There's still and /r/MGTOW and /r/shortcels for them to play with.

They also still have the Asian moidosphere (/r/AsianMasculinity, /r/aznidentity, /r/EasternSunRising, /r/AsiansCuckingPinkies, etc), but IncelTears tends to leave them alone. I guess it has to do with "intersectionality", or some such bullshit.

Oof! I'm surprised it hasn't been quarantined already.


Incels are irrelevant now

Rightists: We are going to kill you for having incorrect ideology that doesn't conform to our rightist values!

Leftists: This will be responded to with lethal force.

Rightists: OMG u would threaten to kill your OWN citizens?!?!

I dont know if this is a serious post, an agenda post, rightoid seething or lefty screaming.

All i know is that you are a retard for posting it.

Watermark is a chapo, sometimes the seethe just erupts out of his anus at inappropriate times

Don’t downvote the lolcow!

don't worry he's not leaving any time soon

He's not a lolcow

Newfag pls. Watermark is not a lolcow, he's just autistic

We are going to kill you for having incorrect ideology

Ah yeah, that so called genocide by the rightists. Nowadays I can't even leave the house, I look out the window and see women and people of color being hunted with pitchforks. does still exist

Mostly and r/MGTOW.

You probably should no one will miss it. Everyone moved on

No balls

Do it.

Does inceltears provide lots of drama?

Not much nowadays, all the incel subs are dead.

🤔 You got proof?

He’s not a mod... I asked the other mods. He’s a fake looking for attention. Also we haven’t added a new mod in over 100 days. Why the hell would he want to nuke it now?

If you nuke it, admins will just do what they always do with a sub nuke, remove permissions or modship of the offending mod. Even if it sticks, that loses the novelty value quickly and becomes boring and undramatic again.

Instead, court conflict and conspiracy among the mods, while introducing more and more rules - make the rules controversial and encourage people to come up with their own rules. Spin a web of lies about who can be trusted, and make the other mods think you're one of the other mods (not the saboteur). Between the changing rules and embittered mod conflicts or treacherous mod solidarity that lead to ever-changing y'allings, bannings, and post and comment deletions, turn the sub into /r/JusticeServed 2.0, where the drama ratio is at least 10x the actual content and importance.

damn imagine knowing this much r*ddit lore

it's true, I've wasted my life.

For us. Thank you!

This. This so much.

You must get paid like twice what a moderator makes to do stuff like this

Don't let anyone stop you, we need people on the front lines doing gods work.

Import MDEgenerates until the admins nuke it

The one thing we’re good at is completely destroying the things we love

Based and Machiavellipilled

i can only assume that this is how r/choosingbeggars went from mocking delusional foids to people bickering over craigslist purchases

Replace the CSS with dabbing sneed or something equally annoying.

God, that slowly rotating page we had here a while ago

But make it faster.

Or turn it into an Incel sub.

That would be funny ngl. Start banning anyone who isn’t Incel.

It already is

I may be a 30 year old virgin who's never been in a relationship but at least I'm not an incel 😤

I'm not incel because I RESPECT WOMEN and understand that they don't owe me sex!

Imagine being that much of a cuck.


Post bussy

Carpet Bomb It with Nukes

ban post about incels from IncelTears, they are getting too spammy.

just do what chapos do and cultivate posts that are boomer-tier anti-trump ramblings so they hit r/all every day. But do the opposite, and push /tv/ talking points to the front of r/all everyday

No Reddit needs an incel sub.

Unban me pls

What’d you get banned for

I called out an incel for being a cuck and homo.

I changed it to 30 days, just don’t bully incels... also absolutely no homophobic language is tolerated there dude. We aren’t 12.

Yes daddy thank you daddy.

calling people faggots is okay if you're a faggot, everyone knows that


Lemme check the ban log one sec

Post bussy and you got yourself a deal playa. dew it...


Yes please the drama will be beatiful

Sure why not

Fucking do it. BrazilianSmegma will probably kill himself when he has nowhere to post his 40 daily incel screenshots

Dont nuke it, start slowly enforcing arbitrary and nonsensical rules such as "no bullying" "no virgin shaming" "no body shaming" "no ableism" "no sexism (towards males)". Do this with a vise of virtue so the admins cant come down and revoke your control. Eventually the sub will become completely unusable.

Y’all realise we can see everything a mod does in the mod log right? We could just remove him... in like 5 minutes. And then restore the subreddit.


He does it for free

These are the people who do it for free

Hey so I wanted to ask, what's it like modding what is now officially reddit's biggest incel community?

