Retard lets a woman get scammed out of her crypto-cope. Makes jubilant post about it.

1  2019-12-31 by 2Manadeal2btw


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"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. Retard lets a woman get scammed out... -,*

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This is why I dumped all my crypto when btc hit 15k.

The entire community had turned into this horrifying mix of scammers, people being actively scammed, wsb type morons, moon memes, and people like this goof with zero situational awareness.

Imagine being so socially retarded you think people prefer Bitcoin over venmo.

Why not just use PayPal?

darknet fentanyl dealers don’t take paypal

Bitcoin ATM? Wtf, do you deposit your hard cash cash and get bitcoins??

It's like a change machine...only you lose I guess it's like a slot machine...

why dont they just burn the cash!?

It's more destructive to the environment to run millions of miners....

what I do in my free time isnt that subs business.

scamming old people is just a natural thing in life

Bitcoin... atm?

Yeah, what the hell?

This is good for Bitcoin