Iranian backed militia attacks US embassy. World news debates whether they are real protestors and if Drumpf is the real terrorist

1  2019-12-31 by Kaiser-romulus


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Iranian backed militia attacks US e... -,

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Don’t really blame them. US keeps killing their friends and families and this is what happens.

Terrorist sympathizer cope

Occupy and bomb country for 20 years

No it’s the people who are native to there that don’t want you there that are the baddies.

Now this sounds like europoor cope

Not even close little warmonger. What state do you live in? Let’s start bombing it for a few years and see how you feel about it.

Bombing California would be an improvement.

Haha let me guess, designated shitting streets? Enjoy your broke ass state.


Bombing anywhere in settler America would be an improvement. You people are cancer. You were given billions of acres in free real estate and somehow think your success is just due to your inherent racial genius.

If SF gets nuked it would mean property rates will finally go down around here, so please do so.

Sad you don’t have a great enough military to occupy a country? Euro-peon 😎

America are the terrorists.

Eww commie

Yeah its watermark

Yeah, im just expressing my repulsion at the fact that he’s a commie

"After us strike by america"

America is uniroincally the terrorist here

Ok retard

Imagine being on r drama and thinking you aren't a retard

We are all retards on the blessed day

However much of a retard I may or may not be I'm sure that you are a bigger retard

Even a retard can spot how shit your opinion is.

Signed: a retard

America is the world's largest terrorist organizatio tbh ngl

Anything you can do we can do better. Best not forget.

Implying Shiiite Kaffirs aren't getting what they deserve.

america is by definition not the terrorist ever

This is an okay post

Thanks buddy

no problem have a nice day

Happy new year

IIRC when they say "Death" they can also mean "Down", it's the same thing in the end but lead to less dramatic headlines.

Found the Iranian sympathizer. Take em away, FBI man

Land of the free.

Lol the thread is full of them, and they aren't even subtle.

That's a militia?

You are deliberately misreading the article. The embassy was stormed in response to an attack on an Iran backed militia. The Iran backed militia did not do the storming. Iraq has been rioting for months and you shouldn't just assume that an attack on your homeland would somehow only piss off the faction you attacked, and only that faction would be involved in the response.

Everyone born in the middle east is a terrorist.