1  2019-12-31 by BecauseWeHaveNukes88


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.



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This is the same rapper who said she would quit her career because too many white people come to her shows. Oh and she also has an album titled "I'm Terrified of White People". 😂

Would've been unbelievably based if she actually followed through.

I thought she actually did.

Nah she’s just naturally irrelevant and easy to ignore.

Good for her for putting ideals over profit

She had an euro tour, went to freaking Denmark and expected a majority black crowd in her show.

In Denmark.

So she's a garden variety moron.

That's what that blue checkmark means.

Ah yes, Denmark. The #1 nation that the alt-right talks about when they refer to "white replacement". I hear Church's Chicken and payday loans are sprouting up like weeds.



black pippo most creative when it comes to burning a day on important stuff

Well it's not okay to be white, mashalla 🙏

These people just want a reactionary backlash lol

Whiteness irritates me, and I'm white

tale as old as time...

whiteness is not the same as white people. whiteness is a system of oppression and has an impact on all people

whiteness is not the same as white people. whiteness is a system of oppression and has an impact on all people

Is it named after white people because they were the ones to discover it? Like how Turing machines are named after Alan Turing?

Whiteness is a state of mind.

It’s called being rich sweaty

True as it can be Cucked and always sobbing Tweeting all day about minorities Unexpectedly

"I'm better then my peers Because I understand niggers and queers Both a little scared I state from my starbucks with care

White people and the tweets

Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise

Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before Ever just as sure As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time No self worth and out of touch Bittersweet and strange Finding you can cry all day and night Learning you were…

Play ethnicky jazz to parade your snazz

On your five grand stereo

Braggin' that you know how the niggers feel cold

And the slums got so much soul

Early Life

Checked her account. Apparently she isn't Jewish but thinks that cooking latkes might be problematic cultural appropriation.

Hating yourself for being white instead of hating yourself for being stupid and middle class is unironically the whitest thing ever

isn’t noname known for being one of those black girl singers whose entire fanbase is woke fat white women

Woke fat moids too

is there any other kind




Any other kind of which one?

Do you think you are funny

I genuinely don't know which one you're talking about, settle down.

Isnt she mixed?

She makes music catered to middle class white hipsters I would also hate my audience

Noname is based for more whitey cry every time she goes on one of her twitter spergs. We need to mod her asap

Yeah but she’s also a foid singer so it just loops back around again to being annoying

I swear to god they're doing everything in there power to make mayos commit another genocide.

I don't speak dindu. What does 'mayo' mean here, monkey?

They never remember

Because whitey leaves no one alive to remember it.

Based and Siege pilled.


Of course not. Racism towards white people is impossible. Anything we say or do to white people is justified because slavery happened.

Based. The only way to move on is to forgive and forget. Whites have forgiven, now the blacks needs to do the same

Unironically it's these retarded comments that lead people to /pol/ or to become MDEfugees. Mayoids can only take so much bullying, it gets to a point where they stop apologizing and start embracing. Luckily I'm a med and not a mayo g*rmanoid.

Imagine having a get out of jail free card for a crime committed more than a hundred years ago to nobody you know. There's a certain state in the Middle East who've figured out that recipe...

It’s funny because black people came up with the idea of slavery, and during the US slave trade times were selling their people for guns and sugar. Like why are rich black people so quick to accuse poor wypipo of being “the real oppressors”?


Thread #974326488 confusing "whiteness" with white people/being white.

The eternal rightoid 🙄

"Whiteness" itself is a very muddy concept at best and straight up pseudo-intellectual garbage at worst. But it gets rightoids mad so who cares in the end.

"I don't hate blackess, just when they 13/50 the shit out of the country"

Not racist at all btw

Uh lol. You should hate blackness too. Peabrain confirmed.

The old "I don't hate black people, just niggers" defense. 🙄

"I don't want to lynch black people, just blackness, which holds both white and black people down."

wearing a weave btw

Lmao. What a fool. Probably undereducated.

Why is white Twitter so self hating , i'm not white but i like making fun of mayos for fun but this shit is so over the top it's retarded

Because they are pussies who are softer than Wonder Bread. And they they have re-entered the fetishized portion of the program. When I used to be out with my kid and/or my gf/wfe, people would side-eye and shad would be thrown. Nowadays, I aint suprised my mixed/blended family isnt getting calls to be on a Tide commerical.

It's not fun to tease them when they go " yeah i am evil "

Twitter mayos' self-loathing is so insufferable that I've started to actually sympathize with woke Twitters hatred of whitey. Spending enough time around woke bluecheck Twitter mayos would make anyone hate the cumskins.


Because they have a deep seeded hatred for themselves and what they've become as people. Naturally they are disgusted by people who look like themselves (generic white foids)

deep seeded

It makes sense if you assume I'm retarded

The real answer is they're afraid that if they're not self hating, someone will think they're "proud" and they'll be called a racist. Since we've decided that being a racist is pretty much worse than being a murderer they desperately want to avoid that, by any means.

Progressive dogma is the new Victorian morality. People can try to rebel against it, but the blue checkmark schoolmarms will "tut tut" them for their lack of propriety.

When did real life mayos start posting in here?

OK baboomer.

Oh noes.

yaaassss my mayo-hating KWEEN 💅💅

literally who?


as soon as white people realize whiteness was marketed/sold to them and is just as reductive to their humanity as it is mine, maybe we’ll all be free

literally what?

Having a dad growing up, a degree, and an above average credit score reduces your humanity


Braaaaap sniff sniff in tweet form

Is she good?

Very obvious wigs irritate me. I won't delete this ✔

whiteness is not the same as white people. whiteness is a system of oppression and has an impact on all people. Wish people would stop assuming that it is simply an attack on white people. It’s not just that.

so much of this nonsense could be avoided if you just let mayos say nigger

Someone send this thread to kaiser please

Is the cotton picking machine broken, again?

i see two sides. On one side I hate the white menace also but on the other she is a dumb shit singer.

White women extinction when?