Uncle Joe says that "American culture isn't imported from somewhere like Africa."

1  2020-01-02 by The_Live_Ghost


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Uncle Joe says that "American cultu... - archive.org, archive.today

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This is based AF.

Biden going for that alt/hard/regular right vote, eh?

I hope to hell Biden gets the nomination. This is glorious.

Trump/Biden debate tickets will be most sought after commodity in 2020.

It's a drama miner's dream

Biden winning the nomination and then the presidency gets us the most cope, except maybe replacing Biden with Buttigieg.

We get cope from rose twitter dipshits when Sanders loses and cope from T_D when Trump loses. God the T_D cope alone would be amazing, a man could walk down roads paved with golden drama coins.

Sanders gets the nomination but loses the general, causing twitter / reddit cope the likes of which have never been seen before. MAGAs cheer.

Trump and Pence then get into a car / plane wreck on their way to the inauguration and Trump dies, causing massive MAGA cope. Neocons cheer.

Pence is then president, but he's in critical condition in the hospital and passes away from his injuries hours later, making Pelosi president and causing massive evangelical conservative cope. No one cheers because by now everyone is too busy coping.

This but make Hillary president somehow

The mothership comes down and declares that if Grand Lizard Hillary isn't made Supreme Commander of Earth then they'll destroy the galaxy.

I'm a leftoid and I want this future.

Same tbh

Imagine if he's gonna get forced to apologize for telling the truth.

Apparently this is even more retarded than I thought.


Biden is actually saying some stupid about how white people invented wifebeating lmao.

actually kinda based?

Is Biden /ourguy/?

No, how dare he take an innovation from glorious Mohammad (PRAISE BE UPON HIM). Doesn't he know Islam is right about women?

That doesn't even make sense as statistically women not only graduate more but women are the ones doing more domestic violence.

ya but facts dont real when youre a feminist

Women are bad at math, who knew?

Who cares if women do more domestic violence, they're weak. It's like would you rather get bit twice by a golden retriever or once by a pitbull?

Don't underestimate foids with empty glass bottles.


The man suffered a laceration to his head that required 50 stitches, a laceration to his left eye that required five stitches and a stab wound to his chest, police said.

Doesn't take much actual force to break someone's nose or scratch an eye out. Women can easily do something like that.

The women doing more domestic violence state only appears once you count screaming at someone as domestic violence. I think Carlin et Al correctly laid out the scenario for actual husband beating, "the wife is real big, the man is real small, and they both drink about a quart of whiskey a day"

Although the WNBA chicks all beat on their girlfriends. In lesbo relationships one of them inevitably becomes the man and abuses the other.

Just defend yourself with your forearms. Women can just get all their bones broken in an instant.

Yeah but what if she calls the police on you after she hurts herself striking you?

The wamynn cries out in pain as she strikes you

That happened to a dude I knew all because he asked his foid to stop getting fucked up on benzos while driving around with their toddler in the car and he ended up spending like half a year in prison for it.

Gussy- not even once.

You can come up with a lot of "what if" scenarios that disregard the fact that we're physically way bigger than women, but in almost all cases, that's all that matters.

That’s the thing. Physically we’re way bigger but if you’re being abused by a woman there are many ways she can destroy you without physically assaulting you. If she decides to physically assault you you better have a good lawyer. We have more physical strength but can’t actually use it, so where’s the advantage of having it?

You're living in fantasy land if you think being bigger is somehow a disadvantage in a fight. If women were bigger, you'd be writing me some long emotional thing about how no matter what, they can always break us, and that we'll never truly win when it gets physical. You're just going to whine no matter what, clearly. Women have it worse than men by a lot when it comes to domestic abuse. That's a fact.

I don't get why you guys are always so full of data and facts when it comes to things you're right about, but so full of stories and hypotheticals when it's shit you're wrong about. How can anybody take you seriously?

