Zoe Quinn posts obvious Rightoid bait. Rightoids oblige her.

1  2020-01-01 by JohnWoo4


Not her fault he killed himself like a pussy.

Imagine being bullied and killing yourself instead of killing the bully lmao

Imagine being bullied.

I think 2/3 of this subreddit can imagine that

Way more than that

Admins bullied each and every one of us by taking away pinging.

Imagine not bullying yourself.

I mean just get off the internet lmao?!!

Here's an Imgur backup, in case she deletes the comments.


She wont delete anything, this is all good for her.

Who would of thought Zoe Quinn would be relevant or dunking on her dead ex in the year 2020?

I don't think she'll outlive this one tbh.

would be relevant

By what metric?

The lowest form possible

Boogie did it first

No one is trying to kill Zoe Quinn. Being a living symbol of gamergate is more of a punishment.

Honestly being Zoe Quinn seems like a fate worse than death.

Just like Anthony Burch, at least you're not Zoe Quinn.

No one is trying to kill Zoe Quinn.


The last thing this whole GG bullshit need is a martyr, too much inflation will kill dramacoin.

The year is 202x... #gamergate is responsible for the nuclear holocaust

According to her fan base, she’s in a way directly responsible for Trump. I wonder why they haven’t thrown her under a bus already.

Because their lives would be empty without Daddy.

The people who think Gamergate gave us Trump should have their rights to vote rescinded. I cannot believe anyone is that retarded

Maybe I'm stupid, but I still don't understand what the fuck gamergate is about.

Gamergate is an event gaymers and foids fighting in a war against each other over trump's election.

It's all about the rise and fall of Matt Jarbo.

An epic tale of hubris and retribution

It's crazy how much content Jihadi Jarbo has inspired, considering how much of an unremarkable failure he is. There's Youtuber literally making an album dedicated to making fun of him

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex9cjI43KjQ (only listen to this when ur alone, you don't want anyone to hear the lyrics)


Goobers think their niche journos are biased, giving favorable reviews to friends and big companies.

Ghazis think Goobers are racist misogynists, etc and donate to Anita Sarkeesian AKA Goober antichrist

The radical centrist knows both are correct and blames the Turks for doing such a shit job

Slut fucks soyboy, faggots care too much, retards care too much about the faggots, they all argue

stay that way.

you only become more retarded as a person the more exposed you understand

I'm not a gamer gater. But what I've picked up (might be wrong) is people found out a chick was banging game reviewers for positive game reviews. Then the members of the industry set the battle lines and called everyone on the other side jealous virgin retarded mysoginsts. People picked which side to be on we all wound up youtube celebs to represent both. Brianna is on the non incel side. Sargon of akkad is on the incel side. There are many others.

Strangely the gamergate battle lines cut perfectly down the culture war battle lines almost as if it a microcosm of the larger debate occurring around us.

What is the connection to the guy who died? Alec Holowka

I actually dont know. You'll have to go to KiA for that

i think she accused of him rape and he an hero’d or something

IIRC he was the woke boyfriend who supported her when the gamergators were after her. They broke up. Then a few years later she made a vague announcement that he had treated her badly in some unspecified way. I believe she called him an "abuser", which means God knows what these days. He probably was using up too many of her spoons.

So naturally you're thinking "just close your eyes nigga, etc" but he problem is that he was a woke game developer. He got fired, blacklisted from ever working in the industry again, and canceled by all his friends. He killed himself a few weeks later.

The moral of the story is that if you're mentally ill and your whole support network is people who will turn against you based on a tweet, you should probably just hurry up and kill yourself now.

Pretty much, although I'd say Mister Metokur (He called himself Internet Aristocrat at the time) did a better job representing the incels than Sargon.

Maybe. But sargon has claimed the throne as mekotur has accepted his cancelled status.

When did Metokur get canceled?

well his youtube channel got shut down recently and he ahs been sperging nonstop that they owe him money

Didn't he run away from GG with his big tiddy azn waifu when he determined they weren't serious enough about some broader cause?

