White tranny gets upset at black child giving a white child permission to say the n-word, ends up doxxing both children’s full name on Twitter

1  2019-12-31 by nayytay


white teenage foid drama

Am I back in high school?

The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. White tranny gets upset at black ch... - archive.org, archive.today

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I honestly believe she (he) is using the race card just to call attention to the “transphobia”. Only a tranny could doxx 2 children on Twitter and get “hooray’s”

dude nigger lmao

oh no

she will doxx me now, frick

It's not ok to be white

Lmfao. I can't believe I found the one kid that turns down the n-word pass

I won't name their school for safety reasons but here, have their full names.


She goes to the same school. That's why.


And already someone has found the parents and is messaging them lmao.

The sister of the teen foid with the nigger pass would have ratted her out regardless.


Blacks apologizing to whites for the n-word

What even is current year lmao

I mean, it's high school. I've done worse shit, but I hadn't the opportunity to record it and put it out on Twitter.

I’m laughing at the irony of a blackie apologizing to a whitie for the nigger word. Most everyone has done something more retarded than this, just never had the ability or weren’t retarded enough to post it.

or weren’t retarded enough to post it.

(x) Doubt

Nobody was born woke or being taught about everything surrounding this topic / others on oppression, etc. What’s important is she will grow from this and apologize. I’m glad to hear she has an older sister who can help her and guide her :)

Honestly, perfect moment to tweet "Eat my ass you fucking nigger faggot." And post a picture of beyonce shaking her head.

Nobody was born woke or being taught about everything surrounding this topic / others on oppression, etc. What’s important is she will grow from this and apologize.

They are jerking themselves raw for acting this enlightened but they are still doing everything in their power to ruin the lives of these children

It is unironically making me seethe a little

Yet she's tweeting this...

Day 85 without dick: we’re reading Moby Dick in English and this shit turning into 50 Shades of Gray. I’d kill for Drew’s white whale rn😥

Who wouldn't? No blame.

Honestly based lmao

Anyone who goes by they/them in their Twitter bio is fucking vile, CMV.

Trannies are the gift that keeps on giving

And you gotta get that youtube and justgiving plugs in there lolz

These people actually found both their numbers, and their parents numbers. Fucking psychos holy shit. Twitter needs to be nuked

Imagine complaining about drama on /r/drama. Social media is the best thing that happen to the world since OJ Simpsons trial.

Tfw the oj trials will never happen again. I just want to see what it was like live damnit.

Well I've got a funny anecdote for you buddy

So I was born in 1987, the trial happened throughout the entire year of 1995. I was young, 7-8 years old.

It was all over the news, I mean really, it felt like that was all anyone talked about on the news - now I don't know if that was actually the case, or if my father was just keeping close tabs on it.

I did ask him about it, what was going on, and he said that this guy probably killed some people.

So the trial kept going on and on and on, legitimately through an entire goddamn year.

By the end of it, it was such a big deal and I was so young that for quite a while after it I thought that murder was like a once in a century event.

One of my father's friends got murdered in his house, someone broke in and shot him -- and we heard about it from someone else but that night on the news they covered it for like 3 seconds only -- I was fucking confused as shit, still thinking murder was such a rare event.

Ok grandpa.

Do you remember the black kids at school celebrating when he was declared not guilty?

Well there was only one black student at my school growing up, his name was Jamal, and we did very well at football for the years that he played.

No, these are not jokes.

You were either super rural south, or Midwest. I feel bad for Jamal, he probably handed out n word passes like candy.

The chimps were hootin and hollerin about how he was innocent and tried to burn down that poor policeman’s home for it

Corporates think zoomers will buy products with funny me mes though!!!

Twitter bans you for calling people retarded but will not do shit about doxxing children

Even reddit's better than twitter (more like shitter LMAO)

is she actually 40


I know things are rough now for the “privileged” girls but the tranny is on a 5 year anhero countdown so things are looking up. At that time, we will be half way into the “Pedofluid” phase of society’s breakdown where Pedo Lives Matter will be in full force and the importance of Tranny lives in the world will be an afterthought.

Could someone translate this rightoid qtard bullshit?

The white girl and black girl duo are going through a hard time with being doxxed, but the the transgender girl is going to kill herself in 5 years. Soon, we will have people advocating for the support of pedophiles

Why do rightoid always jump directly to pedo stuff? Is it projecting like all that male feminist stuff?

because after the whole "there's no slippery slope there's no fallacy what are you talking about dont be ridiculous" thing we had to listen to, the next step was immediately child drag queens and putting kids on puberty blockers/hormones

Because the slippery slope is starting to look like the truth

It's not the Demonrats blocking child marriage laws across the country.

Twitter banned me instantly for saying "are you retarded" but allows people to dox children

I truly do not understand

Anyway, check out my YouTube after I try to ruin a 15 year olds life

No fucking shit. If any of them were my kids, I'd be whipping asses and they would be living Amish in the double 20s.

Imagine checking your kids twitter and just seeing thousands of tweets about cancelling and dragging and tons of reaction gifs and “I JUST KSKSKSKSKSK” and they’re sitting there expecting you to be proud of them for doing the “woke” thing that literal children decided is morally right

Dude still a dude lmao

i would like to add that this girl also misgendered me and said “i know i’m misgendering her and i don’t care” so we got a racist transphobic girl on our hands

lol knew there was some "uR a TRAnsPhoBE" in there somewhere


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pls sub to my youtube? (that sounds so corny i’m sorry LMAO) i don’t have any music or covers up rn bc i’ve been so super duper busy with theater, school, and now the holidays, but i’m an aspiring singer/actor!! <3 ily have have an amazing night

They start young

This is peak privilege