Holy shit you’re a fucking retard and missed the point entirely of what I was saying.

What is your point you stupid little fuck? dOmESTiC AbUSe cAn Be BaD fOr MeN ToO! lololololol. That's not a point, everyone knows every issue isn't completely one sided. I'm talking about the general case and you're defending the 1/100 pussies that get beat up by their wife.

lol u mad

taking a conversation on r-drama seriously

scenarios that disregard the fact that we're physically way bigger than women,

Have you seen American women tho? They're big!

just threaten to kill her if she calls the cops, then take her keys and phone away. chain her to a pipe if she's bitching. jesus you guys areclike children 🙄

The real advice is always in the comments.

Isnt this the chris brown defense strategy?

lol you fucking pussy

this soyboy skipping eye and nose day

They can and do kill their kids.

foid = bad. Got it dude lol

The weaks should fear the strong.

You should see what they do their dogs.

I'd rather be smooched by a pibbie ofc

Cancel the mayocide I guess.

“If you see a brother taking an inebriated co-ed up the stairs at a fraternity house and you don’t go and stop it, you’re a damn coward,” Biden said. “You don’t deserve to be called a man.”

Based starting fights at parties Biden

He's right though, the frat isn't going to stand for you trying to get first dibs all sneaky like that. The right thing to do is to stop him and take her to the rape room for all the brothers to enjoy.

Real talk, I've seen this attitude in action and it's super cringe, it involves a group of girls clam jamming their mildly buzzed friend who gets super pissed at them because she wanted the d.

Joe "leave the hoes where they fall" Biden. Poor fatty was just taking her to a soft bed to sleep

I literally can't remember the last time someone called me a coward to my face, I remember being a kid and dropping a beating for someone who even dared to slight my sainted mother and call me a bastard.

Guys take their tipsy GF who just wants to get laid upstairs all the time, that's not what Biden meant but lol Biden

Grope daddy rambling about consent lmao

White people invented everything good - even Biden agrees.

It wasn't imported at all. It doesn't exist. Point Biden

Oh no no no!

That's right, America's culture was imported from somewhere even worse– Engl*nd 🤢🤢🤢

And now they just consume ours. Like a ouroboros but it's just shitting in it's own mouth.

Zoomer Brits, especially online ones, are mentally Amerifats at this point.

Br*ts are fucking worse. BBC tries to pretend Romano-Britons were black kangz unironically.

Cope and seethe for being BTFO by people from Southern Europe

The entirety of Europe consumes our culture. Last year when I was in rural France, there's people wearing blue jeans listening to dogshit American pop and talking about Gamer of Thrones. I don't know what's worse: our pop culture is low-tier crap or that the Euros can't even come close to improving upon it, so they lap it up.

Fuck your Yankee blue jeans

They make my ass look succulent and juicy.

Imagine not getting my reference

I don't speak French, dude.

Or Russian apparently 🤦

Why would I speak starve potato communist?

For the tracksuits, and the women

You need to go to eastern Europe, fam. It's much different.

Imagine venturing more than 12 nautical miles off the shores of God's Country.

Imagine never setting foot inside glorious Estonia.

I can't even fucking conceptualize such a wretched existence.

I never visit countries that start with an E and end with an A. That goes for Eritrea too

I wouldn't call it culture then. 😾

Honestly a true statement. What kind of historical revisionism is the left pushing?

That black Kangs founded America and wrote the constitution

If only they could stop doing 53 and go back to doing all those great things they did in the past. Like invent fashion and liberty.

Franklin's chef brought Mac and Cheese to America, he's one of two people who I assume won some sort of Saw puzzle to win their freedom from him.

They built the white house too

Glorious POC created the universe and lived in peace until the evil mayos came down from the evil mayo planet, stole everything and invented slavery and being mean

Fortunately us Jews saw what was happening through our Shekelscope and decided to leave our own home planet in order to come to Earth and put a stop to the mayos' reign of terror.