Yeah he got assmad about e-celeb worship (hilarious because that's basically all he is now) and chastized everyone for not turning GamerGate into the broader fight against social justice everyone still obsessed with it believes it always was.

something to do with “journalism ethics” when writing gaming reviews

ignorance is bliss on this one

The actual event doesn't matter. All you need to know was that it was the first big """"battle"""" between the current sides of the Internet culture war

Let's look at the shit that led up to it.

  1. Similar drama in the atheism community but it was mostly unnoticed because some gamers aren't that high on the spectrum.

  2. The internet was basically a smug left (or sometimes libertarian) place, because only people associated with college or tech were allowed in.

  3. Steve Jobs invented the iPhone, which led to boomers getting on the internet.

  4. The global financial crisis wiped out libertarianism as something remotely sane people gave a shit about.

SO basically ...

The internet was smug and (mostly) liberal / socialist. In this environment, SJW shit started to be basically mainstream. A lot of anger started brewing over this, from centrists, leftists who aren't SJW, and of course the growing mobs of rightoids who were forced to fill in their pension slips check their bank balance through the internet now that everyone was expected to have it.

The powderkeg was there. Then some minor scandal kicked the whole culture war off.

You couldn't talk about GamerGate in a remotely neutral fashion without getting attacked by leftoids, so a bunch of people (both trolls and normies) got shat off with the humourless SJWs and attacked back.

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Why isn't this upvoted higher? Sentient and so on


Anyone have the nudes she did for some low-rent Suicide Girls wannabe site from before she got “famous”?

Are you planning on blinding yourself?

They're terrible but the plastic surgery she's gotten has been an improvement

Its on her drama wiki page

That pinned comment is kind of a dick move and puts her on blast. Horrible move

What are you referring to? I'm basically a boomer when it comes to Twitter.


The mental health movement is full of things like this. Just physically existing without offing yourself in a calendar year is some kind of actual accomplishment.

I mean, I can understand if complete schizophrenics we're excited to live another year. "SUCK MY BALLS GLOBAL ELITE! THE VOICES YOU BEAM INTO MY HEAD DIDNT MAKE ME KILL MYSELF IN 2019! IM GOING TO MAKE IT ALL THE WAY TO 2033 AND STAGE THE UPRISING FAGS!"

RIP Terry


daily reminder that anyone can get a diagnosis in the US without trying for something like

depression, borderline personality disorder, social anxiety, SAD, OCD, antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, any eating disorder, dissocative identity disorder (actually caused by therapists lol), and ADHD

and having a diagnosis for any of these disorders does not validate you or make you special

If I didn't have extensive personal experience witnessing mental illness in my brother it would be very tempting to just declare the whole thing as bullshit.

people definitely have these disorders and they are 100 percent real but i don’t think a diagnosis is a real validation or proof you have these disorders, anyone could get one

it took almost a whole year for my Dr to decide I had ADHD and GAD because he didn't want to jump to conclusions right away so maybe its harder now than before or it was just my specific Dr

probably just ur specific Dr

try and go for more jewish ones

I think another issue is that (at least where I am in the US) you need a diagnosis written down to get a prescription for medications which drills into someones head that they are “broken”.

Same in the UK, especially for depression and anxiety. You get literally a 5 minute quiz that you can also do online and get a diagnosis and pills.

all the good pills are handed out for shit like PTSD and ADHD

idk how people can stand those shitty SSRI’s

JohnWoo4 posts obvious Rightoid bait. Rightoids oblige him.

I'm a simple man. I see Gamergate shenanigans I post them on r/drama.

"Lol more incel accounts to block"

...Because thinking allegedly abusive & lying partners are responsible for suicide makes someone an involuntary celibate who believes they cannot be laid no matter what! /s

/r/Drama found a Top Mind of Twitter.

Hello newfriend!

Here at r/drama we don't use "/s" because it implies that you sometimes say things that are meant to be taken seriously.

There are people on this sub who mock trans suicides but earnestly believe she drove some Faggot into killing himself and are angry at her for it. It's funny when ever anyone commits suicide and I don't care why they did it

There's a difference between making fun of someone and falsely accusing them of rape and getting them fired from their job.

Troid suicides, like everything else they do, have the best and funniest drama overall. He should have claimed to be taking HRT after being cucked by Queen GoombaGamble.

I hate Zoe Quinn, but I think this might just be another attention grab in the vein of "I have depression" than "Fuck you, lolololol"