Chad shares his gf's nudes with his dad

1  2020-01-02 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


my new favorite thing to do on relationships is to go into threads like this and tell everyone that this is totally normal behavior and not to worry. I wonder how long until i get banned.

Call them bigots while you're at it.

i try not to get too trolly, but recently i did accuse someone of following the mike pence rule for not letting his gf give lap dances to other men.

he was not pleased

Give these ledditors a taste of their own medicine.

i try not to get too trolly

You can never be too trolly

Honestly it kinda is, I wouldn't say that it's normal but it's very common. It sucks but even in high school there were people showing any nudes they received to all their friends. And it's not like people were asking to see it, some guys were like "this hoe sent me her tits lmao look".

kinda based ngl

What’s your fav kind of yogurt

greek yoghurt with honey and fruit.

what fruits my dude

I personally prefer a pairing of bears and twinks. The juxtaposition really sets it off.

if you're not eating pure cum for breakfast then you're doing it wrong, goyim.

I guess if you add honey and pomegranate you can make anything taste good.

I was banned from twox for posting 'thank you for sharing, you're very brave" on a bunch of posts in the new queue, should have spaced them out more


I found out only because I was scrolling through his phone and he shared them over text message.

Never ever in my life have I ever trusted anyone as much as I trusted my boyfriend.

Can we admit women are a meme

The top comment talking about that was even removed lmao

"calling her deceptive is victim blaming sweaty"

there needs to be more victim blaming.

Without victims, there would no be crimes.

inb4 meticulous larp and they didn't notice

"Look how wet she is for me daddy!"

"Look how wet she is for me daddy!"

You don't text that to your parents?

She doesn't want to admit it, but I bet she got hotter and wetter reading it.

You are assuming this is real and not a fantasy

Only if daddy's hot.

By definition dad has a dad bod

Fine by me 🤤

Really problematic that no one in here sees how sex positive and brave this is. Not surprising for an incel sub to shame people for sharing their girlfriends nudes with their dad. It’s 2020, you can leave those 1940’s moral standards in last decade sweetie

What the fuck? People don't have their criminal intentions tattooed on their forehead you absolute spoon.

never seen "absolute spoon" used as an insult before

Must be a bong. Its truly over. They took away wanker and cunt from the Bong's dictionary.

Just let it sink into the Atlantic.



No, spare the fish. Send the lot to Siberia

Thanks to r/rareinsults, people have just decided that any noun can be an insult.

Chad ? Isnt this cuck stuff?

He's just verifying beefer quality from a more experienced professional.

/r/drama has a let’s say fluent definition of cuckery

Rational Person: im curious as to why you were digging thru his phone and reading his texts??

Absolute Retard: Way to blame the victim. Gtfo with your moralistic high ground.

Conclusion: WeMenZ NEbER dO nUTtiNg WOnG

If you’re stupid enough to send nudes to someone you deserve all the consequences.

They could leave you and use it as revenge porn.

They could accidentally send it or leak it.

They could show their friends (and family apparently) for fun or because they don’t care.

Their phone or computer or icloud or whatever could get hacked.

Here’s a perfect(?) analogy:

Imagine lending your car to your friend. He really wanted it, and you let him have it. Now let’s say he crashes it. It doesn’t matter if he was negligent, or if it was intentional, or if it was an accident. You’re fucked. If you don’t want your friend to crash your car, don’t fucking lend him your car in the first place dumbass.

Inb4 “victim blaming”. Fuck off lol. Nobody forced her at gunpoint to send nudes. Oh, but it’s a foid! No accountability for shit, perpetual victim.

Someone buy the domain for it's gonna be the next big thing.

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Chad shares his gf's nudes with his... -,

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Total chad move


That's an 'okay boomer' from me, dawg!

And a "oof this aint it chief" from me, bro!