Once the mayos have been defeated we will return home and leave the planet to it's rightful brown and black owners.

This but unironically

implying amerilards have a culture


He says on the American website on the American internet on his American operating system on his American invented modern programmable computer in the American language invented by Thomas Jefferson in 1776.

If you weren't an amerilard you would understand the difference between technique and culture, fag.

Inferior euro COPE

The term is yuropoor, you fucking iconoclast !

Don’t worry, washington post is here to call the video fake/doctored/edited


The Dementia Duels. I can't fucking wait.

Well he is right I don't think a black American would have a lot in common with a Sudanese.

Im switching parties to caucus for Biden and voting for Trump.

I wanna see Donny boy call him a creepy old man during the debate

Ur the only good anarchist

Also PK but he doesn't count since he disowned drama

Imagine being in Iowa.

imagine living somewhere where your vote doesn't count for like double most americans.

That's not worth living in Iowa

~Republican in the Pacific Northwest

Dude I’m a republican in New York. I get that pain

Your vote doesn't even count and you have hippies.

Your vote doesn't even count

Only Nerds care about Politics, the Pacific Northwest is literally so much cooler than you we pioneered

{ You might've heard of this phrase it's named after us}

Mail-in-Ballots because we are so radical centrist both Parties agree

  1. No one has the time to go actually drive 35 miles to a polling station in the bleak rain with "Traffic" and vote, you could be doing literally anything better with you time like working or even filmshit, food shit, wine shit, Swamp Hillbilly shit, it's prime running Horses through deep soft mud you've pulled the rocks otta to break them season and mudden, Clamming, Nut Farming, Wet Dune Camping, Mushrooms/Treebarken; Rainy Season in the Pac is better than anything Iowa has; do you even have Waterfalls or Mountains?

  2. You can't tell someone's race from a ballet as opposed to a Mex who don't speak English or AA trying to turn in their ballot to Uncle Bo Bo with the good old boys parked in the lot with trucks.

My vote count's only retards don't know the value of the Political Machine and dragging people in your sphere of influence one way or the other, or in my cause simply convincing them to get off their stoner asses and go get registared for who gives a fuck party or none at all to be able to vote and give the Post Office a Official Address for the first time in their hillbilly/hippie life.

Imagine it taking 35 minutes to get anywhere. We don't actually have traffic here. It's amazing

It's not worth living in the Pacific Northwest if you're Republican.

really depends on your interests. Politics is one thing, but if you can stay out of tranny stripper seattle, the PNW is a gorgeous place.

as long as you're not a poorcel, politics really doesn't affect you

Make sure you bring your friends.

Creepy old pot calls out kettle

I dunno. Orange daddy bangs porn stars but dementia daddy just sniffs children.

banging pornstars

Can't vote for a man that fucks overused gussy yuck

I wanna see Donny boy call him a creepy old man during the debate


The way he says culture annoys me

im sure twitter reacted calmly and well thought out

Alt right Joe!

Please please please nominate Biden, I can't wait for Trump to fucking annihilate him

That person is absolutely seething over Biden, good lord

Account made just to pull hundreds of misleading quotes. Is the Russian bots everyone keeps talking about?

legit does that child groping pedo have any hair left

2nd point why is this group still running with the base of foreign child sex slaves molestation money laundering hook-nosesd support... i could only go on

then wonder why 2020 is an absolute wash




"These people come from shithole countries." -The president of the United States.

I agree, OP. Joe needs to ramp up the profanity if he wants to compete in the retarded statement Olympics.

I don't want Biden. Bernie or Warren.

Bernie “white people dont know what it’s like to be poor” Sanders?

Serious question: do you Dems actually endorse Uncle Joe


Deport Joe Biden to Afghanistan.

First tweet's kind of bullshit tbh.

He's clearly talking about the main reason women drop out, not that it's actually a 'great' thing.