More black on bar mitzvah violence

38  2020-01-02 by The_Live_Ghost


I like how basketball American violence is only an issue when it involves (((them))). Really activates the almonds

Black people mainly only kill other black people, and even black people aren't capable of pretending to care about black people.

I always thought it would be hilarious to post one of these in the comments on shitty Facebook posts I see, but then I remember that like Twittercels, I'll definitely have a surprise HR meeting for something I said on a private account.

There is no greater taboo than pattern recognition in the "current year". It is funny. You would think that because posting that infographic or citing FBI crime stats will get you cancelled on FB, Twitter, Google, and banned from almost every default on reddit the information would be effectively censored and unknown. But 13s doing the 52 seem to be more recognized than ever.

Well when you have a full deck of cards at your disposal for when someone calls you out for being a felon, why would you stop?

When hateful bigots post hate facts like that I like to counter with these vibrant statistical truths that prove diversity is our greatest strength.

That's bullshit. Springer Spaniels are clearly the Jews of the dog world, not Borzois.

Breeds are just a social construct goyim.

Wow. You've never been to a dog park. Pitbulls are actually surprising well behaved.

That is because pit bulls are toddlervores and there were no toddlers in that dog park.

Family Pit Bull Eats 2 Month Old Baby Alive

Pit bull viciously attacks children playing in the street

15 Witnesses Watch Helplessly as Dogs Maul 7-Year-Old Boy to Death

YUBA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA — A 9-year-old boy identified as Tyler Trammell-Huston was killed after he was attacked by his sister's three pet pit bulls on Monday, said the Yuba County Sheriff's Office.


109 subs

wow bigoted much? diversity is a strength and if you dont like it then maybe you arent welcome because its for everyone

Nigga any place you live is the opposite of strength

About like 30 to 45 minutes ago I beat the fuck outta my dick so goddamn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb and my dick has also went totally numb to the point where it feels fucking weird when I take a piss.


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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