"Hey boring CEO guy. Can I buttfuck my boyfriend in your shitty fast food joints bathroom? Oh, no answer? FUCK YOU."

1  2020-01-02 by Neon_needles


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. "Hey boring CEO guy. Can I buttfuck... - archive.org, archive.today

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I wonder if there was actually a drive-through for chicken sandwiches and abortions if they would complain that there was no vegan option.

We should use fetuses to solve vegan hunger

You think anyone would taste the difference?

In his previous ama someone bitched when he said his vegan options are coleslaw and French fries.

Based. I hate it when I go to a restaurant and see that they have a robust selection of vegan options. Vegans should get to choose from a couple of shitty sides and be grateful they get even that.

I agree. I like a separate but equal approach. You eat your shitty rabbit food out of my sight.

Except I think the vegan restaurant should have to be forced to show live streams of the Tyson kill floor.

Out of curiosity, why did they ask him about lgbpt rights and abortions? Isn't he just a tendie maker?

they big gay

Because Chick-Fil-A made them sad.

Woketards are insufferable "human" beings who derive their life fuel from being offended, so they must seek out offences if they don't already exist.

I love AMAs like this. Obviously not because they’re educational, but because it’s just a pandering retarded, back-slapping high-fiving group of morons who love to jack each other off with constant reassurance that they’re thinking “right-think”.

There is over a thousand comments on that post. OP was only like 14 or 15 of those. That sums up to be about 1.4% of the content posted, was between OP and the sub. SO.. WHO ARE THEY TALKING TO???

Literal schizos 😬😬

They were talking to each other about salt and pepper from what I can stomach reading

Imagine thinking it’s the users that needed lampooning in the title and not that waste of oxygen. Save the complaints about The Gays for some other day.

All his responses put together have less words than the navy seals copy pasta and half of them are "I prefer not to comment" or "I'll look into this" 😹


chapo check

daily reminder not to downvote the lolcows

oh you want to talk about chicken fingers? Well what about your thoughts on the letter people? Everything is about the letter people, you fuck, answer me!

No wonder why celebrities or important people stopped doing AMAs on this site, it's legitimately full of whiny losers.

"Scuse me Mr CEO, but I can't eat your fried chicken in good conscience unless I know how you feel about buttfucking. Not gonna answer? Wow, what a piece of shit coward. YOU OWE ME AND THE WORLD AN ANSWER." God I can't wait for redditors to age and realize how empty and meaningless they're lives have been.

Unless the company is having Skrewdriver cover bands play the openings, who cares what the chicken strips and crinkle fries resturant thinks about anything besides a better way to keep their toast crunchy so it isnt soggy when you get home?

Le ebin ama fail hehe remember rampart? Don't mess with redditors we'll ruin your company chicken man

fast food is for fat people

"As we say in Germany, if there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis."

when has this literally ever been said by anyone that wasn't some dumb loser on reddit.

Germany is basically reddit irl

TIL everyone at the Nuremberg trials was a nazi.

I'm super late but this comment had me rolling

Famous people don’t realize that unless you’re a Reddit darling like Keanu, AMAs are the final boss of “gotcha” journalism. You have thousands of people digging through every controversy you’ve had, asking you questions designed to trip you up so they can post on r/amadisasters or whatever.

And you can’t win because even if you ignore them, the most upvoted questions are always “why aren’t you answering my question about something your employees did 8 years ago that you never heard about, hmmm? Your silence is deafening.”

in pretty sure ignoring faggy redditards questions and then watching them seethe and whine for attention is winning

I'll never understand the kind of person who goes to ask questions to the ceo of a fast food places, doubly so when the questions aren't literally just about the food. Why the fuck would you ask them about politics?

Why do the alphabet soups have to make literally everything about themselves?

Because they're ill