Coptic and mayos discuss the (((foid))) question and most important "How to put a leash on them"

15  2020-01-02 by 2Manadeal2btw


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>tfw rightoids biggest concern is mayo foids getting BLACKED

Pretty much everything they believe, even the (((antisemitism))), can be traced to this.

If there's one thing arr drama can agree on, it's that every political ideology is ultimately sourced from sexual dysfunction.

Like everything subverted by you know ✡✡✡who✡✡✡, marriage used to be a great institution. It was destroyed so white families would be broken up, or not be created in the first place.

Holy shit is there anything the Jews didn't do?

They couldn't get him layed 😞

Burn the coal, pay the toll. It always cracks me up when I see mudsharks trying to rub it in. Yeah enjoy getting beaten and ass raped because the mandingo doesn't even see you as human.

Word Count: 36

Buzzword Count: 8

BWC%: 22.22%

Note: Buzzword probably isn't the best term, but I'm already doing math for a reddit comment and I'm not adding the extra effort necessary to find that better term.

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Coptic and mayos discuss the (((foi... -,

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