Lmaoooo ok

At this point I've seen several threads from inceltears which were almost entirely people saying "well, I've never had sex with a woman, and I'd like to have sex with a woman, but just because i'm involuntarily celibate doesn't make me an incel". Are you saying you've not seen these threads? Because you legitimately are a mod of the largest involuntarily celibate community on Reddit.

Nope link all of them.


I see one person on one thread saying they havent had sex lmao. Hardly speaks for the majority. There is no logical way to say the majority of IT users are virgins since 1. Many dont disclose their body count. 2. Many are women not men 3. Many of us (myself included) are already in relationships and talk about that a lot on advice threads. So sure, go ahead and try and feel better about yourself by cherry picking those IT users who say they are still celibate. Whatever makes you feel better. It's cute considering its usually self proclaimed incels who's entire identity is pathetically hinged on them being unable to get sex who are the ones who call US incels. Nice projecting there bud

Look at this janny cope LMAO

Once you have the balls to respond to that "paragraph" we can discuss whos coping

I've not read it, but the mere fact that you run a board ostensibly dedicated to mocking involuntary celibates, yet this board also has to host a weekly "advice thread" where the first things you list in the OP are "general anxiety over virginity, specific romantic situations" suggests you may in fact be a janny on the largest involuntary celibate board on reddit there m8

Lmao you didn't even read it. Enough said. I didn't even have to read the rest of your rant.

Also I just noticed your the same guy I was replying to earlier I legitimately thought you were someone else. It took you 23 days to find one guy? Come on even I could do better.

I didn't even look, just waited for it to come to me. Was that not obvious? No wonder you ended up an incel janny.

Nice replying to only the last comment instead of addressing all the shit I said in the other one. Also idk wtf a janny is. I don't know incel speak that well

And yet you took the time to think of me and find this thread to respond the second you finally saw some evidence, how sweet 😊

I thought it might produce some cope. I wasn't expecting a literal paragraph of it lmfao

Still took the time to seek me out and hit me up again. 😘 Oh and I never don't take the time to roast someone.

Oh and I never don't take the time to roast someone.

I guess, much like the denizens of the board you work for free on, you have to take it where you can get it 🤣😂😂👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿

I browse inceltears somewhat often and I've never once seen a thread like that

Shut the fuck up janny

Sorry I crushed your hopes and dreams of destroying incel tears lol. But come on it was never gonna happen my guy

How much money do you make policing internet comments? Surely you wouldn't do it for free?

I like to help incels 🤷‍♂️


man, you sure do care a whole lot about that subreddit... you must get paid a whole lot of money to moderate it. wait, you don't? wait, hold on, lemme get this straight: you spend a large chunk of your schedule... removing posts? on the subreddit? for no payment? you do it for free?

Lmao my guy how do you think moderating works? I made some friends with mods in the discord and they asked me to help out. Simple as that. It's not that hard to get.

ok it's easy to get... but you still do it for no monetary gain, correct?

Yea why would I do it for monetary gain? I'm not BrazilianSigma it barely takes 10 minutes out of my day. Money isnt THAT important.


And why do you exactly dedicate your free time to remove other people's online filth?


What if this guy is the one who made this post? Could op be playing a game of 4-D chess as we speak?

You shouldn't give me that much credit.

Can you take this post down?

It's doxxing someone from drama here.

It doesn't show his username, plus another mod already approved it...

Wait, so you can just spread pictures of people you don't like and portray him as a racist/incel/rapist on Reddit? And even when mods know it's false, it doesn't matter? Come on, man, this isn't funny.

Actually yea I'll delete it whatever. Apparently this is a mod from this subreddit?

Yeah, he's being doxxed before. He doesn't mind when people joke around with a low-res version of the picture, he just doesn't want to be recognizable. Thank a lot, I really appreciate it.


But then where will I go to see incels get bullied by leftists in the comments


Moderate ppl for being ugly

someone should make volceltears and include screenshots from the asexual subs to start a flame war

even ace myself thatd be hilarious


You probably shouldn't make a post anout it if you really want to do it, retard. Incels invade all spaces in using ours. Now they'll be looking to ban you and your alts you dimwitted sperg


I don't need a resume.

Do you do anything yet? Bet you're one of these cunts that's all "tYrAnNy & tRaNny" but have no power (even on leddit) and in real lyfe. Stop being an absolute dick holster and delete shit if you even can you throbbing axe-wound.

You got played

Yeah true. Can't trust any of you reee: tyranny fags on this sub to follow through on much aye. Ah well, got me again.

Yeah, just pull the plug. All the big incel subs were killed off a while ago anyways.


Lmao definitely do it


